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Ivanna-Lakota One Year Today

Fr Carmen OFM

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Ivanna-Lakota First Anniversary in Heaven


You came to me a little ball of fur

With eyes sapphire blue and intense;

You stole the show, definite in your choices

Curious outspoken you stole our hearts.

A Princess you were and forevermore would be.

No crate for you but the foot of my bed you claimed as

The royal boudoir, your need to arrange your sleeping spot

Just so, was as comical as your solemn undertaking to make certain

Every wrinkle and crease was just so to fit your body encircled, to a Tee.


The insistent paw firmly placed upon the toe of my shoe with all your weight pressing upon it emphasized the import of your desire to share in whatever it was I was preparing to eat and there was no release until the desired morsel crossed your hungry maw. Gently did you take the offering, not even to so much as graze the skin you deftly retrieved the gift from my fingers and quickly invited it in forever! Once consumed with gusto the process was repeated almost endlessly with a glance of thanks and a grateful “kiss†on the hand when there was no more to be had. You were a lady in every sense of the word.


Your insistent “talking†filled the moments with mirth as you seriously brought to my attention the endless indignities you suffered at the “Paws†and sometimes “Maws†of your elder brothers. If my attention wandered even the least bit at these informational lectures your disciplinary paw would come ringing down again and again upon my hand or leg or whatever part of me was close and then the head would rear up the jaws open and the howl would come forth with a harking woo-woo-woooof, and I with bowed head would accept the rebuke promising to pay closer attention to the royal pronouncement of import that tumbled like canine caroling from your heart.


You were ever near, happy to rest your beautiful head upon my shoe or snuggle against my leg as I sat working at the office desk, or preparing food at the stove or just sitting quietly in the parlour reading or spending time with you and the boys. You were comfort, joy, love, filling the days with happiness and the nights with warmth and security. Your warm body snuggled against my leg or the small of my back throughout the winter nights brought a warmth that no blanket or hot water bottle could ever provide. Ever present a gentle loving being you were close as a heart beat forever loving, strong and sweet.


The time for your travelling onward came too soon and unexpected. It was as if Tuvok needed you for company having left us but seven days before. You wanted to come home with me with all your heart, but my home was not for you anymore, another home awaited with endless grassy fields and Apollo and Tuvok to keep company and your ancestors all waiting to greet and play. I held you close, you whimpered softly as you fell asleep; my tears streamed down and my heart broke as Archangel Azrael took you gently from my arms and carried you across the bridge to your brothers and sisters. “I love you, little girl!†my last words to you as you left. I still do and ever will.


When the ashes returned and they placed the package in my arms your energy came rushing upon me up through my arms across my shoulders into my chest and nestled right in the center of my heart there to rest until we meet again, I could almost hear, “Daddy! I’m back and I’m well, thank you for freeing me I love you . . .†you burrowed into a spot in my heart nestled secure and comfortable there to remain until our spirits are united again; a part of me I know is with you I feel the empty spot. I know you are well strong beautiful even more than you were here and would not want you back here to resume what you left behind. I’m proud of you little girl, a credit to your breed. Thank you for the gift you were and continue to be. Your presence and memory burn brightly and though ashes remain of this history I eagerly look forward to the day when we can run and play and talk and dance and laugh together with all the kids forever. Until then Sweetheart, enjoy your time with Apollo, Tuvok and Hero, save a place for Octavian and I. Until we meet again, God hold you gently in the Palm of His Hand and close to His Loving Heart. I love you, Little girl, I always will. Run wild, run free run happy Daddy’s very proud of his little girl, always. Happy Birthday little girl, one year old in paradise . . . Thank you for all you were and all you continue to be . . .


Carmen OFM 

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Father, without a doubt, you truly are one in spirit with the Great Creator. Run free Ivanna-Lakota, run free.

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Thank you, Emma, Rob, Jason and Mazz for your kind words and consoling thoughts and presence. Ivanna was my first-ever dog, first-ever Husky. She was the reason I had the other four the rest were all rescues, she was from British Columbia, took her almost 24 hours fly-time to get to Philadelphia International Airport  and then through customs. She introduced me to the wonder and beauty of canine love and companionship and the mystery and uniqueness of the Husky breed. There is no other to match as you are all well aware. the loss of her is especially significant and poignant to me, it's like losing your own child. The pain has blunted but it will always be there in some form and there are still tears to be shed until we meet again. Until then we (Octavian and I)  carry on and witness to resurrection and hope. Thanks again for patiently reading this. I hope the Easter season will find you celebrating with family and rejoicing in the remembrances family always brings (two-legged and four!). Peace and Prayers.


Fr. Carmen OFM


P.S. Husky Owners Rock! You folks are the greatest.

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That was so beautiful, all teary eyed now as I look at my baby Skye and can't imagine a world without her, your little girl was truly blessed to have such a loving mummy. I can only hope to be as great a mummy as you were and no doubt continue to be.

Lots of love xx

Edited by ginger38
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Your words have touched me deeply. St Francis  of Assisi, the founder of the Order to which I belong, insisted that his brothers care for one another and creation as a mother would for her children. Your recognition of the caring/nurturing side of my personality confirms for me my hope that I am continuing to follow what my Founder and Spirit-Father would have me do. Thank you for your intuitive and sensitive insight and encouragement, as well as your consoling thoughts and presence in this post. May God fill you with every good gift and may your fur-baby and you have many, many healthy happy and blessed years together! Happy Easter if you celebrate the feast definitely celebrate the great gift of Spring! Peace and Good!


Carmen OFM

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  • 1 month later...

Oh Father! Your fur children have most certainly been blessed - as you have been blessed by their presence.


Your posts, your elequent posts, touch each and every heart who reads them. Many times I have hoped to express something in regards to how my precious huskies touch my heart and soul -- and I couldn't find the words......and then lo and behold, the very things I couldn't express are there - in your post(s). Not only are the words pouring from your heart and through the keyboard for you - but for those who need to hear them. That rush of energy you spoke of...I felt it when my Bo's ashes came home to me.......and for all these years, I thought I might have misunderstood - but thanks to you, I know what I felt was/is real.


Bless your heart. Your devotion to your huskies is amazing. How fortunate they have been to have a partner in life who truly understands them. What a treasure you were provided with!

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