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Harry Got Attacked :(


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Took the boys out for an evening walk close to where I live but decided to take a different route, you know new sniffs and all that.  Got near to a house when suddenly some great white hideous dog came bounding out followed by 3 or 4 small yappy dogs.  


I got the boys to stand still and the hideous dog came up to Harry and they started to have a bit of a sniff of each other.  Then out of nowhere the hideous dog went for Harry, grabbing a mouthful of Harry and locking on. Harry wasn't able to fight back or defend himself, mean while I've still got him and Snowy on lead, so I put the boot in and kicked the HD in the head.  Once he'd let go Harry tried to make a run for it, in the opposite direction :(


HD and his side kicks followed us for a bit, then once I felf we were safe I had a good look at Harry.  I found he had been bitten right by his eye :(  We've been to the vet, he's had stitches and antibiotics.  Here's a couple of pics of his war wound :(


We were both very shaken, I just hope it doesn't have any long term mental affect on him.  I can't stop the tears everytime I look at him :(


He is such a softy, he doesn't have an aggressive bone in his body.  He may look menacing with his big paws and teeth and sound scarey with his wooing but I can't imagine a softer, more loving dog than my Harry!




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:grouphug:  Oh no Clare, that's awful. Poor Harry.  :(

Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery,  all I can say that's positive is thank god it wasn't his actual eye that got injured.  Let us know how he gets on over the next few days, I can't imagine how upset you must be feeling right now.  :(  Take care Clare. xxx :grouphug:

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Awwwww poor Harry.

Hope he recovers and isnt too traumatised when out walking.


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Awe :( poor boy.  I would be really upset with the owners of that other dog.  You should send them the vet bill!


I can imagine how scary that was for both of you.  Glad it wasn't worse.  Here is to a speedy recover and lots of treats :wub: :wub: :wub:

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Thanks for your good wishes :)


I was/am really upset it was an experience I never want to have again :(


Sadly I don't think the owners will be paying the bill, I haven't even got it yet as I forgot to take my bag, just got Harry straight in the car after it happened so couldn't pay, so in for a 'surprise' tomorrow morning :(


The owners are of the 'travelling' type, doubt they have insurance and can't imagine they will pay if I present them with the bill.  Will just have to take it on the chin and avoid walking there ever again.  Tbh I'm worrying about taking the dogs out tomorrow, not sure how they or I will feel if we bump into other dogs.  A good nights sleep is needed all round. 

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That sucks :(  And it probably wouldn't do any good suing them as they wouldn't have anything to sue for.  I would call Animal Control if you have that and report them.  I don't know about there, but here it's the law to have your pets on a leash. 


Sounds like you need a good nights rest and some of Emma's wine :D

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That looks like one bad bite, but like other have said - it's by the eye so hopefully no damage.  Good on you for hauling off and kicking the big boy, you should have kicked 'im into next week or a bit after!

You say they're the "traveling type", I might see about getting a dog warden (or whatever they're called there) to take a run over and suggest they keep on traveling!  or at least put their dogs on lead - that's got to be a law on the books there, it is in 'most any city I know of!

I've got a bottle over here, if you want to share a tipple or two - you all take it easy this evening, y'hear!

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Thank god your both ok that one of my worse fears when out on a walk is if another dog goes for mine luckily most dogs read my body language and stay away I'm pretty evil when it comes to my babies lol. Ice and jasper would be the worst as both hate other dogs so if a dog comes near them both of them would defend themselves

Can't you take them out one at a time Hun

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I hope that he heals quickly.  That is so sad.  I just wish everyone would keep their dogs on leashes. As others have said I would turn it over to the authorities and let them deal with it.  I don't know the laws where you are but there has to be one to protect you.  Good job at keeping your cool, because that had to be unnerving and you handled it well.


Lots of love to Harry :heartbeat:

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Poor Harry :< .


Hope he has a quick recovery!


Jelly had a little attack/rough play on her a couple of days ago and it wasn't nearly as bad as yours but she seemed fearful for that day of any dogs (mostly because she was injured in 3 different areas in her body T_T).  Thankfully I took others' advice and kept calm (at least to the best of my abilities lol) and the next day, Jelly was frolicking around the park with about 50 other dogs just fine and dandy being her usual self :) .


Hope the same goes for Harry :)!


:grouphug: Jelly sends hugs :]

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That made me upset reading it, poor Harry! I hope you are Okay and I hope Snowy's all right too!

Seriously, why can't people just put their pets on a leash! It could've been a child or w.e walking through that way

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:( Sorry to hear this Clare but it doesn't look like it affects the eye at all x I mean, hopefully so. 



It might be too early to discuss about this, but next time if you see strange dogs off-leash bounding towards yours, don't stop. Keep walking.

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Geez, what a horrible thing you and Harry have had to go through. It makes me so bloody angry when some dog owners allow their dogs to be out of control and let things like this  happen. I wish Harry a speedy recovery and hope you Clare, can soon get over the emotional stress that such an incident brings.


Take care



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