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Harry Got Attacked :(


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Thanks for all your positive messages :) Harry seems to have had a good nights rest, so hopefully the healing process would have started.  He is on antibiotics, vet said it's always better to be safe as dogs have microbes on their teeth/mouth (my French is not that great) and so the cut could be infected, though he did give him a shot whilst we were in there.  


Harry was such a baby at the vets, but not surprising given what he'd just gone through :(  The vet did a cornea check on his eye, to make sure that hadn't been damaged, which he said was ok, so that's a relief!


I'm going to go to the police this morning, though they are pretty rubbish out here in the sticks :(  Unless they are stopping you on the road for speeding, I don't have much faith in the authorities anymore they are just too lazy!  I don't think they will be very interested, it may be different if I had been bitten, which was always a possibility, so I'm very lucky not to have been.


The main thing is Harry gets better and isn't affected by what happened and that I feel confidant walking them both.  I think for the moment I will walk them seperately (Don't want Snowy jumping up at Harrys eye) and to give Harry a bit of one to one time.


Looking back I have to say how surprised I am at how placid and non aggressive both of my boys are.  Neither one wanted confrontation and both were more than happy to make a hasty retreat.  Huskies may look big and tough but inside they are the sweetest dogs you could ever wish to have.  :)

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aww hun how awful! :( So glad though that his eye is ok  x  It's awful when another dog attacks yours, it's only happened a handful of time when i've been walking my boys but i know how you feel - you've done all the right things though


Get well soon gorgeous boy xx

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With how close that is to his eye it looks like he has been very lucky as could have been a whole lot worse. Unfortunatly the world is full of idiots who don't have the intellegence to keep their dogs on a lead if they are like that.

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Glad he's had a good night.

It's horrible when other dogs have a go at yours, we were out the other night and 2 separate little dogs went mental at Skye barking and lunging at her, all credit it to her though she didn't react at all she just stood there looking at them at bit confused as to what all the fuss was about lol

One owners defence was that he hadn't had him very long, the others excuse was that their dog wasn't very sociable! Nice!

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Sorry I meant to post last night but got distracted.


I found another hole behind Harrys ear whilst giving him a cuddle yesterday. Whilst it's not bleeding much it's quite deep and open.  I bathed it in some iodine, though he wasn't very happy about me touching it which is no surprise.  His bottom eye lid has become a little swollen and I'm struggling to keep the dogs seperated as they keep play fighting and I'm worried Snowy may catch Harrys eye.  On top of that Harry has now started scratching his eye, so it does look a bit weepy compared to yesterday :(  As it's a holiday weekend I'm going to take him back to the vets in an hour, just to be on the safe side.


Aside from that I went to see the police yesterday, they are going to see the owner regarding their vicious dog.  The law here states a dog must not be off lead in a public place and it was certainly a public lane we were in.  They are also obliged to pay my vet bill, so if they don't they can be taken to court, which isn't my priority but good to know.  The police already have a 'file' on this man, so sounds like he is a bit tosser anyway.


I'll let you know how we get on at the vets and thanks again for your good wishes and concern :)

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YAY for strict laws! I've heard of a lot of cases where the police wouldn't even budge. But NAY for hole behind ear and swollen eye :( I don't like the sound of 'swollen' something might not heal the right way there. The vet would know what to say. 

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Sorry I meant to post last night but got distracted.

I found another hole behind Harrys ear whilst giving him a cuddle yesterday. Whilst it's not bleeding much it's quite deep and open. I bathed it in some iodine, though he wasn't very happy about me touching it which is no surprise. His bottom eye lid has become a little swollen and I'm struggling to keep the dogs seperated as they keep play fighting and I'm worried Snowy may catch Harrys eye. On top of that Harry has now started scratching his eye, so it does look a bit weepy compared to yesterday :( As it's a holiday weekend I'm going to take him back to the vets in an hour, just to be on the safe side.

Aside from that I went to see the police yesterday, they are going to see the owner regarding their vicious dog. The law here states a dog must not be off lead in a public place and it was certainly a public lane we were in. They are also obliged to pay my vet bill, so if they don't they can be taken to court, which isn't my priority but good to know. The police already have a 'file' on this man, so sounds like he is a bit tosser anyway.

I'll let you know how we get on at the vets and thanks again for your good wishes and concern :)

nice one! The police were really helpful when Skyla got attacked but unfortunately they moved the dog on so nothing could be done but the owners were wanted by CID anyway
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Just got back from the Vets.  Was told his eye may continue to swell for a few days but otherwise he was happy with it. As for the hole behind his ear he had to have his fur shaved :( The vet said the wound was clean, even though to me it looked huge (could feel myself starting to well up gain). He put a staple in it and said without one it would have taken about 5-6 days to heal, with one it should heal in 2-3 days.


Just got to try and stop him from scratching his eye and Snowy licking it.  Was given a cone of shame but to be honest think that will send him screwy if I put it on him. 


He's a bit hyper having been to the vet and is now just settling down.  Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery :)

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Well after much scratching we decided to try the cone of shame :(  Harry didn't seem to mind having it put on, in fact I think he quite liked all the fuss :)  He just stood there wagging his tail whilst we fiddled for ages getting all the tabs done up.


He's been walking around looking quite pleased with himself, in fact I'm sure he's smiling :)  I did take a picture but have promised not to put it on here, don't want to humiliate the poor boy, so sorry no C of S pic :)


At least his wounds will have a chance to heal now and Snowy can't get to them, he really is a good little brother but insisted on licking his brothers poorly bits :)

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Poor chap, I'm so sorry for you that he's having to go through all this cos of that stupid dog and it's gang, so unfair!

More I think about it the crosser I get, how did you get on with the police?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Poor chap, I'm so sorry for you that he's having to go through all this cos of that stupid dog and it's gang, so unfair!

More I think about it the crosser I get, how did you get on with the police?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


I did go and see them yesterday, see earlier post.  Still waiting to hear back :(

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Poor guy i hope he has a speedy recovery.


Panda had an incident with a dog that was leashed in the dog park, when he went to smell the other dog went after Panda and caught him on that corner of the eye and slightly under the lid as well.

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Aw, I did have a little grin at how he is liking the attention & wagging his tail getting the COS on! Bless him. At least the police have taken it seriously & you know you have their backing if you decide to go further with the other dog owner, but I'm with you, my priority would be getting my baby better.


Hope he's all back to normal soon & there's no problems with walking him etc round other dogs xx

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