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Rude Vet!


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Took Bigby in to the vets today to have his eye checked and for him to be weighed. As soon as we got in the car Bigby was shaking and becoming very nervous (he generally knows where he's going). When we got into the actual clinic Bigby had perked up because there was 2 puppies there (no idea what breed but they was so cute) but as soon as the Vet came out Bigby started trying to panic and run away! I tried to soothe him but he was so scared and all the while this is going on the Vet is remarking to my mother "This is absolutely ridiculous, wasting my time like this". I said to him "He's scared of you, perhaps if you tried talking to him nicely to try and calm him it'd probably help him realise you mean no harm."

And when we got him inside the actual check-up area he man-handled Bigby's head so he could check his eye saying to me "If I need to tell you again to keep your dog still! It's like telling a child not to cross the train-tracks 50 times." by this time I'm biting my tongue looking at my mother who's looking at me as if to say "Just leave it". He's made me feel as if I'm a bad-owner who can't look after his dog... I just wanted to get Bigby all check-over and to just leave as soon as I could. 

He's the rudest person I've ever come across! There's no wonder Bigby doesn't like him because I sure as hell don't! Changing vets because I don't think I'll be able to stop myself next time from saying "F*** you!"

(Bigby weighed 35kg btw)

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Wow - he really woke up in the wrong side of the bed, didn't he?? Perhaps he should change profession if his people & animal skills are so lacking!! Poor you & Bigby, you shouldn't have to experience that. Is he the practice owner? If not, report his behaviour & change vets

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Change Vets.

Sounds like he's not actually interested in the welfare of the animals he sees just gimme your money and get out kind of attitude

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I've had this vet since I first got Bigby and he's always been rude but today was just humiliating for me. He never seems to care about any questions I've had in the past and he's always tried to get me in & out within  2-minutes of being there! I only chose him because he was the closest vet to me. 

I wanted to talk to him about neutering and when Bigby should be ready but he flat-out ignored me! The one time my Dad had to take Bigby to the vets he refused to go again because how much of d*** he was. 

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Wow, very rude. I would change vets. Get your records first! And then I'd see if there is a place to give him a bad review online. I would also write his office a letter explaining that you are changing vets for his terrible bedside manner. He should be forced to know the reason a client is choosing to leave him.

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WOW!  Sounds to me that a new vet is certainly needed.  There is a saying that I like, that is something like this.....If my dog don't like you then I don't either.  Dogs just know.  I rely on my dogs intuition alot.  In the past I have driven great distances for a good vet.  There are bad ones out there.  Good luck on you research for a new and respectable vet. 


I am curious on how long his patients stick with him. 


I took Vader to the vet I take the reds too and a tech was scared of him.  As most are and I understand that.  But she in front of us down refused to hold him for a blood draw and an injection.  I did it and was almost bit because of her fear.  I told the office manager in front of her, that her fear of my dog was unsafe and that to protect the other animals as well as the staff and owners that I would be seeking a different vet for him.  We had at that time been customers of 5 years, She stated that she has never liked big dogs.  Vader is a big dog.  I told her that working in a vets office is probably not a good idea for her.  I have not seen her back there since and it has been about a year and a half.  I don't know why she is not there.  They are still wonderful to the reds as well as my 2 cats when we go in.  They are always asking about Vader and his well being.  After all it is them who was due to put the big guy to sleep when I got the rescue call.  So they have emotional value in him as well.

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Benjamin, I wouldn't hesitate a moment to switch vets.  Get your records, they [at least in most places] have to give you at least medication & surgical records.


When I lived in Houston, I had one vet for years - he looked after 4 of my dogs.  *He* was great.  At one point he had a vet tech who came in to give Kalah (lab) an injection and how she did it, I don't know but she hurt Kalah ... and Kalah didn't hurt easily.  She did apologize, but she and Kalah just didn't like each other.

As he's gotten older, he's had some other vets in to work with him.  One, like the fellow you describe seemed to think that he had to be "lord and master", manhandling any dog who didn't do exactly what he wanted when.  It took about two visits with him for me to look up Hester (the older vet) and say that *he* was to never see any of my dogs again, if *he* came into the room, I was leaving; that was the last time he saw any of my dogs.

If the vet(tech?) you're talking about isn't the owner, I'd be sure to speak with whoever owns the place.  He isn't going to want to be losing business and anyone who has to manhandle a dog is going to lose him business!

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Yeah I agree change vets. If my vet would have done that I would have walked out right then and told him off. There's no excuse for that. His time isn't anymore valuable than yours. If he is the owner not much you can do but give bad reviews and tell everyone. Word of mouth is a powerful thing. If he is just an employee then I would talk to the owner

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2

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Ben, sorry to hear about your poor experience of 'patient care' and, (as Al and others have already suggested), change vets, (if possible), but also ensure that you let the practice know that you are not happy with the vet's attitude .

Most people who work with animals are very 'sensitive' and 'caring' as this is a pre requisite for any 'caring' profession but it would appear that your vet is not overly happy with his job/position and he is not concerned about letting his personal feelings affect his professional image - a very dangerous situation indeed - if left unchecked.

If you or I treated our 'stakeholders' in a similar fashion we know what would happen!

Take care and I hope that Bigby is feeling better after the recent trauma.

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yep, change vets and leave them in no doubt as to why you are leaving. My mum had a similar experience with her collie and it was the vet who ended up moving and the other vets have all been great and have gone above and beyond to make sure her dog is now happy to visit the vet.

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Oh that's a disgusting attitude!  Definitely time to switch vets not only for your sake but for poor Bigby's too!  An attitude like this won't help him to overcome his anxiety at all, if anything it will make it worse.  :(

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The vets is not usually the nicest experience for your pet as it is, it is either going to get a needle (booster) or a thermometer placed somewhere uncomfortable and manhandled, poked & prodded so the vet needs to have some level of connecting with your pet to put it at ease & make their job easier

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Wow! I would be fuming as well. We are very lucky. Our vet is genuinely interested in both Zoya and Eisa. He gets down on the floor with them when in the exam room, calls them "sweetie", scratches them behind the ears, and gives them belly rubs. He always explains things to us in terms we can understand and he really appreciates our visiting - thanking us for giving him the opportunity to take care of us that day. Guess I'm spoiled.

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first off well done for keeping your cool :goodjob:


with any vets in the uk you have the right to go in and speak to the vet before joining i did this with my vet and trust me she is amazing all of my dogs have  loved her and thats what you want not what you have had to put up with take your time when looking round and ask questions and good luck

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Been with our vet for 30yrs, he is great and has been with all my animals, his staff are also lovely and both my boys sre always happy ti go, charlie had a major op on his leg when 7 months old the first thing the vet asked when he noticed the problem was about insurance as it was going to be expensive and he didnt want us to worry and we would work it out (he is insured) and the care we got was 2nd to none. They care about our boys, we are always made welcome and Simon loves Solo on first meeting he sat on the floor with him and checked him over by cuddling allover. This vet wants your money, he should be at least professional, had a dentist with a similar attitude, with another dentist. Put your complaintvin writing addressed to the partners, good luck in finding the vet bigby deserves.

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It's such a shame because the staff are nice but the actual owner and (only) Vet is a complete a-hole. Will be moving onto a different clinic as soon as possible. 

Thanks for all the comments guys.

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Even more surprising to learn that the vet in question also owns the practice - he obviously doesn't need the money if he treats his other clients in this manner.

We all have our 'bad' days but we are all sensible enough not to allow our moods transcend into our professional activities - there is simply NO excuse.

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what a horrible person! I hope you find a different vet who is nicer and caring. Our vet (who we have seen three times this week already!) is so good with Shiloh, who hates her mouth being looked in, he's been so patient, and waits for her to calm down. He even didn't mind when she was 'typing' on the computer haha

I'm a nurse, and if I spoke like that to a patient, I'd not have a job! and I've seen a few doctors and nurses be rude to people and nobody stands for it when it's a human family member. I would definitely complain.

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Found a different vet that is in Glenfield and all I can say is just... WOW! The difference in facilities and general tone of the people working there is just so different to what I'm used to. I went there to go talk to one of the staff about neutering and to suss out whether or not this would be a suitable place for Bigby to attend from now on. And It most definitely is, the people are very kind and after hearing what happened at the previous vets they were absolutely appalled at how we were treated. Bigby's now got an appointment on Thursday to be neutered. 

I also rang the previous Vet Clinic to complain and told them as was to why I was leaving and the Staff-member on the phone said she didn't blame me atall as he's a terrible boss who is actually an alcoholic as she was telling me. 


Good to know I've mad the right choice! 

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