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I'm Losing My Mind


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OK this is getting out of hand. I know parents will always worry and all plus I'm leaving for somewhere very, very far away but this. is. getting. out. of. hand!!  :angry: my mom is constantly, every minute of the day, inventing new facts about some random thing that is "not available in the US". So far, we've had delivery services, clothes store, "medicines that suit Asians" and... the latest one... pads. You know, that ladies thing. I just can't believe how irrational she can be. Do all parents turn this way when their daughter is studying abroad? I know she's just worried and she can't help it, but like I said... this is really starting to get on my nerves. It's really hard not to snap back saying "STOP IT" right now. Come on... I can't go through one day without her randomly saying: "Liv, I heard (object name) is hard to find in the US. Ask your online friends where to get one". One day we were talking about sweaters, jackets and all those winter apparels. My dad then somehow had the cheek to tell her "it's OK just go buy it in the US". This is her reply: "it's not available there". I shook my head and told her; "mom, I'm going to the US. Not Zimbabwe!". 




She has also invented a new catchphrase; "once you got there, who'd do it for you?". This also gets on my nerves. At first it makes sense. "Learn to cook already! Once you got there (Michigan), who'd do it for you?". Soon enough it turns into pure nonsense. "Once you got there, who'd cut your hair for you?". Well, what are them hairdressers for?! Even when I'm here in Indo, who cuts my hair for me?!  :huh: gosh... I wish this whole panic phase ends quick. Is there even an end to it though??


EDIT at least she has stopped pushing me to mail the university to request an Asian roommate. She finally decided that having too many Asian friends in the US would make you feel insecure and overly religious. 

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Not that I shop for them, but pretty sure I have seen pads in the feminine isle LOL!


I think you can get pretty much anything in the US.  I can't believe that she wanted you to request an Asian roommate :huh:   I didn't think that universities would do that.  Now, if you were moving to some remote place in Alaska, then you might have problems getting things, but where you are going, you will be fine :)


I am sure she is just being the overprotected mother, so just try and not let it bother you ;)

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Aw, I'm sure she's is just nervous! But I can see how it would be really annoying!


I promise you that you can get feminine hygiene products in the united states. In fact, there is usually an entire aisle of choices. You might end up overwhelmed by how many different kinds there are! Of everything! There are entire aisles of potato chips! Entire sections of the refrigerated area dedicated the the various types of hot dogs one might want.


And I would put money on there being some type of asian store in the area. Are you going to Ann Arbor? I'm sure there will be an asian student group you can join if retaining some aspects of your culture is important to you. They'd probably know where to find things that may make you feel "more at home". But I assume you will be on a dining plan, right? You won't need to cook! 



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I know :shrug: I just don't know whether I should laugh or cry. 


Laugh, Laughing always makes things better :)


She is a mom and is worried about you.  She probably wants you to stay close, but wants you to experience things too.  Being a mom is difficult for some particularly when your child is leaving the country.  Things will work out and get better.  Humor her for now and when you get off the phone just laugh.  No crying is necessary :)

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Aw, I'm sure she's is just nervous! But I can see how it would be really annoying!


I promise you that you can get feminine hygiene products in the united states. In fact, there is usually an entire aisle of choices. You might end up overwhelmed by how many different kinds there are! Of everything! There are entire aisles of potato chips! Entire sections of the refrigerated area dedicated the the various types of hot dogs one might want.


And I would put money on there being some type of asian store in the area. Are you going to Ann Arbor? I'm sure there will be an asian student group you can join if retaining some aspects of your culture is important to you. They'd probably know where to find things that may make you feel "more at home". But I assume you will be on a dining plan, right? You won't need to cook! 




no, I'm going to East Lansing... but I did hear Ann Arbor is not far from there. I'm not overly concerned about "remaining Asian in the land of non-Asians", my mom is :shrug:


EDIT: holy cow! Potato chips? Entire aisle? That would be heaven on earth for me :jawdrop: that would never ever ever happen here. We only have several potato chips brand =\ let's count 'em: Pringles, Lays, Chitato, Mr. Potato... *silence* 

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Okay, there are asian stores there too! 


However, as you are going to Michigan State, I must tell you that I have to be your enemy seeing as your school and the University of Minnesota, where I am originally from, are in the same athletic conference. 

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And that's not even a full aisle! At the grocery store I go to, it's about twice as long. :)





Doritos spotted! :D oh gosh! Here, unless you live in Jakarta you don't know the bliss that is Doritos :D oh gosh how is this even possible?? Don't you guys run out of brand name after a while? Won't you people stop and stare at that aisle for fifteen minutes before finally choosing which to buy? 

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It can be overwhelming! It's like every week there is a new brand or flavor of everything. 



Doritos spotted! :D oh gosh! Here, unless you live in Jakarta you don't know the bliss that is Doritos :D oh gosh how is this even possible?? Don't you guys run out of brand name after a while? Won't you people stop and stare at that aisle for fifteen minutes before finally choosing which to buy? 

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Aww Liv it must be tough for you with your mum driving you so insane with her worrying.

But as my boy is almost 16 I get where's she coming from............

Us mum's spend years keeping you safe, teaching you right from wrong and preparing you for the big bad world.

The thought of my boy going to another country would leave me feeling sick to the stomach. Not because I don't think he'd manage, but because I wouldn't be able to be there if he needed me.

I understand you're 17, but trust me you will ALWAYS be your mums baby.......I know my mum still worries for me as much as my grandma still worries for my mum. Being a parent is for life, not till you leave home.

It sounds to me as though your mum is getting quite anxious about you leaving. Try your best to reassure her that she's taught you well. And try to stay calm as she'll probably be feeling delicate.... If it was me I'd be in tears at the thought. But as I said not because I don't think he'd manage, but as a proud mum who's baby is making their own way and worried not about his ability to cope, but more about the scary big world and hoping he keeps safe.

I hope that helps Liv xx

When do you leave???? It really is a fantastic opportunity for you x

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When do you leave???? It really is a fantastic opportunity for you x


Soon!  :eek:  My recommended date of arrival is August 15th. I doubt I'd arrive that day though I'm gonna arrive a day or two earlier. Parents are both coming with me btw. MSU has this "parents orientation period" for parents of international students. I don't have the guts to tell anyone but I think that meeting would be rather comical. None would be able to speak English!  :rolleyes:


Yeah I do know it must be hard for her... I'm not a parent yet, but imagining Diamond walking on two legs, packing his suitcase wearing a funny top hat saying; "well mom, I'm leaving for Siberia!" makes me feel nervous too :(  I was just a bit (read: a whole lot) annoyed when I wrote my first post. Tonight she went on about this long list of Chinese medicines that "every students need". There is apparently no end to this 'panic phase', huh?  :)

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I can see it now you will be sitting In the chip aisle rocking back and fourth saying 'to many to choose from' lol

You'll be fine your mum is just worried I'd be to if Phoenix was going to the US I'd probably pack myself in his suitcase :P once your mum knows you can manage on your own she will see you'll be fine.

How long are you going to be in the US? Poor Dime will miss you :(

Have fun and good luck with it all.

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I can see it now you will be sitting In the chip aisle rocking back and fourth saying 'to many to choose from' lol

You'll be fine your mum is just worried I'd be to if Phoenix was going to the US I'd probably pack myself in his suitcase :P once your mum knows you can manage on your own she will see you'll be fine.

How long are you going to be in the US? Poor Dime will miss you :(

Have fun and good luck with it all.


Dime's coming alright :D not until I get out of the non-pet friendly student housing though. So one year without Dime-dime, and then I'll find a pet-friendly apartment nearby and fly him over. I have no intention of going back to Indonesia (I mean, becoming a citizen here again) so there's no point of leaving him here in Malang. 


I'm gonna stay there for about 4 years. Aiming to graduate in 3-3.5 years though. Less financial burden and all. 

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Wow this is really exiting for you and nerve wrecking too i bet! I'm only a mum of a 5 year old so have no idea what it's like to have my baby move abroad, but I can imagine and boy would I be scared! Saying that I can imagine how ennoying it must be for you, all i can say is listen to her so she can feel reassured, then laugh it off when she's not arround, have fun and enjoy every moment!

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