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Just Need A Minute To Rant.


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Well I received the news of a lifetime yesterday afternoon.  My boyfriend of 8 years decides to pack up and move out.  I am not really upset over his leaving.  I am the type of person that says "If you are not happy then go".  What I am freakin out over the the financial mess that he left me with.


For starters I was diagnosed PTSD about 2 months ago from a very abusive job that I had for 9 yeras.  So having to quit this job I had to take a huge pay cut.  I told him he needed to get a job to help me out with the bills and to make up the slack that I lost.  He started his job about 2 weeks ago and now left. 


He was to pay the trash and electric bill and left without doing so and I have no money.


Don't get me wrong I love my dogs and there was NO WAY that he was going to take them from me.  It is he who wanted 3 dogs and 2 cats.  Now I am left with full duty of them.  All of the vet bills from vaders heartworm treatment and tumor testing, Rusty's seizure and tumor.  Not to mention all my medical bills from a major surgery about 10 weeks ago. 


I went from being lower middle class to poverty.  I supported him for 8 years and am left with financial burden that I can not possible handle. 


Last night was my first night alone.  I slep all of 2 and a half hours.  The dogs seemed to snooze pretty well, and that i am thankful. 


Vader seems depressed and just lays about whining.  They have not tried to look for him yet.  I worry about Rusty, he gets depressed when I am not home.  Now that he is going to have to be left alone while I am at work with no one to be here.  I am just going to keep them on a schedule that resembles the normalcy that they are use to to the best of my ablitly and hope for the best. 


Now for the rant....I dont get how someone can just walk away for 3 dogs that he wanted and begged for!  He apparently knew for 6 months that he was going to do this and he did not far warn me before I quit a job that I could survive off of.  Plus I am a full time student so its not like i can take up another job.  Plus I am not sure that I could leave my babies alone that much....UGGGGG!

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oh no... I am sorry you have been left is such a difficult situation, I don't really know what to say but if anyone was entitled to have a rant then it is you. 


I am sure that with this door closing a new, better and brighter future will soon open up for you. 


Take care 



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I'm so sorry. What an irresponsible jerk. I hope things get brighter for you. Not that it helps your situation but I can commiserate on the crappy boyfriend front. Last night my boyfriend of 9 years who just two weeks ago said he wanted to get married told me that if a girl he found attractive was interested in him he'd probably sleep with her. Sigh. Class acts these dudes.

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

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Thanks everyone.  It is certainly an adjustment for sure. We are all adjusting.  The dogs are quiet, not playing like they usually do.  Then again it was a late night about 3am and I was us befor 5:30am.  So I just hope that they are tired babies and not down.  I love my crew and don't want them to be down.  They are what brings me up :)

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Although it never seems to make sense at the time we do seem to reap benefit from such circumstances and, as Jason says, it is amazing how 'new' opportunities present themselves at the most inopportune moments, (when one door slams in your face another opens further down the hallway).


Keep things in perspective and deal with any resulting issues as they present themselves and things will work out - the most important issues are those relating to the health of yourself and your canine companions.


Take care and keep your head held up high.

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I just want to say....I feel like a horrible mommy.


I had to work today and my pups were crated for 10 hours.  I work 8 and almost an hour drive each way.  I got home rushed them all out side to potty first thing after I took off my uniform (which was almost off before I got out of the van).  Now I have to rotate hour by hour who gets to be out with me.  Only because Vader and Rori do not get along.  Vader just wants to be out with me to lay in the floor.  He just seem so sad. 


I feel awful :(

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Don't feel awful, you are doing the best you can in new and difficult circumstances. You obviously love your dogs and this is to be commended.


Be kind to yourself in this period of adjustment.

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I disagree. The fact that this is the very best you can do for them at this point means you are a very responsible person. Bit off-topic, but I have a little random story. 


There's this slum area that we often drive through to reach our home. Families there gather rusted metals and plastic waste to be sold to recycling companies. Among mounds of rusted metals and a thousand different kinds of plastic products, live a family with two dogs. One mid-sized brindle Javanese (feral breedless dog) and another that seems to be a Toy Poodle mix. They are confined in an abandoned landfill whenever the family goes to work because the house is too small for crates. They're wearing collars and bandannas (new ones every day too!) of torn fabrics they probably found by the roadside. They were never let out to feed themselves, despite the general belief that "non-purebred dogs should be let to fend for themselves". The family feeds them with whatever dog-friendly food they could afford. These two plays with the family's children and are two of the happiest dogs on Earth. My mom told me one day the family is abusing these dogs. She said the dogs deserve much better. I told her I disagree. They were loved and properly cared for. Not to the point of eating Taste of The Wild and dressed with store-bought bandannas, but they were loved to the farthest extent the family could love them. The family is probably one of the most responsible dog owners in my messed-up country. 


Loving is not showering our kids with luxury; no matter what kind of "luxury" it is. Loving, IMO, is providing them with what is the very best we could give them.  

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What a dumb ****, seriously  :angry:

What a man would leave like that.. Gah, sorry, felt a sudden burst of anger. I'm sorry that you have to go through all this, hopefully it will all come back to normal quickly, feel free to rant as much as you want, that's why we're like a family here. Sending hugs from me and Ares :grouphug:

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I'm really sorry for your situation :(


Dogs do pick up on how we feel and they also don't much like change.  Having said that they do adjust and I think you should be thinking of yourself more and stop worrying about your pups as they will take care of themselves.  I mean who is taking care of you? 


I think you'll find if you focus on yourself more, continue to be strong as you are and look to the future in a positive way, then your pups will pick up on that and their spirits will be lifted.


Sending you lots of hugs :)

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It has been a couple of days and he has not given me an answer.  I just wish he would realize how bad Vader is hurting.  I am really starting to believe the worst and that he does not care. 


On a good note Vader did act normal for a little while last night.  After I had come home from work and taken all of them potty, Vader laid in my lap and snuggled.  He had not done this after the "daddy" person walked out.  I still hurt for the big guy.  The reds don't seem to miss him at all so my concern in Vader.  I just wish he would get his head out of his butt and help me out.

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Well it has been a week since I have taken on this all on my own.  Of course the jerk still has not given me an answer about Vader.  I suppose that is my answer.  I am also trying to divide up some physical property and cant get an answer to that.


UGGGG!  I dont get how someone can do this.


Vader misses him and he does not care.

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