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Sasha - One Of These Days ...

Removed #5

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I think it's pretty obvious you have a big place in your heart for her and that's why you won't give her up!


You couldn't bear the thought of rehoming her or worst still.... Yes she's a 'challenge' but what husky isn't. 


Good on you Al, keeping all things crossed here that both you and Sasha make it :)

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Al your list is wonderful!  We do try and try.  I have learned that there are set backs.  I have been bit by Vader in the past and refuse to give up on the moose.  Sometimes a list a little time will put things back into perspective.  I am glad that it is working its self out! 

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Hey Al, so sorry to hear she had a setback. Do you think Avalance's presence in the event made a difference in how she viewed the event?


In terms of weight loss, have you tried removing ALL grains from her diet? I ask because I've used that technique with an obese cat and a severely overweight dog and both animals dropped to normal weight within 9 months of beginning the new food. It's not as expensive and hard to find as the BARF variants and most pet stores carry grain-free dog food. I've gone so far as to keep white potatos out as much as possible as well but that isn't necessary.


Since her food is a key issue, and her medical welfare requires her to lose weight, the grain-free switch may get the weight off of her without her feeling hungry and therefore aggressive over found food.


I've never given Sarah feed with grain. She was spayed at 14 months and has gained all of 3 pounds in the two-plus years since the surgery. I credit the lack of grains.


Best of luck and I hope your wounds are healing nicely.

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Thanks for asking and your comments;  at slightly over one week, the arm is healing nicely, it's still a bit stiff (scabbed over nicely, but stiff) I'm just glad that I normally heal quickly and seldom get any kind of infection ...


As far as Avalanche goes, he wasn't even here, as soon as he realized the door was open and I was "occupied" he decided to get out of Dodge.  I think the real basis for the issue is that his food bowl was where hers normally is, just inside the front door on the floor and that I wasn't paying any attention to her warnings (dumb!!)


I will have to look at an alternative food for her, she did lose a couple of pounds when she was on the Science Diet but that's more pricey than I can reasonably afford.  I suppose I need to take a look at it's ingredients and see what DogFoodAdvisor suggests as an equivalent.


She's been playing with me a bit, I'll go to step over her and she'll pretend to grab my foot - no growl, no contact, just a snap that isn't serious.  Oddly, even though the bites have gotten worse each time, she always comes around to be more friendly after the fact.  What can I say, "Silly dogs!!!"

Edited by Al Jones
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Sorry Al I missed this while I was at camp.

WOW !! what an experience.

I've been bitten by darwin once when splitting up a fight and it was peanuts compared to yours.

Glad you're healing up ok.

Hope things get back to "normal" with Sasha.

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Hi Al

I don't really know of anything constructive to say that others haven't already said, also I'm no expert, but even so I just wanted to let you know that someone else is listening (reading) and sending good vibes and hopes for you.

It must be a horrible situation and one which must also be hugely stressful for all of you, hang in there, a lesser person would have given up on Sasha by now so she is lucky to have you (and I'm sure she realises that). She must have had an awful past out there alone at times and I guess that sometimes the memories of that are too strong and take over even if she doesn't mean them to.

Once they have though they are out there and then there's a lot of making up to do, much like when we have an argument with someone we love of the hooman kind I guess.

Anyhoo, thinking of you and hoping that everything works out.

C xx

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Thanks for asking and your comments;  at slightly over one week, the arm is healing nicely, it's still a bit stiff (scabbed over nicely, but stiff) I'm just glad that I normally heal quickly and seldom get any kind of infection ...


As far as Avalanche goes, he wasn't even here, as soon as he realized the door was open and I was "occupied" he decided to get out of Dodge.  I think the real basis for the issue is that his food bowl was where hers normally is, just inside the front door on the floor and that I wasn't paying any attention to her warnings (dumb!!)


I will have to look at an alternative food for her, she did lose a couple of pounds when she was on the Science Diet but that's more pricey than I can reasonably afford.  I suppose I need to take a look at it's ingredients and see what DogFoodAdvisor suggests as an equivalent.



Glad to hear it's healing well.


I've never fed Science Diet, it's overpriced and full of junk IMO. I know what you mean about the price but I reduce that a bit by purchasing grain-free on sale. Sarah won't eat the same dog food for long anyway and enjoys mixing up the feed. I supplement with raw chicken and other meats, and she adores vegetables and many fruits which I also feed her. All told she eats about ten pounds of grain free dog food per month, which is about $20 a month, give or take a few dollars. Purchasing chicken leg quarters on sale and cooking a bit more frozen veggies than the family consumes in a meal lets me add that to her bowl too. Plus going to the farmer's market for seasonal veggies and taking bones and the like from deer meat processors helps too. It doesn't have to cost a fortune to get Sasha off the grain but it certainly can.

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Oh Al what an ordeal!!!


Sorry I've not caught up sooner husky camp and alcohol got in the way 


I've read through everything and then sat back and thought, what would I do in that situation - and I honestly don't know.  When i read you were going for option 2 i smiled, no i don't know you personally and have only come to know you through this place, but i had hope in the back of my mind that you would keep working with her - maybe it's because you're a stubborn ol'fart :P :P  (I say that with much love)


I hope your arm is healing still and isn't restricting you too much, I've no advice I can offer as i've never been in a situation like this, but I can offer my sympathies, friendship and i have lots of hugs



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Thanks Sarah, I realized you were all occupied at camp and since, as I've said a few times, I was really just talking my own feelings out, it didn't bother me that some of our normally most prolific writers weren't responding.


I think I've said in that thread - a few times - I only have two options, work with her or put her down;  there's no way I could pass her on to someone and not be really worried that someone else might get hurt ( like a kid ... )


I have become attached to her - though not quite the way she's become attached to me :)

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