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Why'd You Get A Husky?


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Hello everyone!

It is Tina again, asking another question - but this one is more for my personal curiosity and because I like hearing people's stories!

So, why did YOU get a husky? Where did he/she come? What made your final decision on that specific dog?
They are CRAZY, energetic, too intelligent-for-there-own-good kinda dogs; why would YOU ever want one!? (;

If you want to share your stories, and maybe include some pictures...that would be grand!

- Tina

P.S. If there is another form already with this topic (not including the first experience one cause that's a bit different) a link would be grand.

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Great question :up:


I had always wanted a dog and never had the chance growing up, when i met Marc and we got a house together a few years later we got Kimba - I knew the hard work that was involved but wow was he cute :wub: lol When he was about a year we got Kaiser as we were being told 2 is easier than 1 and ohhhh wasn't it!  Then who could resist Koda :wub:  He was a rehome from a lady who couldn't cope with him, when i took him in she gave me his paper work and we found we were his 6th home - he was only 18 months old :( poor lad


I can see why though - he really is hard work!  But i still love him as much as the other 2 :)


Here's some pics ....


As they are now - left to right, Kimba, Koda, Kaiser
















and because you asked for pics i'll randomly spam you lol



Hubby made this of Kaiser lol







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I got my first boy because we were looking to rescue a dog, at first our preferred choice of dog was GSD.  We couldn't find one that seemed suitable, then whilst looking at a very large UK based dog and cat rehoming centre (won't name names) we realised there were a lot of huskies that needed homes.


We did a bit of research, about 10 mins worth and decided we were in a position to give a husky a decentish life.  So we went and met a couple, the first totally freaked me out.  He was a beautiful boy but wow he bit the sh!t out of me and chewed my husbands trainers to bits.  We left feeling a bit over whelmed and me doubting whether we should get a dog at all.  The following day we met a husky called Harry, though it was strictly forbidden to put hands into the kennels I felt the need to do so and from that moment I fell in love with him.  He nuzzled my hand and looked at me with his almond eyes.  We took him for a walk and all he wanted to do was playfight, though he was so gentle.  Taking him back to his kennel was the hardest thing I ever had to do, all night he was all I could think about.  The next day we called to say we'd take him and 2 days later we picked him up.


From that day on he has been with me everyday apart from 2.  He is such good company, cheeky, disobedient, loving and quirky, I couldn't wish for a better friend.

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We got our first husky because my brother went through a wolf loving stage they went on holiday whilst I stayed home with Bings my staffy I bugged them for YEARS to let me have and they met a husky whilst on holiday, they came back and started researching the breed they told me and well that was it I started looking for a breeder lol, we found blaze's breeder who at the time had pups that were only 4 days old we went to view them and fell in love with the parents and put down a deposit, we were very lucky with him as he was the perfect puppy, a year and a half later we heard a 12 week old pup needed a home n we got Skyla 2 weeks later, she on the other hand was a nightmare puppy, she chewed everything! Lol she's an angel now tho luckily :-)


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Oh my goodness, what an adorable bunch! You have some fantastic group photos as well. Is it just lucky photographs or are you a professional photographer?


I gotta say, Koda LOOKS like a trouble maker! But goodness, he is a beauty. They all are! Kaiser looks really sly in the first photo, and Kimba looks like a gentle big-boy!


We've had many incidents at our local shelter where dogs have been returned/rehomed many times. Its so sad! Congrats on rescuing Koda, you are such a sweetheart and good person! Thanks for sharing all the photos!

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Oh my goodness, what an adorable bunch! You have some fantastic group photos as well. Is it just lucky photographs or are you a professional photographer?


I gotta say, Koda LOOKS like a trouble maker! But goodness, he is a beauty. They all are! Kaiser looks really sly in the first photo, and Kimba looks like a gentle big-boy!


We've had many incidents at our local shelter where dogs have been returned/rehomed many times. Its so sad! Congrats on rescuing Koda, you are such a sweetheart and good person! Thanks for sharing all the photos!


Thanks Tina


I think you described them all perfectly! lol 


Koda is a huge trouble maker but has a soft heart, Kaiser is mischievous and Kimba is such a gentle lad :wub:


Sadly I can't take credit for the pics they were mainly taken at our Husky Camps that we have every year so it would have been Jos (Bluewolf) or Dave that have taken them :)

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Thank you for sharing your story! Harry is a doll, what a beautiful dog! :o I'm so happy to hear you rescued him as well, its not fair for them. 


I've met a few dogs at my local shelter that freak me out as well, its good to know that I am not alone! I met a dog the other day who just wouldn't obey anything I said, had crazy behaviour out on walks, and than wouldn't go back into his kennel. It always makes me paranoid that maybe I don't know what I am doing and I am not ready for a dog! But than I walked another dog a few mins later who was so affectionate and sweet, walked very gently on the leash, and was very interested in the handler. So I guess to each there own!

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Wow! Thank you for sharing your story Nix!


Your white dog, Skyla, is absolutely so beautiful! She looks like snow, must be hard to find her sometimes in the winter!


Blaze looks exactly how you picture a husky to look, aha. What a great guy - his eyes are different colours, too right? Very unique sort. 


It is interesting to hear your different experiences with your dogs as well. 

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I think you described them all perfectly! lol 


Koda is a huge trouble maker but has a soft heart, Kaiser is mischievous and Kimba is such a gentle lad  :wub:


Sadly I can't take credit for the pics they were mainly taken at our Husky Camps that we have every year so it would have been Jos (Bluewolf) or Dave that have taken them


Awe, wow! That is awesome than. (: I think it always nice to get really good photographs taking of your fur babies! Do you know why Koda had been rehomed so many times? Where there any specific issues that occurred when you brought him home?

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Awe, wow! That is awesome than. (: I think it always nice to get really good photographs taking of your fur babies! Do you know why Koda had been rehomed so many times? Where there any specific issues that occurred when you brought him home?


Yeah - he's a little sh1t! :rofl:


Joking - he's full of energy constantly and had ripped the door frame from the front door with his previous owner - when he came to us we crate trained him as i kinda like my doors, sofa etc lol  I think he was an only dog for a while - the lady i got him from said she was too scared to take him near other dogs and she'd been told he had never socialised.


He slotted right in with Kimba and Kaiser from day 1 though and has been great most of the time on walks and at husky camp - he's very vocal too, at camp he would screech all the time so i nicknamed him "Mouth" lol

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But the point of the story is you love that little sh1t! Haha.

Dog's are man's best friend, no matter what they do. I think with the proper love, attention, discipline and exercise - almost any dog can be a "good" dog. :P

Thank you very much for giving me more information, its nice to hear people's stories and such. (:

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I got my boy as a rescue as well.

I always wanted a dog, although my Dad was terrified of them so he'd never let me. All dogs would bark, growl, and snarl at him...even little puppies!


Then, one day, my Mom suggested to visit the local shelter to just check them out. I wasn't keen on this, I had wanted to get a puppy, but I agreed nevertheless. We saw a white german shepherd, called Charlie, that I fell in love with.
 I had never owned a dog before, so I wasn't sure about the different kind of breeds. I went home to do research about the German Shepherd. Along with my research, I did some research on the Siberian Husky.

We went back a few days later to let my Dad meet Charlie. But he wasn't there (we found out later he was adopted). In his place was this 'wolf looking dog'. I knew it was a Siberian Husky! I was excited, and yet I was very hesitant because of what I read on the internet. We looked at his tag, and it showed he was 6 years old. My heart sank - I had wanted a young dog. I also didn't like the name, "Suka", but I figured I could change it later. 

But we took him to the viewing room anyways. 

Now, remember when I said my Dad was terrified of dogs? And they would snarl at him and try to bite him? Well, Suka didn't do that. He just sniffed my Dad, went towards me in the viewing room, and laid down to be petted. It was the most adorable thing I had seen.

After interacting with him for about 30 minutes, we left, and told the staff we were intending to adopt him. A few days later, after some major family discussions and whatnot, we came back to confirm that we were going to adopt him. We filled out some paperwork, paid, and then left. We picked up all sorts of things we'd need for the dog (food bowls, leashes, etc), then came back. The look on his face, when he realized he was going to get the heck out of there, is one I will never forget!

His first night with us (him in his old crate in my room):



A couple days after:



Suka 'now' (last Christmas, I think):



Eventually, through checking his microchip number, we found out he was 2 years younger than what was listed on his tag. So that was really good. We also found out his birthday.

I never ended up changing his name. 'Suka' just grew on me.

More pictures can be seen here:


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Awwwe! The story of Suka made me tear up a bit for some reason, I think it was to see how relaxed he was now having a home! I am happy to hear you adopted him as well! He has some very unique coloring for a Husky and does have a lot of similarities to a wolf.

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I was never a dog person, but always loves huskies.  I did a lot of research on the breed and knew that was the breed for me!  I was never in the position to have a dog though, as I always lived in apartments that did not allow pets. 


In December 2011, I bought my first place and after I get settled in I started looking at shelters for a husky.  As soon as I would find one close by, they would be gone by the time I would get there.  One day we went for a drive and passed a pet store and stopped in.  Now, first if I had to do it over again, i would NEVER get a puppy from a pet shop knowing what I know now.  I honestly did not know where to even get a husky, did not know where to look for breeders, and was never able to find one at a shelter.


Anyway, I saw what would soon be NIkko, and spent some time with him playing (well, he was eating my shoe strings!).  It was love at first sight LOL.  After about 20 minutes I knew I couldn't leave without him.  The rest is history!!



After a couple of hellish months and more research (and finding this forum!), I decided that Nikko needed a playmate.  I visitied a few rescues and owner surrenders with Nikko but none of the visits went very well.  I decided that I would rather get another puppy because I did not want Nikko to be scared to be around the other dog.  I knew I wanted a white husky, and found Yukon :)


And then along came Kodiak!  I wasn't looking for a 3rd dog, I wanted to wait until I bought a bigger house, but I saw Elton (now Kodiak) on this rescue groups website.  I knew I wanted a red, and he was VERY handsome!  I took Nikko on the 100 mile drive to go visit him, not intending to bring a new dog home.   Nikko ended up getting along great with him, and Kodiak was the sweetest, most lovable dog I have ever met!  So I adopted him right there!

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Hehe! I gotta say that Kodiak is definitely one handsome feller! I think red's are absolutely such a beautiful colour!

Happy to hear your adoptions and first experiences went okay! Sometimes (because of puppy-mills and such) pet-store dogs can come with terrible behaviour issues and illnesses.

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After I leased off my only horse, I was left without a hobby or go-to animal to spend time with. While my parents were overseas in December, I accumulated money and purchased my 1st husky. They did not know and as you can imagine were VERY surprised - borderline pissed. We all agree on it now though  :D 


Why a husky? I needed a jogging buddy, and I love a challenge. We get lots of attention and love <3

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Honestly... had the dog at the other end of the phone line was not a Husky, I'd still take him in. 


Diamond came from a quick phone call one evening from a classmate. "I heard you like Huskies. Right? There are two dogs in desperate need of a new home. They're one year old and very sick. Can you help?". Her mom's friend adopted three purebred Huskies from a closed-down puppy mill, but couldn't cope with them because she already lives with eight dogs herself. Before I could meet these brothers, one of them reportedly passed away. The remaining two was then sent off to a couple who own four dogs. One of their four is a dominant, spoiled rotten Golden who then went on a bloody fight with Diamond. Not long after that, I finally get to meet the dogs. By the time I got there, Diamond's brother has already found a forever home with a local pet shop owner. So I didn't get to choose, but it doesn't matter. It was love at first sight :)


The phone call didn't even tell me about the dogs' gender. I never received a picture of Dime before I finally met him. All I know is there's a dog that needs help, and they're very sick. Indeed, Diamond came very skinny and fearful. Yellow discharge was flowing out of his ears. He had an explosive diarrhea on his first morning at home, not long after throwing up several pieces of wooden stick, a mop and a small rug. He forced my parents to re-home their favorite carpet within less than a week. Then, he turned our beautiful garden into a mini version of Sahara desert. Our house plants were also relocated to my grandma's, because he find chewing on the plastic vases are a lot of fun. We have lost at least ten pairs of footwear to this day, including my mom's favorite high heels and my tutor's Crocs sandals. He pulled like a freight train on the leash, peeling off half of my left foot's skin (silly human forgetting shoes at home!) and forcing me to limp for the following three days. Not to mention his irrational fear of sudden movements, umbrellas, dark-skinned people, little children, elderly folks with walking sticks and trucks. He was a hell hound sent down to Earth by Satan himself. Within the first six months I often ask myself whether I made the right decision or not. It was difficult, I wouldn't lie. 


But well... Four years later, my fuzzy hell hound is still here. In fact, he is now arguably the most well-behaved dog in the entire neighborhood. His pulling stopped (well, three months later... but he stopped). He grew out of his chewing phase and overcame all of his irrational fear. He's still battling ear infection, but now there's only a build-up of dry ear wax instead of smelly, gooey discharge. The vet couldn't be any more pleased. He has also put on weight. I used to carry him around like a lap dog, but now he's capable of breaking my back :lol: these dogs are a lot of hard work. A whole lot. Especially if you never asked or searched for a Husky at the first place like me. But in the end, they worth every sweat and tear :)


EDIT: piccies! :D 


First pic I took of Dime-dime. This is not his first day home btw. I was too busy cleaning throw-ups and poops at that time :lol:



Diamond three days ago :)



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Wow! Thank you for sharing your story Nix!

Your white dog, Skyla, is absolutely so beautiful! She looks like snow, must be hard to find her sometimes in the winter!

Blaze looks exactly how you picture a husky to look, aha. What a great guy - his eyes are different colours, too right? Very unique sort.

It is interesting to hear your different experiences with your dogs as well.

thank you :-) yep he has bi-eyes and really is your typical husky, he woos and talks loves trying to catch pigeons and can not be let off lead lol tho he doesn't shed his coat as bad as Skyla does lol
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TBH i think my ex wanted a husky! BUT it was me that did all the research and found everything out he was clueless!! Anyway we got Shadow at 8 weeks old from a breeder (still keep in contact with her now) he was a right naughty puppy!!! Always chewing on EVERYTHING, really really nippy on your hands etc and so mischievious haha now he is 3 - 4 in August and he is one of the most laid back huskies you will ever meet (other than Daves Kodi!) he hardly ever pulls on the lead, loves to sleep! Hes amazing <3


Now for Skye.... LOL I got Skye as i wanted a friend for Shadow when he was nearly 2 :) Skye is a german shepherd cross husky and i honestly thought she would be easier to bring up than Shadow... oh how wrong was i even tough she wasnt nippy ever and didn't really chew anything she was an abs nightmare so hyper ALL the time lol she is 2 now :) she has calmed down a hell of alot but she is still very active and loves to play, she pulls on the lead pretty much all the time and can be shouty with other dogs that she doesn't know! But i love her :D


Pics of course!


Skye as a puppy:


Skye now :)



Shadow as a puppy


Shadow now :)


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But in the end, they worth every sweat and tear.

Diamond's story is definitely a special one, and with such a sweet ending! I'm happy to hear that all that work, patience and dedication payed off in the end! I think he was a special case of a husky too, consider he came from such a terrible home before hand. I bet its gotta be frustrating when people see how sweet Diamond is and want to get a husky themselves, without realizing how much work you put into him! Diamond looks very fluffy btw, hehe. Thanks for sharing your story, and the pictures!

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 she has calmed down a hell of alot but she is still very active and loves to play, she pulls on the lead pretty much all the time and can be shouty with other dogs that she doesn't know! But i love he...

Oh goodness, that puppy picture of Shadow is sure to melt anyone's heart! I gotta say I absolutely love Skye's design, he is a beauty and a mix between two fantastic breeds. Its good to hear that they both calmed down a bit, hyper-active dogs can be quite tiresome! Ahaha.

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after our old GSD passed away I wanted another dog after 1 year..via a buying website in Holland I found Bindi, then 1 year old (had a different name with previous owner) she was living 1 high and was bored and ripped up the previous owners sofa @ €3000 apart the day after she recieved it...I reserved her on friday's went to look on saturday morning and she was home with us 2 hrs later...I did not have a clue about huskies then....she was a hand full and a bit more....after 1 year we said she needs a mate...so we went to kennels where Alpha was (he had been abused with previous owner) he did not even want to come and meet us in the meeting area it toke over 2 hrs before he came and sniffed me and then the rest of the family..we went and got Bindi and we did a walk together and Alpha came home with us...he is still scared of people, screaming kids but especially guy in black leather and a dirt bike he will run and hide between my legs....Bindi has calmed down and now they are the best of friends and they keep me sane ....

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