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Why'd You Get A Husky?


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Diamond's story is definitely a special one, and with such a sweet ending! I'm happy to hear that all that work, patience and dedication payed off in the end! I think he was a special case of a husky too, consider he came from such a terrible home before hand. I bet its gotta be frustrating when people see how sweet Diamond is and want to get a husky themselves, without realizing how much work you put into him! Diamond looks very fluffy btw, hehe. Thanks for sharing your story, and the pictures!


you're a psychic! :lol: it's not exactly frustrating per say, it's just that it made me think "oooh damn" :shrug: I'm afraid they're gonna get a Husky expecting them to act like Dime and when their Husky don't, they're gonna sell them poor pooches  :(


EDIT: Dime looks fluffy because he's a wooly :) it's basically a genetic defect that causes a Husky to have super long hair. They're considered a fault by the breed standard. 

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Bindi has calmed down and now they are the best of friends and they keep me sane ...


Awe, they sound like lovely dogs now! I can't imagine adopting a husky without having any prior knowledge about there breed, that must have been a crazy experience! I feel a bit sorry for Alpha, It's got to be complicated to be scared of so many things! But luckily he has Bindi, that must help! Thanks for sharing your story. :3

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you're a psychic!  :lol: it's not exactly frustrating per say, it's just that it made me think "oooh damn"  :shrug: I'm afraid they're gonna get a Husky expecting them to act like Dime and when their Husky don't, they're gonna sell them poor pooches 

Oh! I can only imagine! ...and most of them time they adopt a puppy and that's almost even MORE work than an adult pre-trained husky. x) So many end up at the Shelter after a 6+ months. For some reason, I absolutely love the nickname Dime. x) I think its so unique but works perfect for a name, ahaha.

Yeah! A few different breeds come in the wooly variety, I personally looove it. (:

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Awe, they sound like lovely dogs now! I can't imagine adopting a husky without having any prior knowledge about there breed, that must have been a crazy experience! I feel a bit sorry for Alpha, It's got to be complicated to be scared of so many things! But luckily he has Bindi, that must help! Thanks for sharing your story. :3

But I believe something might have happend to Bindi if we did not take her there and then....


And Alpha and Bindi are now just the great pals they cannot be without eachother...which can also be a pain in the neck...

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Well, Mitch and I got married last October, obviously the next step to this would usually be to have a baby but unfortunately i am unable to have children so we decided to get a puppy as the next best thing.


I had a Shih Tzu puppy, Molly, about 4 years ago (she died just before her first birthday after choking on a splinter of wood, i found her at the bottom of my garden  :() so i knew what i was letting myself in for in getting a pup and knew that this would be a great way out completing our family, although i now know that Husky pups are unlike another lol


We settled on a Husky because Mitch had one previously, Sasha, and he loved her to bits. He had to re-home her, much to his utter distress, as his work at the time took him away from home more and more and it was unfair on her, so she now lives with a family in the countryside somewhere.


For me, despite the immense tiredness in the early days, the house training, crate training and getting used to three walks a day i have absolutely enjoyed every single day and i can't think of our house without her. In fact i am dreading going on honeymoon in July because i can't bare to leave her....


So here's some pics.....


This is my Molly, RIP my baby



This is Sasha....wherever she may be



And this is my new baby girl Skye......




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i got Kassy when dad was humming and harring about letting me get a dog. he wanted something small. my friend from school was giving away kassy. so i told dad that she was a malteseshitthing and he caved and said yes. 


so i brought her home. "what the hell is that!?!!!!"


and she never left. ive had her now for 8 years.


ive always loved huskies. there is just something special about them! they are so smart and they are a real dog! i will never get another breed^^

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i am dreading going on honeymoon in July because i can't bare to leave her....


I am so, sorry to hear about Molly. That must have been so heartbreaking! But my goodness, a husky is an entirely different breed of dog compared to Molly, ahaha. Must have been such a new and exciting experience! Sasha is BEAUTIFUL, those facial markings are incredible! I understand your honeymoon issue, you could always go somewhere in which you can possibly bring Skye?

...and Skye is sooo adorable! :3

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! they are so smart and they are a real dog! i will never get another breed^^

Oh, wow! Kassy is very unique looking - I would have brought her home too, aha. Glad to hear your dad let you keep her! I don't MIND small dogs, but I definitely prefer the larger breeds myself. Except for Shetland Sheepdogs. They are fantastic.

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Oh, wow! Kassy is very unique looking - I would have brought her home too, aha. Glad to hear your dad let you keep her! I don't MIND small dogs, but I definitely prefer the larger breeds myself. Except for Shetland Sheepdogs. They are fantastic.


Shelties aren't that small :P I think when somebody says 'small dogs' they refer to Chihuahua-sized pooches. 

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My wife and I are wildlife rehabbers. We took in a timber wolf and fell in love with her. Not long after we had the chance to help a Husky that had been very neglected. We were initially going to get her healthy and find her a good home. That was 4 1/2 years ago. We have since rescued 3 others. Two full blooded and two Shepard mix. I went in to each with the plan of getting them healthy and finding a good home. ... They are all healthy and spoiled and still with us. The most amazing thing is watching them care for orphaned or injured baby deer. They lay with them and bathe them as though they are the mother. I couldn't imagine them not being here.

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I knew after college I'd get a dog as I'd grown up around dogs.  My sister got a Husky while in high school and I fell in love with breed.  Her Husky, Tori, was pretty well behaved though she learned how to escape from her kennel (wire cage version).  She only destroyed my sister's stuff so I didn't think much of it (in fact I thought it hilarious).


Once on my own, I went to a local pet rescue and fell in love with a Husky/Pit mix (what they tell me) who was 8 weeks old.  Kaeda has been nearly the perfect dog.  Even my husband and his family (cat people who didn't have much experience with dogs) love her.  She'll be 9 years next month and is now starting to show her age.  She has been a great friend and running buddy (even did a 1/2 marathon).  When she was about 6 we adopted another dog since we had a house and a yard.  Given Kaeda has a Husky temperament, we decided on a Husky.  We met Zasha through a Husky rescue group at an adoption event.  We also have a cat so we wanted to make sure everyone got along.  Zasha was a pet store pup whose first family didn't know what they were getting into, they just thought she was cute.  We adopted her at 8 or 9 months and she just turned 3.  She's calmed down and is a bit more work than Kaeda (example, don't leave food unattended on the counter unless you want the wandering garbage can to pick it up).  I love them both.


Zasha gets along pretty well with our cat (Lucy).  Sometimes she likes to play chase but that doesn't last long.  I've also seen Lucy egging her on.   

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We got a dog because my boyfriend really wanted a dog. His dad died and he needed something to lift his spirits. We got a husky, specifically, because the other half had a husky mix (heavy on the mix) growing up that he loved, and I didn't want the other kinds of dogs that he was interested in.


This is the day we picked her up, love at first sight:



She had a rough go of it though, as at 15 weeks she ate paper napkins or paper towel of some sort, and it kinked up her intestines. She ended up having exploratory abdominal surgery to straighten things out. 


Here she is rocking her giant incision, and being super skinny as a result of her incident.




But she made it through, and despite putting my patience to the test, has turned into a beautiful, sweet, naughty, hysterical creature.




She is the love of my life! And I can't imagine any dog being more perfect for me than she is.









Edited - She also has a unique feature! She has a skunk stripe.



Edited by Chula
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**A too long didn't read version: I got myself a husky because they are such an active breed. Due to work and my hobbies I wasn't getting enough outdoor time/excercise - buying a Sibe forces me to get outside and walk. I have had Odin for almost 4 years now and I can count on maybe one and a half hands how many walks we have missed. It's extremely, extremely rare. Now I have two as I just picked up my puppy last month!


Going to include my entire story just for fun. Feel free to read it or skip over it - I am sure it's going to be quite long!


I have always been a fan of the husky breed and was always dead set on a Husky or a German Shep. When I was really young I had a german shep, so young I can't really remember much about him other than I loved him a lot. Living situations changed and we had to give him away, my parents then got us cats. I had my cat for almost 19 years and loved her to death. As much as I wanted a large breed dog my parents always came at me with "you won't take care of it and we will end up having to". As much as I tried to convince them otherwise it was always a losing battle mostly my dad overuling and saying "absolutely no chance". So I always had plans to get myself a large breed dog once I moved out of my parents house and the name "Odin" I have even had picked out for ages.


Age ~23 rolls around and I somehow managed to land an entry level job with the company I still currently work for. I busted my butt at this great opportunity and advanced quite quickly and eventually ended up on a business trip to Michigan for 4-6 months within the first year working there. I had not mentioned a dog to my parents for quite some time...they probably even completely forgot about how much I wanted one while growing up.


I was texting with my mom one night from my hotel just telling her how everything was going and I just happened to say "Mom when I get home I am getting a Siberian Husky" she responded with "Ok that's fine we will talk about it then". It was single handedly one of the best moments of my life and I think to this day she doesn't know how happy she made me. She didn't even consult with my father which she usually does about everything especially this as he was so set on "NO WAYY" she just said ok! I don't know if it was because she missed me being away and just wanted to make me happy or if my new career and the success I had in such short time made her say to herself "he's grown up, he can handle a dog" - I don't know. I just knew when I got home I was going to get MY first dog.


My job is an office job, I sit a lot. I wanted a bread that would get me out of the house and keep me active. Most of my hobbies don't really invovle much excercise so this was going to be my saving grace. Me and my wolf dog running, walking, hanging out 24/7...a dream come true. At age 24 I bought my first house, a house big enough to fit myself and my husky, fenced in small back yard and close to plenty of parks for us to walk in. I am now 28 and getting Odin was single handedly the best decision I have ever made in my 28 years of living. I can have the worst day ever at work but when I get home and he is sitting there at the window excited to see me I am all smiles, no matter what. We walk daily, I don't care if I was at work from 7am to 7pm and had to have someone stop in to let him out - when I get home we are walking. I don't care if there is 20 inches of snow on the ground - we walk. Pouring rain? Who cares bud, let's go walk. The majority of the time I think I need Odin much more than he needs me.


**A too long didn't read version: I got myself a husky because they are such an active breed. Due to work and my hobbies I wasn't getting enough outdoor time/excercise - buying a Sibe forces me to get outside and walk. I have had Odin for almost 4 years now and I can count on maybe one and a half hands how many walks we have missed. It's extremely, extremely rare. Now I have two as I just picked up my puppy last month!


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Honestly, it was all the bf. He told me he wanted a husky and I tried soooo hard to talk him out of it. I knew huskies come with a bad rep for being a lot of work, and alittle destructive. I wanted a golden, I grew up with the sweetest goldie and I've wanted another ever since. My mother has a goldendoodle and I absolutely love her, so I was completely and totally against getting a husky but he would not let me talk him out of it. Well about a week after I'd given in and we started to look at rescues for one, but none of them really jumped out at him, he wanted a pup (NOW he keeps saying the next one will be an adult) well we went to the flea market one day and there was a lady selling ckc husky pups, I know bad us it will never happen again, we learned the hard way, trust me. Anyways, I have to touch everything, so of course I asked to hold one, and we were talking about how cute the pup was, and we were going to walk away, it was just to be like omg can't wait til we have a pup of our own thing. Cause we were not ready to take a pup home that day, and the lady stepped in to tell us she'd had another litter that would be old enough in a month. Some weird set of the planets aligned and my bf had the exact amount of money in his pocket and he NEVER carries cash, he wanted a light grey and I preferred a black and white, and the pup was a dark grey. Idk, we had a stupid moment and have paid the piper for it, but we came out on the other end with a wonderful dog, and eventhough I regret giving them money and will never do it again. I do not regret getting Nova, I love her so much, she is my grumpy little baby girl. She constantly vocalizes to us, and I swear if she misses nap time or is up past her bedtime she fusses at us for everything. Shes my brat, and I've spent many sleepless nights worrying over her issues and how to fix them, but time and patience helps alot when dealing with this one and I have loved being able to bond with her. Anyways here are a couple of pics from day one to now:


This is the first night we had her, the first couple of weeks she spent alot of naps curled up on me or if she couldn't sleep on me she always curled up on my hoodie, I look horrible, no makeup but its the only one I have of her first day 



 About a week after we got her, probably my favorite picture of her and my bf 



Momma's girl





And last one, on campus




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