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5Weeks Old Husky, Please Advice


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hello everyone,


I have this 5 weeks old puppy which belong to my brother, i'm not sure if it's old enough to be away from his mom, i wanna take him back to his mom and get back after he turn to 8 weeks or so, i'm so afraid because he's jerking suddenly while he's sleeping. Is it normal or it's not??? and i'm also not sure if i'm feeding him right!? 


Please advice, 


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He is far too young to be away from his mum, if you can take him back, please please do.

Also, I don't think he's ready to be weaned onto puppy food, I'm sure he should still be taking milk from his mum.

Regarding the convulsing, I don't know what that is but it doesn't sound right to me at all :0(

Edited by ginger38
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If at all possible, see if you can reunite him with his mother. How long have they been separated? Jerking while sleeping is fairly common, so unless it is violent jerking, I would not be too concerned.

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As the others have said he is far to young to be taken from his mother. If possible take him back and reunite him. It's during these weeks that he learns "the art of life" from his mom without this it could set him back.



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Hi all


She's already posted the below - it sounds like the puppy has been bought from a back yard breeder so I doubt they will take the pup back?


Thank you so much for your information,


I'm 100%agree with you, however my brother got a husky puppy a few days ago without telling me anything, he's only 5 weeks and i'm only reading this after i got an one, 

I know that my brother should have thought it through. We live in apartment and we will not be having enough time for him since i have a job and he has a school, and i'm also not sure if he can take serious responsibility for it. There's just so much more.

Since my brother will never take him back and i can't make him to, i think i'll take that responsibility for this little one, i'll read everything that needed to rise him as a friendly and charming husky. 

And i'll apologize for taking in a husky puppy without knowing anything abt it and i'll do my best not to make any more mistake.


Please help me more in the future and thank you,


Yours sincerely,


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Thank you for your very fast and valuable replies,


Yes i'll try my best to get him to his mommy, and all of this is my bad,

My brother got it so early so that he can have it before my trip from abroad, it's all because i didn't allow him to get one,


yes i'm feeding him with kibble soaked in water, about 4-5 times in small portion like 3-4 table spoon at a time, i wanted to feed him with milk but not sure if it's acceptable, and it's been 5 days since we got him,


and about jerking, i can't vid him right now since i don't have the camera right now, but i'll very soon, 

i tot it is normal when i compare it to human jerking in their sleep, also it's not often,

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Where do you get that puppy from? I'm afraid if you return him to an irresponsible breeder he would just be sold on within a few days time =\ if his breeder is not trustworthy you're better off hand-raising him. 

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Today i talked to my brother abt taking Eco back to his mum( btw his name is Eco :)) he hesitated at first but contacted the breeder, however the breeder told us he's already sold mummy with her other 5 puppies to someone from next town. Eventhough i personally didn't believe it, there was nothing much that we can do. So just like you said mydiamond we just have to try our beat to rise him well.

Oh it's been only 6 days but i think he got bigger lol, is it just my imagination or he really does grow fast?! And i gave him warm milk mixed with water today for the first time, it looks like he liked it much more than i expected, he drunk 2 cup that will be arnd 150ml each, and he's peeing everywhere, he did not urinate this much when he was taking water. it's probably because he doesn't drink much water. And i think i should give him more of that milk mixed water from now on. Is that okey?

Now only nights are the hardest part when he start searching his breast milk, i'm planning to survive that moment by our newly invented warm milk mix, hopefully it will work.

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Today i talked to my brother abt taking Eco back to his mum( btw his name is Eco :)) he hesitated at first but contacted the breeder, however the breeder told us he's already sold mummy with her other 5 puppies to someone from next town. Eventhough i personally didn't believe it, there was nothing much that we can do. So just like you said mydiamond we just have to try our beat to rise him well.

Oh it's been only 6 days but i think he got bigger lol, is it just my imagination or he really does grow fast?! And i gave him warm milk mixed with water today for the first time, it looks like he liked it much more than i expected, he drunk 2 cup that will be arnd 150ml each, and he's peeing everywhere, he did not urinate this much when he was taking water. it's probably because he doesn't drink much water. And i think i should give him more of that milk mixed water from now on. Is that okey?

Now only nights are the hardest part when he start searching his breast milk, i'm planning to survive that moment by our newly invented warm milk mix, hopefully it will work.

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IF that breeder really sold mom and five pups, then I wish him the very worst of luck for the rest of his life. If he didn't, then I'd simply wish him bad luck for the rest of his life  :mellow: what kind of lowlife sells a pup at this age? *curses* 


Alright sorry let's get back on topic now. Yes, as a matter of fact, they do grow up very quickly. Don't you know that they start "lanky stage" as young as 4 months old? :) Changes in newborn pups can be seen in a weekly basis. So yeah if you've had him 6 days, it's not surprising if you notice he has put on weight. Please monitor his weight so you could keep track of his growth. About the drink... err, yeah... I'd be expecting him to drink only milk at this age. If raising a pup is anything like raising a human baby, then the reason why Eco doesn't like drinking water is because it tastes bitter to him. I've never hand-raised a young pup, but I've been around my baby cousin since she's very young :) I've also helped caring for a litter of feral cats since they're a few hours old to about 5 weeks old. 


About the "nights", I don't really get what you mean but you're gonna need to stay on night watch :shrug: wake up every 2 hours or so to check on him. Does he need milk? Is he too warm? Is he too cold? Does he need to "go"? Did he "go" at the right place? If he's crying, then it means he needs something. Sometimes it's something crucial like food or warmth, but some other times he just wants to be cuddled. He's gonna cry a lot, and most likely when you're planning to have a good night sleep. Brace yourselves ;)


You can start potty-training him at this age btw. Separate his bed to two different parts; one covered with bedding and another with newspaper. Clean his paws after he pees/poops so that he won't carry urine scent to the bedding side and pee there too. Since he's already approaching 6 weeks of age, do read around about bite inhibition. You're gonna have a bit of extra trouble on that part since Eco was raised without a littermate. But hey, it'd all worth it in the end. Right? :) don't hesitate to ask us if you have any more questions. 

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Beke, I'm sorry, I'm having a hard time not picturing you in a yurt out on the Gobi somewhere.  I really figure you're probably in Alma Axta or Ulan Bator (or similar).


Liv is right, you can almost see them grow when they're this young; it'll slow down in a while. 

Take a look at this link for a "mother's milk" substitute.  Regular cows milk is good, but it needs a few things added to it to make it a really good substitute.  While they need a good milk to start with, it won't be long before you can start putting down some puppy chow mixed with his milk, then just moistened puppy chow and then eventually (a couple of weeks?) just puppy chow.


One of the main things he should be learning from his mom and siblings, at this point, is bite inhibition (how hard he can bite in play) and you're going to have to teach him that - and i guarantee, you'll have some good scratches before he gets the idea.  When he nibbles at you, tell him "No!" (or whatever it is in your language - which is what, btw) and stop all play for a few minutes.  He should get the idea about what's too hard and what's okay pretty quickly.

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IF that breeder really sold mom and five pups, then I wish him the very worst of luck for the rest of his life. If he didn't, then I'd simply wish him bad luck for the rest of his life :mellow: what kind of lowlife sells a pup at this age? *curses*

Alright sorry let's get back on topic now. Yes, as a matter of fact, they do grow up very quickly. Don't you know that they start "lanky stage" as young as 4 months old? :) Changes in newborn pups can be seen in a weekly basis. So yeah if you've had him 6 days, it's not surprising if you notice he has put on weight. Please monitor his weight so you could keep track of his growth. About the drink... err, yeah... I'd be expecting him to drink only milk at this age. If raising a pup is anything like raising a human baby, then the reason why Eco doesn't like drinking water is because it tastes bitter to him. I've never hand-raised a young pup, but I've been around my baby cousin since she's very young :) I've also helped caring for a litter of feral cats since they're a few hours old to about 5 weeks old.

About the "nights", I don't really get what you mean but you're gonna need to stay on night watch :shrug: wake up every 2 hours or so to check on him. Does he need milk? Is he too warm? Is he too cold? Does he need to "go"? Did he "go" at the right place? If he's crying, then it means he needs something. Sometimes it's something crucial like food or warmth, but some other times he just wants to be cuddled. He's gonna cry a lot, and most likely when you're planning to have a good night sleep. Brace yourselves ;)

You can start potty-training him at this age btw. Separate his bed to two different parts; one covered with bedding and another with newspaper. Clean his paws after he pees/poops so that he won't carry urine scent to the bedding side and pee there too. Since he's already approaching 6 weeks of age, do read around about bite inhibition. You're gonna have a bit of extra trouble on that part since Eco was raised without a littermate. But hey, it'd all worth it in the end. Right? :) don't hesitate to ask us if you have any more questions.

Thank you for your advice,

First of all, what the breeder told us is that he sold them together which made it little hard to believe, [emoji38]

And yes back to topic, so i was not imagining, he did get bigger. That's like werewolves haha and no i'm not twilight fan, i just happen to read it. And It's a good idea to measure weight and height. I was only thought abt taking a picture lol

And what i mean by night is that Eco whines and wakes me up, and he pees/poops, i gives him some soaked kiddles and expects him to go back to sleep, but Eco takes a while searching for something and bites everything, restless is more like that. So i figured he's searching his breast. Tonight i'll just warm the milk mix and feed him, let's see what will happen. Usually he's up around 3am and another is 5am. Guess i'm getting little used to it hehe

Oh god potty training is something that will take while i guess. He literally pees anywhere and everywhere. Hope we will use that method and expert it soon, only problem is he doesn't stay in bed all the time, he wanders arnd and doze off here and there where he feels like to. And i don't want to call a trouble by shifting him to his bed.

thanks for encouraging me, really!

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Beke, I'm sorry, I'm having a hard time not picturing you in a yurt out on the Gobi somewhere. I really figure you're probably in Alma Axta or Ulan Bator (or similar).

Liv is right, you can almost see them grow when they're this young; it'll slow down in a while.

Take a look at this link for a "mother's milk" substitute. Regular cows milk is good, but it needs a few things added to it to make it a really good substitute. While they need a good milk to start with, it won't be long before you can start putting down some puppy chow mixed with his milk, then just moistened puppy chow and then eventually (a couple of weeks?) just puppy chow.

One of the main things he should be learning from his mom and siblings, at this point, is bite inhibition (how hard he can bite in play) and you're going to have to teach him that - and i guarantee, you'll have some good scratches before he gets the idea. When he nibbles at you, tell him "No!" (or whatever it is in your language - which is what, btw) and stop all play for a few minutes. He should get the idea about what's too hard and what's okay pretty quickly.

Hey you know many about mongolia and yea i'm in ulaanbaatar and it'll snow throughout this week [emoji1].

And thank you so much for the link, i'll try it out tomorrow,

And yes his nails got longer and teeth got sharp. I'm already starting to get a few scratches.

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Thank you for your advice,

First of all, what the breeder told us is that he sold them together which made it little hard to believe, [emoji38]

And yes back to topic, so i was not imagining, he did get bigger. That's like werewolves haha and no i'm not twilight fan, i just happen to read it. And It's a good idea to measure weight and height. I was only thought abt taking a picture lol

And what i mean by night is that Eco whines and wakes me up, and he pees/poops, i gives him some soaked kiddles and expects him to go back to sleep, but Eco takes a while searching for something and bites everything, restless is more like that. So i figured he's searching his breast. Tonight i'll just warm the milk mix and feed him, let's see what will happen. Usually he's up around 3am and another is 5am. Guess i'm getting little used to it hehe

Oh god potty training is something that will take while i guess. He literally pees anywhere and everywhere. Hope we will use that method and expert it soon, only problem is he doesn't stay in bed all the time, he wanders arnd and doze off here and there where he feels like to. And i don't want to call a trouble by shifting him to his bed.

thanks for encouraging me, really!

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I don't think you should feed him whenever he wakes you up. He needs a fixed feeding schedule. If he's starting to be active, get him toys to play with. That's a lot better for him to torment than your hands :shrug:


Dogs only pee where it smells like pee. If you "collect" urine scent in one place and one place only, Eco would only "go" there. Therefore, you need to be VERY sure every time he pees/poops somewhere he shouldn't, you clean it with special chemical substance (water alone is not enough) so that he won't be able to track back the urine scent. However at this age, it's a lot easier to just throw the soiled bedding away and put down a new, fresh one. Dogs are very clean animals. They want your house to smell nice as much as you do. So help them find where the toilet is :) 

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Thanks to you guys, Eco is doing really good, still having problem with our toilet issue but getting better,

He's growing bigger and bigger but i'm little worried abt his weight, idk he looks little fat. So i reduced the food amount. Then he would look hungry and i give him a little more. Lol

I hope it'll be okay if we go out for a walk after vaccine. Vet told us to bring him for the vaccine when he reach 2 month, so we are not putting him down on the ground when we go out. There're street dogs everywhere you know.

Oh now he bites like a dog, really sharp. So when i told him NO, the force will reduce but he won't let go of my hand or leg, and he bites everything, so the time when he chew of my couch is not far i assume...today he barked at friend of mine, he was snarling in a really angry way, i was shocked at first didn't know what to do, and then he calmed down a bit. I tot huskies r friendly to strangers, i guess mine is not. [emoji13]

And also he's nails got really long, getting scratches more often, should i cut it? I was looking for grooming thread, couldn't find it!post-11850-14005956883736_thumb.jpg

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Aww bless him. Puppies are quite chubby when little and get leaner as they grow. If he is pooping ok he is getting enough food and not too much.

With the nails are they clear? You should see where the quick or the vein ends you dont want to cut this as it will bleed a lot x

sent via husky howls from my mobile

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I agree, as long as he is going poo ok, I wouldn't reduce his food too much because you think he's fat. When they are that young, they should be a little round. If his tummy starts to look too round, he may need to be de-wormed. 


Huskies also make a lot of noise when they play, so don't necessarily assume that his snarling was aggressive. 

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totally agree with the above, for example, as Skye has grown she has become incredibly tall and leggy and sometime sto me she can look quite skinny, having said that though she seems to have lots of bits of her that she hasn't gown into yet, i think it all down to growing and evening out as they go.


also, i have learned that they are quite a vocal breed, Skye is very mouthy when she plays and i spose to someone who didn't know better she could sound a little aggressive, but she is far from it.


biting, well that's just babies for you, teething is horrible for them and like hooman babies they need to bite and chew, its just teaching them what they can and can't bite and chew. Skye likes an ice cube from time to time to ease the pain in her gums


he looks lovely though 

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Oh so i shouldn't worry abt his weight, okay then. It's because i read threads where they say all those scary things abt fat dogs live shorter and will have bad legs etc. We took a bath just now, without thick fur he looked slim actually lol[emoji108]...

So i'll just cut his nails as long as it's not too short! I just tot cutting will increase growing,

I still haven't got him a toy, actually pet store is little far from where i live and currently i'm on holiday with lazy mode on, so it's my bad my bad... I'll just go out tomorrow for sure,

It was always good to come back here for advice. Thanks guys!

Here is some photo of my little guy! He used to shiver like crazy after bath, now he's all grown up!


You can see little pee mark at back! [emoji28] Got helpful tip for this, will try out first thing in the morning!

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Hi, I was jooped like this , we were told Kai was eight weeks , we didn't really know but thought she was small, we did some research nan figured she was 5-6 weeks , we fed kibble soaked in water but also added butchers puppy, at this age her stomach was really sensitive so please try to keep to jus one type of food and definitely no human food at all, twitching is normal, I know cz Kai slept in my armpit for the first 2 weeks twitching as she did . This was Kai at a similar age . I did report the breeder to the correct authorities ,

Hope this helps


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Hi, I was jooped like this , we were told Kai was eight weeks , we didn't really know but thought she was small, we did some research nan figured she was 5-6 weeks , we fed kibble soaked in water but also added butchers puppy, at this age her stomach was really sensitive so please try to keep to jus one type of food and definitely no human food at all, twitching is normal, I know cz Kai slept in my armpit for the first 2 weeks twitching as she did . This was Kai at a similar age . I did report the breeder to the correct authorities ,

Hope this helps

Thanks for sharing your side of story, so they even lie abt age, now that's stupid of them, when we are able to track them down!

Yes, i'm giving him a milk mix which he really loves and kibble soaked in water 3 times a day /1/4 cup/. Not long ago, a friend of my brother lost his puppy with food issue, therefore we are being extremely careful. His poo is fine, same as usual, so i'm good.

Hehe for twitching, i finally grow out of it, it was silly to worry about it. I guess when it's a first time, you tend to worry abt everylittle details. [emoji18]

Kai is beautiful! So her ears was like this when she was 5-6 weeks?! Eco's ears r still down, he might look little sharp when his ears r up! don't want him to look cruel with high ears! [emoji47]

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Thanks for sharing your side of story, so they even lie abt age, now that's stupid of them, when we are able to track them down!

Yes, i'm giving him a milk mix which he really loves and kibble soaked in water 3 times a day /1/4 cup/. Not long ago, a friend of my brother lost his puppy with food issue, therefore we are being extremely careful. His poo is fine, same as usual, so i'm good.

Hehe for twitching, i finally grow out of it, it was silly to worry about it. I guess when it's a first time, you tend to worry abt everylittle details. [emoji18]

Kai is beautiful! So her ears was like this when she was 5-6 weeks?! Eco's ears r still down, he might look little sharp when his ears r up! don't want him to look cruel with high ears! [emoji47]

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SSorry I don't know enough about the breed to know if the ears should be up or down, I'm sure someone here would be able to tell you , he is cute ears or not , good luck with him 

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