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5Weeks Old Husky, Please Advice


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You have some really great advice above.


Regarding toys, you can easily make something for him to chew on. If you have an old pair of jeans, cut off a long strip and tie a knot in both ends with the jeans and you have a perfect toy. You can get a small plastic drink bottle (remove the cap) and they are great toys, but watch in case it gets too damaged (unlikely at his age) or again you can cover it in jeans material. 


An old face towel is great, again just tie a knot or two in it, you can also wet this and freeze so he can chew on it to soothe his gums.


You can make a treat dispensing toy, but using a small plastic drink bottle and cutting a hole big enough for a treat to drop out of.. you will probably need to use the lid on the bottle so never leave unattended. 


The toy possibilities are endless with stuff at home, just make sure there is nothing small enough to swallow, break apart or fibrous. 

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I haven't read any of the above replies yet but please do be careful when cutting his nails. Personally I'd rather a professional groomer do it. 8 times out of 10, it'd start bleeding. About the ears it will stand up soon so don't to pull, tape, or play with it x

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I haven't read any of the above replies yet but please do be careful when cutting his nails. Personally I'd rather a professional groomer do it. 8 times out of 10, it'd start bleeding. About the ears it will stand up soon so don't to pull, tape, or play with it x

Will agree, skip the nail trimming let a pro do it, ESPECIALLY at this young. Also, be prepared for biting too, as that is something that is learned when they have their family to play with, they figure out that biting actually hurts so they stop.

I know you are busy, but the best thing you can do is try and take the pup out every 30-45 minutes and let him run around in the grass for a few minutes. Get him used to peeing outside and not inside. Another good tip we were given, but didn't use, was a bell hanging from the door handle, every time you take him out to potty tap the bell where it rings, he will associate the bell with needing to go potty and when he is old enough to start holding it he will ring the bell when he needs to go out. Will save you tons of effort from not realizing that he is standing at the door waiting to be let out if you are in another room of the house.

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You have some really great advice above.

Regarding toys, you can easily make something for him to chew on. If you have an old pair of jeans, cut off a long strip and tie a knot in both ends with the jeans and you have a perfect toy. You can get a small plastic drink bottle (remove the cap) and they are great toys, but watch in case it gets too damaged (unlikely at his age) or again you can cover it in jeans material.

An old face towel is great, again just tie a knot or two in it, you can also wet this and freeze so he can chew on it to soothe his gums.

You can make a treat dispensing toy, but using a small plastic drink bottle and cutting a hole big enough for a treat to drop out of.. you will probably need to use the lid on the bottle so never leave unattended.

The toy possibilities are endless with stuff at home, just make sure there is nothing small enough to swallow, break apart or fibrous.

Oh thank you Jase, that's really great advice, I'll go through my old clothes n see what i can make, and i really liked that treat dispensing toy, but how about the treat, i don't know any other thing expect milk and kiddles lol... Can i use candy or chocolate as treat, do they taste same like they are to us? [emoji13]

And i took a second glance at his nail, i see that there's pink lining inside of the nail, i tot that's the reason it's so prone to bleeding, not like a human nails. Decided to leave it alone for now.

My brother went to countryside for a week and Eco went with him. They came back today. Oh he's got real big! I literally dropped my jaw. Guess you don't realize growth when r always there with them. [emoji1] and seem like his toilet habit got little better as Eco goes to hall when he pee.

Now he is 7 week old and i'm talking to vet for vaccine date. Vet told me 2 months but i heard some of my friend's dog got their vaccine after 45 days. Does it varies from breed to breed?


Here he is! Thanks everybody for your great advices.

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Will agree, skip the nail trimming let a pro do it, ESPECIALLY at this young. Also, be prepared for biting too, as that is something that is learned when they have their family to play with, they figure out that biting actually hurts so they stop.

I know you are busy, but the best thing you can do is try and take the pup out every 30-45 minutes and let him run around in the grass for a few minutes. Get him used to peeing outside and not inside. Another good tip we were given, but didn't use, was a bell hanging from the door handle, every time you take him out to potty tap the bell where it rings, he will associate the bell with needing to go potty and when he is old enough to start holding it he will ring the bell when he needs to go out. Will save you tons of effort from not realizing that he is standing at the door waiting to be let out if you are in another room of the house.

Thanks i loved a bell thing. That's a really good one. I'll take him outside once he get his vaccine.

And i just can't make him figure out how much it hurts when he bites me! I tell him to stop so loud! But he gets more excited. I'm thinking of mimicking puppy whining sound when he started to bite. Don't know it would work,

I heard people hit their buddy with newspaper since it doesn't hurt much instead it makes loud sound and scares them. But i'm not sure, i'm afraid his temper might turn out to be so bad. i push him once in a while when he gets really hard on me!

Should i make him play with other dog? So that he might learn his bite? No? [emoji16]

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Thanks i loved a bell thing. That's a really good one. I'll take him outside once he get his vaccine.

And i just can't make him figure out how much it hurts when he bites me! I tell him to stop so loud! But he gets more excited. I'm thinking of mimicking puppy whining sound when he started to bite. Don't know it would work,

I heard people hit their buddy with newspaper since it doesn't hurt much instead it makes loud sound and scares them. But i'm not sure, i'm afraid his temper might turn out to be so bad. i push him once in a while when he gets really hard on me!

Should i make him play with other dog? So that he might learn his bite? No? [emoji16]

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yelping can help and it's actually recommend I would never hit a dog with anything that's just going to make it worse
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yelping can help and it's actually recommend I would never hit a dog with anything that's just going to make it worse

Yeah? Haha then i'll go for yelping! Even then it Looks like it'll take a while before he learns anything, thanks owner of BingBlaze n Skyla!

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Oh thank you Jase, that's really great advice, I'll go through my old clothes n see what i can make, and i really liked that treat dispensing toy, but how about the treat, i don't know any other thing expect milk and kiddles lol... Can i use candy or chocolate as treat, do they taste same like they are to us? [emoji13]

And i took a second glance at his nail, i see that there's pink lining inside of the nail, i tot that's the reason it's so prone to bleeding, not like a human nails. Decided to leave it alone for now.

My brother went to countryside for a week and Eco went with him. They came back today. Oh he's got real big! I literally dropped my jaw. Guess you don't realize growth when r always there with them. [emoji1] and seem like his toilet habit got little better as Eco goes to hall when he pee.

Now he is 7 week old and i'm talking to vet for vaccine date. Vet told me 2 months but i heard some of my friend's dog got their vaccine after 45 days. Does it varies from breed to breed?

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No you should never ever ever give chocolate to your dog. Please read our "danger food" thread in the food and diet section. Eco can receive apples (cut up to teeny tiny little pieces), natural yoghurt (Google that a bit and read about what kind of bacteria you want in the ingredients), cheese (not too often), peanut butter and carrots for natural treats. Vaccination rounds can be started now. After he finishes his second round (usually at age 9 weeks) he'd be able to go out for walks. I'm honestly worried with the fact that your brother took him to the countryside. Is there a farm there? Is he exposed to other animals and/or their feces? Has he received any kind of vaccination at all before this? I'd keep an eye out on parvovirus. It's deadly and heartbreaking.


Bite inhibition is simply something you can not learn in one week or two. It takes months. Please, be patient. You won't expect a human baby to learn so fast either would you? :)


EDIT: No, it is not recommended to hit your dog with anything be it rolled-up newspaper or a stick. Just stick to one method and stay with it.


EDIT #2: Beke, without any intention to insult you, do you have any other source to learn about dog care and training other than our forum? I ask this because you don't seem to come here often... and your lack of general understanding regarding dog care sorta worries me. I'm really sorry Beke, but if you don't even know dogs don't eat chocolate, I highly recommend you to either read up about dog care elsewhere or come here and ask us every time you have something you're not sure about. I'm not saying you won't be/are not a good dog owner, but I do expect you to know a teeny tiny little bit more about canines. Don't hesitate to ask us anything, we're here for that exact reason :) x

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No you should never ever ever give chocolate to your dog. Please read our "danger food" thread in the food and diet section. Eco can receive apples (cut up to teeny tiny little pieces), natural yoghurt (Google that a bit and read about what kind of bacteria you want in the ingredients), cheese (not too often), peanut butter and carrots for natural treats. Vaccination rounds can be started now. After he finishes his second round (usually at age 9 weeks) he'd be able to go out for walks. I'm honestly worried with the fact that your brother took him to the countryside. Is there a farm there? Is he exposed to other animals and/or their feces? Has he received any kind of vaccination at all before this? I'd keep an eye out on parvovirus. It's deadly and heartbreaking.


Bite inhibition is simply something you can not learn in one week or two. It takes months. Please, be patient. You won't expect a human baby to learn so fast either would you? :)


EDIT: No, it is not recommended to hit your dog with anything be it rolled-up newspaper or a stick. Just stick to one method and stay with it.


EDIT #2: Beke, without any intention to insult you, do you have any other source to learn about dog care and training other than our forum? I ask this because you don't seem to come here often... and your lack of general understanding regarding dog care sorta worries me. I'm really sorry Beke, but if you don't even know dogs don't eat chocolate, I highly recommend you to either read up about dog care elsewhere or come here and ask us every time you have something you're not sure about. I'm not saying you won't be/are not a good dog owner, but I do expect you to know a teeny tiny little bit more about canines. Don't hesitate to ask us anything, we're here for that exact reason :)

100% agree , do some research huskies are not like other dogs.  There metabolism for one is completely different , there is plenty of literature out there,  Go get some and make youself aware of all aspects of owning a husky

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No you should never ever ever give chocolate to your dog. Please read our "danger food" thread in the food and diet section. Eco can receive apples (cut up to teeny tiny little pieces), natural yoghurt (Google that a bit and read about what kind of bacteria you want in the ingredients), cheese (not too often), peanut butter and carrots for natural treats. Vaccination rounds can be started now. After he finishes his second round (usually at age 9 weeks) he'd be able to go out for walks. I'm honestly worried with the fact that your brother took him to the countryside. Is there a farm there? Is he exposed to other animals and/or their feces? Has he received any kind of vaccination at all before this? I'd keep an eye out on parvovirus. It's deadly and heartbreaking.

Bite inhibition is simply something you can not learn in one week or two. It takes months. Please, be patient. You won't expect a human baby to learn so fast either would you? :)

EDIT: No, it is not recommended to hit your dog with anything be it rolled-up newspaper or a stick. Just stick to one method and stay with it.

EDIT #2: Beke, without any intention to insult you, do you have any other source to learn about dog care and training other than our forum? I ask this because you don't seem to come here often... and your lack of general understanding regarding dog care sorta worries me. I'm really sorry Beke, but if you don't even know dogs don't eat chocolate, I highly recommend you to either read up about dog care elsewhere or come here and ask us every time you have something you're not sure about. I'm not saying you won't be/are not a good dog owner, but I do expect you to know a teeny tiny little bit more about canines. Don't hesitate to ask us anything, we're here for that exact reason :) x

Thanks Mydiamond for your honest reply, yes i do know that i don't have any knowledge or any idea how to rise a pet, and i admit that i'm not good owner,

U may think why i got Eco in the first place, it's cuz i didn't have much choice in this.


Anyway, i was middle of my reply and it got accidentally replied, sorry

To tell you the truth, people over here don't have that much academic knowledge in rising a dog, they just go with their practic and common sense and ask one other how they do with their dogs, and somehow they survive and got old and happy. I got this friends and if i need something i text them and ask, but I don't do every little things i advised. I double check over here. That chocolate thing is one of the thing i heard from friend who sometimes gives to her dog, i did read danger food. Guess did not memorize the list that well.

And i think i should come more to find out more information. And i don't think you r being hard and no hard feeling, thanks.

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Thanks Mydiamond for your honest reply, yes i do know that i don't have any knowledge or any idea how to rise a pet, and i admit that i'm not good owner,

U may think why i got Eco in the first place, it's cuz i didn't have much choice in this.


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The fact that you came to us asking questions show that you ARE a good dog owner. You're just not that knowledgeable yet. Therefore, I suggest you to do the learning now. It's never too late to start :)

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  • 1 month later...


Eco is doing great had our second phase of vaccine a couple of days ago.

Still bites and gets aggressive from time 2 time [emoji28], he'll be 3 months in a few days.


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They might stand up soon they can stay floppy till after they teeth , try not to play with them tho as they won't stand up then at all

Are u sure it's aggression? Could it just be hyper husky play?

Mmm, thanks for the encouragement, hope they would stand up soon,

Have u ever seen any grown sibe with down ears before? I'm having hard time to imagine how they would look like, [emoji28]

Yes, it's a hyper play, getting rougher as his teeth grows, we try to calm him in a few ways, but sometimes he bites when we do something that he don't like, scratches have became common marks after we got him, lol

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He is a very beautiful Puppy :wub:

Thanks mandy, yes he is, he's more beautiful when he sleeps, calmed down or lick my hand lol, other times he's a real demon. [emoji24]

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Aww, the joys of puppy stage. I used to care and walk this teenage puppy my neighbor owns. I always came home with a whole arm full of scratch marks. Sweet little demon :wub: they will eventually learn though. Just stick to one bite inhibition method and cross your fingers :P

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