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This is not a rant or anything like it, more like it's just .. sharing observations. The only reason I'm posting it in the Steam Room board is because it's not visible for guests. Wall of text incoming.


Okay, I'm not quite sure how to start this one and I usually don't talk about such things neither in real life nor on the internet. Thing is that I have the feeling that I'm being overwhelmed lately and I really need to just say all this out loud.


I've always been a funny/goofy, very outgoing and friendly person and this is how most people accept me to be. Life hasn't really been easy but I try not to let such things get me down. However in the past year I've been noticing something about myself that is starting to frighten me.


In the past year I've slowly been losing interest towards everything. I don't go out with my friends as much, in fact not at all, I don't meet new people nor try to keep up my relation with acquaintances whether in real life or on the internet. It seems as if I've slowly been closing myself towards the outer world, mostly spending my time at home playing with Ares or sitting in front of the PC.


I used to be enthusiastic about history, art, music and books and nowadays I don't do any of the mentioned. I stopped reading, I stopped searching for new music, I stopped studying history and philosophy. I've always being trying to improve myself in all directions, from being knowledgeable and interested in different stuff, to trying to reach perfection in what I'm already doing. Thing is that lately it just doesn't work out. I simply don't have the motivation to be who I used to be.


I'm not as passionate about my work lately as well and during the last two weeks it has been really bad - I did two very big mistakes that could cost me my job while at the same time I've been trying to work towards getting a new position (good luck with that regarding how bad I perform lately).


I don't know how to call it - depression? Just feeling tired? I've never have been depressed, life isn't rainbows and sunshine but I usually manage to keep positive. Why is that now, and lately, I have been like that? It just doesn't feel normal for me to lose interest in everything and mostly just live life day to day.


I don't know what's the cause for that but the worse is that I don't know how to fix it. Do you have such moments? How do you manage to get over them?


Sorry if this thread made you feel bad or something, I didn't mean to.

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I think you're just feeling a little overwhelmed right now. I mean, I hope so. Depression isn't fun, and I always hope no one I know fall into the same pit I fell into. Losing interest of stuffs you used to be passionate about might be a symptom of depression, but it can also be a side effect of being put under too much pressure. I stopped reading when I was down in the dumps. But now I'm out of there and still doesn't read. Life changes, and we change with them. Don't be afraid of changes. Don't be afraid of being someone different than who we used to be. Now I know this sounds generic, but really I don't say this to just anyone. Someone might be suffering from manic depression yet if I don't feel close to them I won't say this. We've never met in real life, but I know you're a great, great guy. So: if you need anyone to talk to, I'm here to listen. 

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Thank you, ladies, it already feels better after sharing it here.


Liv, I really hope it's just related to the fact that I haven't been getting a lot of sleep lately and our payment checks are being delayed this month which just contributes to the whole picture. Hopefully I will be out of it before I know it. I think I need some more husky cuddles with Ares, it always helps.

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It sure sounds like it to me m8....when I am like that, (and there are a few things going on here right now) to make me go there again I have a break and take the caravan the mrs and the dogs and pee of somewhere in Holland and just relax an walk the dogs...I unfortunately still have to work, am my own boss...but can deal with that no problem...

I also then read a lot and find my mojo back just a wee bit....


if there is anything I can do to help just let me know by pm and I gladly give you my nr. and or skype addy...


Just hang in there and talk to peeps...

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I agree it always helps to talk to someone. I have been feeling like that lately too. All I want to do is just sit at home with my dogs. It could be stress from work or the lack of sleep. Don't forget your family is always here and we have your back ;).

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2

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yes, i too have days like this although mine are more like i feel like crying but i do i'll never stop. i don't have these days often but when i do i can't really explain why? there's a lot going on for me at the moment and sometimes crying is the only way i can process the emotion, it works though.


failing that i have a chat with my best mate and she helps me see things a bit clearer.


i hope that you manage to sort things out, its never nice feeling like this but if we can be supportive here you know we will be  :grouphug:

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:grouphug:  What you're describing sounds very much like depression and can take a while to overcome but hang in there Dimitar, you can beat it and get back to the person you recognise.  :)  Get yourself into a routine/habit of going out, that way it's easier to get yourself out of the house and meeting up with friends.  Sitting inside alone has a tendency to make you feel worse, fresh air and exercise isn't a magic cure but it can help you to take your mind off things for a while.   If you're really struggling then go down the doctors and see what they can do to help, they might surprise you, you never know. :) 

Take care Mister.  Here if you need me.  :huskyhugs: xxxx

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Thank you everyone. Just the sole fact that I got such warm replies made me feel much better. I will definitely go out and check with my friends this weekend. You're all wonderful, massive hugs (and cake!) for all! :grouphug:


glad to hear you still love handing out virtual cakes :P 

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Sorry to hear that things are a bit rough right now. What you have explained seem pretty normal too me, life can be like a roller coaster - always full of ups and downs. Just know that will soon be on the up and you are not on your own in having these feelings.


Mate, if you are worried, have a chat with your doctor, so many people have bouts of depression, stress or anxiety of varying degrees. As a bloke we have the bad trait of only going to the doctors if we have something physically serious like an arm hanging off, and try to brush aside matters concerning stress and anxiety... forget that macho BS and have a chat with your doc, it is always good to get a professional opinion.


Take care mate

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Oh I do feel like that sometimes too. The first thing I try to do is determine if I am just in a rut, or if it is something bigger than I can handle on my own.


If I am just feeling down, I try to get out and do something. Exercise is really good for improving ones mood (until you feel sore afterwards anyway!). Get outside, sunshine helps. Get some friends together and laugh. Laughter is really healing. Spend some time on ME, which for me could mean getting a manicure, buying a pretty pair of shoes, going to see a movie I have really wanted to see but put off for one reason or another. 


If it something that is too big, or too chemical, for me to handle on my own, I have in the past made use of counseling and psych services. There is no shame in accepting help, even though I know guys sometimes struggle with admitting they need it. I was on anti-anxiety meds for awhile, and at that time in my life I needed them. I don't take any meds right now, but if I thought I was going off the deep end, I would go on them again. 


And remember, always take as good care of yourself as you would take care of the people (or dogs) you love. There is nothing wrong with being selfish sometimes and really looking out for your own health. Hugs, I hope things look up. 

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Well done for talking to us I know how hard that is xxxx recognising there is a problem goes a long way to dealing with it. I dont know what us availabl there but counselling does really help if not talk to us, pm me and I will listen xx sending hugs.

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I'm actually feeling very well today, thank you! It's like I'm all goofy again - so hide your sweets, hide your cake!


Thanks for caring <3


nope not hiding 'em x they're there for ya :D 


(( I actually have just finished a good pack of chunky cookies :P so yes I DO have sweets ready over here ))

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Talking about sweets, maybe that's where the problem lies, your sugar level is too low, sweeten up your life  :D


But to be serious about the subject, I'm pretty similar, if it was up to me I wouldn't need anything than peace in my life, and as nice as that might sound, it gets really boring and depressing that way.

Luckily I have my lovely 2 girls (my girlfriend and of course Kira) that give me more than enough reasons to enjoy life, and bring a smile on my face when I know they're waiting for me when I come home from work  :)

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