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Distressed Puppy, Help!!!


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Hi, I recently got 2 husky puppies from the same litter, they are 8 weeks old and we started to crate train the first day we got them, the girl is fine and only cries when she needs the toilet but the boy will sit in his crate and cry and howl for around 30 to 45 minutes. he sounds like he is in distress, does anyone have any idea of what could be wrong?

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Welcome. There is nothing wrong with your male puppy. I don't crate my dogs (YET) but probably the vast majority of users on here do so they will be able to help you more than I. I will say it's completely normal for a puppy to not take too kindly to a crate. It's a lot of work and an area I failed in when raising my first husky. I did not have the will power to ignore the crying and keep my oldest crated. Lucky for me I lucked out and he turned out to be a nondestructive dog. If you are going to crate your dogs (it's a great idea) then you have to be able to put up with the crying and howling anywhere from 2 weeks to a month. Eventually they settle in and will love the crate...the hard part is sticking to your guns from the start.

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I crate trained 2 of mine that I have had since puppies, and yes it will take some time and patience for them to be crate trained.  It is quite normal for them to scream like they are distressed.  First, you have to train them to think of their crate as a place they WANT to go to, which will take time.  Second, I would not acknowledge them or let them out if they are making a fuss. When they calm down, then you can let them out.  I used treats to get them to go in their crates, and when I left I never made a big deal about it, and same thing when I come home. 


It may take several months to get them 100% crate trained.  And remember they cannot hold it for longer than 1 hour per month of age plus 1, so if they are 2 months old they can be held in a crate for 3 hours at a time.

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thank you everyone for replying, yes we have the crates next to each other but he looks at her and barks/howls while she is pretty calm. we haven't had them for a very long time but he sounds like he's in such distress being in a crate only a few cm away from her:/ we put a cover on his crate last night and will continue to do it to see if that makes a difference. when you let them out to go to do their business do you put them back in straight away or let them out for around 5/10 minutes?

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we have crated Skye since the first night we got her, for the first few weeks she cried and howled and performed but over a period of about 2 to 3 weeks she got used to it and now she just accepts that she's a crated dog and goes in when asked. She still has moments every day when she sits and barks or howls (we have a very understanding neighbour lol) but in general she is fine.


the crying and howling your little boy displays is likely to be just his way of telling you he doesn't want to be in his crate and he thinks if he performs enough you'll give in and then he has got the attention he's looking for.


it can seem harsh and you'll feel wretched at times but always remember its for his own good and hang in there, it does get better  :)

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Definitely normal, both of our's are crate trained. Do yourself and your dogs a favor though and stick with it. Don't give up on it because he is whining about it, this will be one of the best things you can accomplish when training your dogs as it creates a safe haven for them. Our dogs have been crate trained since they were pups and they love their crates now, they will disappear for an hr and you'll go looking for them and they are passed out in their crates.


A few things to remember and things that will help the association:

- Dogs are very much so creatures of habit, anything that you are doing now, try and do it on a schedule. Keep them on this schedule as long as possible while they are pups as it will make training easier. Make sure you can handle the habits too, as they will more than likely still be habits when they are adults. My dogs insist on going outside after they eat dinner, even if they don't have to potty they will wait at the door, go outside and then walk around then want back in. It's almost like they are OCD, they feel odd if they don't do their habits.

- Do everything in their crates during the training time, ESPECIALLY feeding them. This will help in eliminating any kind of food aggression or fights as neither dog will be able to get to the other dog's food. 

- What helped ours was, a few times a day call them into the room with their crates and put a treat in the back of their crates when they get in their crates close the door and let them finish their treat, then let them out. Increase the time that you leave them in each time, so first time maybe leave them in there for a minute or two, and let them out. This let's them know that you will let them out when you are ready and not when they demand it.


Just a few of the things that seemed to help us out when we trained ours. Good luck and stick with it, you won't be sorry you did!

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Thanks so much everyone for the replies!! last night was so much better, 10 mins of whining then slept for 3 hours and only cried to be let out for the toilet.. it's true, you have to be patient. We've picked up on when they're attention seeking and when they genuinely need to be let out for the toilet.. shall keep you all updated on their progress as they're doing so well already :D  

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I feel your pain! :( i picked up little Bronn yesterday and i'm trying to do everything to positively reinforce the cage from the off but he already hates it! He's suspicious going in then he howls the house down for 20-25minutes before he goes quiet. When i let him out he has a little sulk aswell ha. Todays job is to pickup a bottle of wine for my hopefully understanding neighbours!

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oh tell me about it!! we thought things were going well now Luka, the boy is being a little terror, he howls, screams and tries to dig his way out then Maya starts and it's so loud and I live in a flat, luckily our neighbours aren't exactly quiet but I still feel bad because it's even too much for me at times let alone someone who doesn't understand.. well good luck with the crate training let me know if you find any useful tips along the way :)

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