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A Little Advice? My Pup Is A Chatterbox...


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My husky pup Freya, who is 5 months old, is very loud. At first we thought it was the cutest thing ever since she'd make the cutest little sounds when you played with her, but as she's gotten older she's become very vocal. 


I think it's funny, it makes me feel like she's talking to me :') My other dog, a lab called Holly, she's always been very quiet and won't make a sound unless you're holding a treat in front of her nose and telling her to... Or if she's protecting you from shady people etc. But Freya is the opposite... She tends to bark at you if you ignore her or give any attention to anyone but her when she's with you... She also howls if you leave her alone in the garden or something.. She eventually stops, but she does irk the neighbors. Personally, I think it's awesome listening to her howl, it's like I've got my own little dire wolf :') But, I don't want the neighbors complaining and having the council come over and cause trouble for us... 


What I'm worried about is if this is a sign of dominant behavior? I don't want to ignore it and misjudge it and then having her grow up as a very dominant dog... I don't believe there is such a thing as a bad dog, so I don't really want to make any mistakes that may affect her behavior this early on. 

Also, is she suffering from separation anxiety? I'd hate the thought of her feeling alone... I'm just wondering, please help me!! 


- Wolfee


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Huskies are very vocal dogs!  They aren't guard dogs and won't really bark much to alert you but they do like to converse with you.  Ice will literally argue back with me like a stroppy teenager when I tell him off!  lol.  He also makes the weirdest noise known to man when the neighbours come out into the garden it's a bit like "cock a doodle doo!"  I swear he thinks he's a chicken, lol.    It's one of the things I love about him most, his unique noises!  :wub:  A husky howling isn't so much a dominant dog, it's just their special way of communicating.  I have heard that a wolf howls to call it's pack back together, which makes sense to me as Ice only really howls these days when Bear goes out without him..... he lays there staring at the door waiting for her and then.......hooooooowwwwlll, he calls her back to him, so cute.  :wub:

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Aw, that is so sweet ^_^ 


Thank you, I'm a little relieved now :') Freya is a very good pup in all fairness... Me and my parents took her and Holly out for a group "family" walk with two other couples who got Holly's puppy's from us ^_^ One couple got two pups from each of her litters and the other couple got one. We all went on this huge walk and labs love water, so once we got within seeing distance of a pond they all literally dived in, successfully ruining a famillies picnic :'D The kids of the family having the picnic were trying to avoid the big wet labs but they loved Freya. Freya hadn't really been around a pond before, but she took one look at the water and the rest of the dogs and came to sit by me on the bench :'D As if she were saying "ugh, I'm so above that"... Such a lady :'D 

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I will try that... I did that with my other dog, but she was never that vocal, I wanted her to be though because I think it's so cute when dogs 'talk' to you haha ^_^ 

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Mine  will only talk to me if they want something.

Daughtry will tell me " I want one. . . . or. . . it might be. . . I'm Batman" not quite sure which

but usually it means she wants food.

Darwin Huffs at me then that turns into a short soft bark, then ito full fledged wooooooooos when he wants a walk.

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What I'm concerned of is the fact that she howls when left alone. That could be a sign of separation anxiety. Your neighbors have every right to be unhappy. Therefore, if she's very vocal, she needs to learn the word "quiet". There are loads of topics about separation anxiety in our training & behavior section. Have a look around :)


By the way, the term "dominance" and "dominant dogs" is SO overused in our society today. Every little naughty thing dogs do, people deem it as an act of dominance. Dominant dogs are not bad-mannered dogs. The ones you see in Cesar Millan's show are not dominant dogs. They're simply named that way to make it easier for us to understand. Those are dogs without rules and boundaries. Just like human children, when they don't have any rules to abide, they become little jerks :) true dominant dogs are the ones taking lead in a pack of dogs, and has the drive to maintain leadership and protect the other dogs in his/her pack. They are the kind of dogs that are not happy to be challenged. If you have two dominant dogs in one home, you better get ready for a dog fight because none would want to give up the "alpha" position.

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