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Bella Is At Very Bad Condition


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Ok so we went to the vet,they made blood analysis,there isnt any virus but she has some kind of "Gastro..." problems which i dont remember very well.

Main problem is shown trought the 4 X Ray pics which i will show here when i get them.

1- Empty pics to be sure that there isnt any kind of object in her stomach

2-With some kind of fluid,to shown if the fluid is stuck somewhere (the fluis is shown on the x rays)

3- Shows that there isnt any objects and that everything she gets in her mouth goes directly to her small inestines,and after 10 mins in her large inestine

4- This pic shows that it's trought the colon in her rectum and ready to be take off her..


So i heard this happens often to dogs and it isnt very bad,the good thing in this situation is that she dont have any objects in her body so we dont need to cut her.

At this moment i just got home to rest,after 24h awake with her,she is at the vet and taking the fluids she need and lot's of infusion.


Our fancy bandage :)


Resting in my van on the way to the hospital 


Almost ready for X ray


At the table for X ray




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emma they know very good but i dont know how to say it,even on macedonian xD strong medical word even for me :)

something like liv said.


I already spent lots of money for the first step treatments so they told me that i can find out what caused this but it will be expensive and painfull.

It could be from her dog food,cos recently i changed her feeding to dog food.Could be from some KIND of grass she ate,not every kind.Could be from some wood.

Everything that can disturb her kidney.

Didnt specified what is the main thing or some stricly that can cause this.

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Sorry Marko, I must of read your post wrong. Gastroenteritis is my guess and not much fun. Ice had haemorrhaging (bleeding) gastro enteritis once and it was horrible to watch, they get so sick so fast. We never did work out what caused it, guess it was just one those things.

Wishing your Bella a swift recovery. Sounds like she's been through a lot the last few days. [emoji17]

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May I wish Bella a swift recovery.

Skye had 'gastro' problems earlier this year, (despite no major symptoms - other than her not putting on weight), and it was diagnosed as Pancreatitis.

A course of antibiotics and anti inflammatories and Skye was much better.

I certainly hope that Bella is back to normal health soon.

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Ok so i just went to pick her up,damn i never saw her in this condition,very agressive,we needed tu put her mask so the doc can give her the last 3 most painfull injections.


Officialy she has Gastroenteritis which is disturbing whole stomach and not alowing the food to be processed.

Also the docs found some kind of parasite in her poop,well,blooded liquid,i dont know if i can say it poop.They saw it under the microscope.

And there is danger of Corona virus but it's not confirmed.


I will go tomorrow to the vet again for taking lot's of meds,and it will be like this till monday i think.

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About all I can say is to ditto the previous couple of comments.  It does sound as if you're vet is checking so that's good.  I'm not sure I blame her for being unhappy, not feeling good and then being pushed, prodded, shot and who knows what else.  Hoping that things start turning out better. Take care, mate!!

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My storm got a gastro bug a few years ago.

On the Friday I took him to the vets coz I knew he wasn't right. They said he was ok.

By Saturday evening he gone downhill.

By Sunday morning at the vets for emergencies he was so weak he could hardly walk.

He had to stay at the vets overnight on a drip and medicine.

Recovery was weeks, small meals, building him up again. Took months to get him back to healthy weight.

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Marko, really sorry to hear that she is still so ill but at least you have a good vet that seems to be doing his best for her. Gastrointestinal is not nice and I hope she can overcome it quickly. :huskyhugs: from the Keeonah pack.



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This morning when i went down to check on Bella i was surprised,she was way better than yesterday,and almost full with energy,ready to play :)

So we went to the vet again to take some antibiotics,and,injections :/ It was not very hard ti give her antibiotics cos she already has the needle in her arm,but yet she was giving resistance and was afraid of the doc.

After 15 mins of antibiotics the worst was coming,again 4 injections which hurt very much. We were forced to put her mask,and to hold her with 2 other docs becouse she had energy to give much more resistance than yesterday.

First 3 were total successful but the forth was only half of it becouse she went mad. Im all scratches and got big bite on my hand. Now she is walking around the yard and seems much better and healthier.

Almost 30 hrs without food,and i must not give her anything for the next 18 hours. Only water from boiled rice,tea,one spoon of boiled rice with yoghurt and thats all.She is starved :/


And the doc is 90% sure that this is all caused by the parasite which he found under the microscope.


The situation is going from bad to good,hope soon will be excelent :)

Thanks everyone for the support

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I, too, am glad that things are looking up. Ya know, though, don't you, that it's going to take time for her to get back to completely trusting you again (probably). 

It's really hard, sometimes, when we know that what we're doing is to help them get better and all they know is that it hurts and you're the one responsible.  Don't be surprised or hurt if she's standoffish ( not he normal friendly self ) for a few days to a week or so.  She'll come around .... and at least she'll be there to get back to her normal bubbly self!

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Great to hear she's on the mend but must admit I was thinking along the same lines as Al. She could be quite unhappy at being handled or approached suddenly for a while, be careful if you need to do that to give her more meds etc,,, just incase.

Still the most important thing is you know what's wrong and she's getting better, that's fantastic news! [emoji2]

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Umm nope,whole day we are playing like nothing happend :) She is very good with me,but tomorrow when it will be time for meds injections and stuff,she will be mad and hard to keep her calm to get her meds.

Only guy she is afraid of is her vet xD

I will go tomorrow for last 3 injections and some antibiotics and that's it.

But must take good care for her this night becouse she has needle in her vein,bandaged of course but she is shoving interest to remove the bandage which wont be good and there will be some blood.

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