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What's wrong with Kimba?


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Poor Kimba, has he come into contact with anything new recently? Something as simple as a change in your washing powder for example may cause a reaction :( Jersey's allergies have finally been pin pointed to Mites, fleas & mold fungus :blink: this I'm told could be found in the garden on wild mushrooms for example :) you don't always know what they get their noses into :P xxx

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How long has it been there for? Is it anywhere else on his mouth?

It looks like it could just be saliva staining which is completely normal.

No, it's only on one side and have checked his tongue, gums and roof of his mouth and nothing else there

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sarah has he been play fighting alot, because kato gets it if he has been playing alot and using that side of his mouth each time.

Bear has also got a little bit at the min becasue he had 4 fights in the space of 2 weeks thanx to our foster its all back to normal now no fights.

You might just find it is where he has been playing and your other dog has pulled himself away and gave him a friction burn.

next time your dogs are playing see if you can see what side of his mouth he is using

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no the play fighting has calmed recently as i've been off work and been walking them more so they've been more tired.

Ian, what cream did the vets use? Did he just lick it right off when you applied it?

Bec, did Micha just get it on one side as well?

Thanks for the replies everyone, added to reps :)

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Have noticed this red rash kinda thing on the side of his mouth - it's not hurting him to touch or affecting him eating etc in any way, he's not licking it either - any clues as to what it could be?



looks like a simple case of zinc responsive dermatitus (ZRD) to me. I'm very surprised you have had so many replies and no one has suggested it since it is by far the most common skin complaint in northern breeds.

I would try adding zinc to the diet. Many people find using zinc suppliments very effective (though don't use zinc with calcium). I however found feeding a small amount of liver every day (about 1" piece) the most effective and cleared up a very stubborn case in a couple of weeks.

I would try feeding liver for 4 weeks and see if there is any improvement. You can take him to the vet but for skin conditions they will probably prescripe antibiotics without diagnosing the condition and many vets are not familure with ZRD in the first place. I would give the extra zinc in the diet a chance to work before going down the medicine route, especially since the rash is not bothering him.

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thanks Cat - can i just give him tablets like we can get over the counter for humans as have tried him with liver before and he won't eat it - raw or cooked - stubborn fella lol

yes, I used to get zinc tablets from Holland and Barretts. If you can find one that also has vitamin A in it, then this is best as its the vitamin A that helps metabolise the zinc. This is why liver is so good as it is rich in Vit A (but why you only feed a small amount becuase vit A overdose is nasty). Zincaderm is what was most popular from pet med shops but I don't think its sold any more.

I was advised by the vet skin specialist to try zinc picolinate (50mg per day) for 4 weeks and you can also try something like sudocrem topically as this has zinc in it too.

Zinc Gluconate is also popular and is used in sled dog suppliments but its much cheaper getting it from health food stores.

Also, does he like fish like salmon or sprats? oily fish is also very good for ZRD. If he is willing to eat it.

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Its probley a mix of eatting yellow snow and play fighting with mum and dad I'd leave him a few days only let him out on the lead not in the garden on his own, you should see the mess they have made here between them they have dug about 12 holes ripped up a tree and god knows what else.

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Thanks again Cat, added to rep. He has oily tinned makrel or tuna a couple of times a week in his kibble, will get some tablets as well to give him a boost.

Lol dunc - errr oopsunsure.gif hey it wasn't just my 2 that were there you know wolf didn't do a bad job on the tree tongue.gif it started up before we came down to yours the playing may have aggrivated it though

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Guest snowdog

hey sarah hope kimbas rash clears up hun, if you feed mine fresh salmon( a certain two goys adviced me well on this subject) like cat suggests (great post by cat btw,its reassuring to have so many knowledgable ppl here for advice) hold ya nose kidda!, i feed mine salmon heads ahhhhhhh its disgusting and sometimes even they turn there nose up at them but thay great for them, just use a tissue or glove to pick em up as i nearly throw up when holding them, kiss to them both x

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Hi there Sarah,

Just thought we would reiterate what we said to you about Kimbas' rash in the chat room last night. And to give you an insight to our experience of what happened to us !

We believe it possibly could be a form of Acne (Teenage Spots) Yes we know it sounds stupid, but we have had it happen to our first 3 Huskies (Pepe, Levi & C.K)

When it appeared on Pepes' lower jaw some 20 years ago, we were quite concerned and back in those days it was a trip straight to the Vets, with all the worry that goes with it ! (Especially our Veterinary Surgeon then who was an elderly lady who was very FEROCIOUS - To put it in simple terms - She HATED humans, but she adored all animals !!)

After the Vet asked us a few questions, like has anything changed recently, and how old is he, with us replying NO and 2 years to the later.

She then had a quick look with a magnifying glass, then told us that Pepe had a form of Teenage Spots (Acne), which happens in dogs as well as humans. As you can imagine, we thought that she was taking the P***.

But we soon realised that she wasn't after she said to just keep it clean and if it didn't clear up after a couple of weeks or it became pussy or infected to return and she would prescribe a topical cream.

The rash did disappear after a few weeks and we did not need any topical cream, so we were well and truly clued up when it also happened to Levi and C.K.

We did have to take Levi to see the FEROCIOUS Vet, however, because his did start to get a bit pussy, sore and red.

Oxytetracycline - pronounced, Oxy - Tetra Cy -Cline was prescribed and it cleared it up perfectly.

Thankfully C.K only had a mild form of it biggrin.gif and Ices' hormones haven't clicked in yet, thankfully ! laugh.gif

That's our story - Hope it helps, though we could be wrong and it may be something else ! Hopefully not though !!

Ivan and Paul. Ice, C.K, Falmer & Kira.

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looks like a simple case of zinc responsive dermatitus (ZRD) to me. I'm very surprised you have had so many replies and no one has suggested it since it is by far the most common skin complaint in northern breeds.

I would try adding zinc to the diet. Many people find using zinc suppliments very effective (though don't use zinc with calcium). I however found feeding a small amount of liver every day (about 1" piece) the most effective and cleared up a very stubborn case in a couple of weeks.

I would try feeding liver for 4 weeks and see if there is any improvement. You can take him to the vet but for skin conditions they will probably prescripe antibiotics without diagnosing the condition and many vets are not familure with ZRD in the first place. I would give the extra zinc in the diet a chance to work before going down the medicine route, especially since the rash is not bothering him.

This looks exactly how Myshka's eye started, we had her to the vets, had skin scrapes, hair plucks & nothing came back. I was told it could be a zinc deficiency, too. To eliminate this, I had to keep her on the same diet, not change anything & put steroid cream on her eyelid (as it also could have been an allergic reaction to dustmites). The eye cleared up which proved in Myshka's case, it was not a zinc issue (but didn't appear to be a mite issue, either!)

The dermatologist Myshka saw said usually a zinc deficiency will show up on various parts of the dog's skin & be itchy, even on the paw pads. Have you noticed any other patches? Elbows especially? Does he try to scratch it at all?

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