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Eclipse Has Freaked Out.


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As the title says. We don't know why or what has caused it but she has started running round and making this high piched sort of half yelp, half bark and won't stop. She seems to be afraid of the house for some reason. I have just taken her out for a short walk on her own and she didn't want to come back in the house. I took her round the block again and she still didn't want to come back in the house so I have had to carry her in. She is now lying in the middle of the front room watching everything very carefully. The slightest little noise and her head shoots round and the noise starts up again. Really wierd. Anyone got any ideas as to what it could be?  She has never had a problem like this before. She is even unsure of us at the moment



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I have no idea Sarah but if she did why don't the rest and why not before????   She has stopped the stupid howl/bark thing for the time being but she is acting really strangely. Really would like to know what it is.



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Thanks Liv, brightened my day no end :lmao:  Trust me when I say that I must have thought of every stupid reason in the book and a few more besides. I have no idea what could be causing this at all. Just happened out of nowhere. Now it's like she's reverted back to how she was when we first got her back from her abuser. I just hope it's a spat and she'll get over it.



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Well glad to hear that at least I can make you smile :P I also appreciate how you 'liked' my post twice, while in fact I have only one post to 'like'




EDIT: I have another stupid idea. What about letting her have a doggy sleepover in a friend/relative's house? Just one night. Then see how does she feel returning to her own house the next day. Maybe there's some weird scent or noise coming from other houses near you that you can't smell or hear. Assuming whatever stinky project they did needs less than 24 hours to finish, she should be... hypothetically... fine the next day.

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Not a stupid idea Liv, just a very impractical one. Any other of our dogs, not a problem, Eclipse would just freak out even more. With the problems that she went through earlier in life she now knows she is in a loving environment. She gets worried every time the harness comes out, just to go for a walk, because she thinks she's going and not coming back. She seems to have settled a bit now but, thinking back to this morning, she was shaking her head around as if she had something stuck in her ear. I remember Lynne looking but not seeing anything. Do dogs suffer with tinnitus? If they do this may explain it. Shaking of the head, the barking at nothing could be her hearing something in her ears and scaring her. There you go hows that for stupid. Or is it a possibility?



Edited by Keeonah
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Gary, it's entirely possible that you've done something quite unintentionally that's caused her to revert to the original feelings of stress / abandonment / ???.


Recently, I picked up an empty cig carton to throw in the trash; Sasha was standing, facing away, between me and the trash can and I tapped her butt with the carton and I thought I was going to get bit again.  She turned and was ready to attack when she realized what was happening.  Simple action, potentially bad response.

We've had a couple of day where she's decided, once again, that the kitchen tile is 'the place' to take a piss (I thought we were well over that, but ...) so when I had to go into town I left her out back on her long lead (way too hot to leave them in a vehicle, even for a few minutes).  She's now decided that she doesn't want to go out at all unless I go with her and stay there.  Velcro dog!!!


Personally, as you suggested at first, it may just be a simple reversion to uncertainty - and given time she'll come back to her norm.


On the other hand, have you checked her ears closely to see if maybe a bug of some kind has gotten itself trapped in the hair and is driving her up a wall??

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she was shaking her head around as if she had something stuck in her ear. I remember Lynne looking but not seeing anything. Do dogs suffer with tinnitus? If they do this may explain it.

I don't know about tinnitus, but I know before my BC gets ear infection (or before I see visible signs) he usually will shake his head and go through a 'crazy aliens are gonna attack me from nowhere' phase... he will be scared of the house and want to dig a hole outside to hide in..even a pack of crisps or any platic crackling would set him off :shrug:

Might be something looking into if it's not psychological ;)

EDIT: also think Al could be onto something with the bug idea! Might just be something in her ear that distorts her hearing or makes it over sensitive!

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Never thought of that, i suppose dogs could get tinitus? How is she now Gary x

She's starting to settle down a bit now Sarah, thanks. She's been violently sick and is now sleeping on my arm while I'm trying to type this. :)


Gary, it's entirely possible that you've done something quite unintentionally that's caused her to revert to the original feelings of stress / abandonment / ???.


Recently, I picked up an empty cig carton to throw in the trash; Sasha was standing, facing away, between me and the trash can and I tapped her butt with the carton and I thought I was going to get bit again.  She turned and was ready to attack when she realized what was happening.  Simple action, potentially bad response.

We've had a couple of day where she's decided, once again, that the kitchen tile is 'the place' to take a piss (I thought we were well over that, but ...) so when I had to go into town I left her out back on her long lead (way too hot to leave them in a vehicle, even for a few minutes).  She's now decided that she doesn't want to go out at all unless I go with her and stay there.  Velcro dog!!!


Personally, as you suggested at first, it may just be a simple reversion to uncertainty - and given time she'll come back to her norm.


On the other hand, have you checked her ears closely to see if maybe a bug of some kind has gotten itself trapped in the hair and is driving her up a wall??

Had thought about the unintentional thing Al but we went over everything that we could and nothing sprang to mind. She has also been out walking with both of us without a problem so I don't think it's us as such. We thought it was us but she was looking past us or through us. Because of the head shaking we instinctively thought that she had something in her ear so we have shone a torch in them to see if there was anything and couldn't find a thing. So it's either something thats well hidden or something that's hidden if you get my meaning. This was what got me to wondering if dogs could suffer with tinnitus. It's a solution which could answer all the questions but...................can a dog get it.


I don't know about tinnitus, but I know before my BC gets ear infection (or before I see visible signs) he usually will shake his head and go through a 'crazy aliens are gonna attack me from nowhere' phase... he will be scared of the house and want to dig a hole outside to hide in..even a pack of crisps or any platic crackling would set him off :shrug:

Might be something looking into if it's not psychological ;)

EDIT: also think Al could be onto something with the bug idea! Might just be something in her ear that distorts her hearing or makes it over sensitive!

This is exactly what she is going through without the digging.



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Okay, I have to admit that I was intrigued by the question "Can dogs get tinnitus?" and have gone wandering.

The general response that I've found has been ... none! Since tinnitus is subjective ( can you hear the ringing in my ears? ) it's difficult to find a cause in humans and I'd think virtually impossible to diagnose in an animal.

Beside the obviously stale suggestion that she's seeing ghosts she's afraid of, the most general response on the web seem to be something in her ears and possibly nerve damage of some kind as a result of noise.

Did my best to find an answer an intriguing question, but I don't see one ....

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This may not help at all, but is it possible a neighbor had a dog whistle or do you maybe have an attic where a bat, mouse, or maybe a wasp nest could be hiding? I had a dog that heard a bat none of the rest of us had any idea was there. That doesn't explain her being sick though, so I am probably not much help. I do hope you find an znswer though and my thoughts are with you and poor Eclipse.

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That is bizarre!  I have seen Yukon do this but not as extreme.  He would be looking at the wall and all of a sudden start barking like he sees something there but it is over within a couple minutes.  How is she doing today?

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Sorry guys haven't seen this thread for a couple of days. Eclipse is having a different episode each day. After the sickness she decided that she didn't like the kitchen at all and would not even venture into it, even when her dinner was put in it's normal place. This lasted a day and a half until we started to get her back in their albeit with trepidation. Today she is pacing up and down. She keeps stepping over my legs, except she's not. My shins are bruised to heck where she makes sure that every one of her paws clouts me as she goes by. She has also started up with howling barking thing again. I haven't a darn clue as to what it's al about or where it's going. If I had any left I think I'd be pulling my hair out by now :(



Edited by Keeonah
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Okay, it's time to ask the obvious questions:

I presume that you've had her by a vet to make sure that this is not the expression of a medical problem.

I know that different dogs can sense (smell?) different chemicals in the air and like people different things may cause them to react differently; have you had anyone check the house for chemicals.  The first thing that comes to mind is in the nature of radon - which causes cancer but can't be detected by "normal" means ( er, radon is out, btw, it causes cancer in mammals but shouldn't be causing this kind of reaction, just used for an example).

Have you considered calling the local parish rector and see if he'd perform an exorcism?


There has to be something causing her anxiety ... as has been said a few times, this is odd ...

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One of the first things that I thought of was, ghost. It would have ticked all the boxes for her behaviour. Problem, why haven't any of the others picked up on it. There is nothing different now to what there was last week or the week before that or even the week before that. None of the other dogs seem to have a problem except Sasha who has just become ultra lazy in the last few weeks. Eclipse is absolutely fine in herself and, at long last, is starting to put a bit of weight on.



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  • 2 weeks later...

We had a couple of quiet days from Eclipse and thought everything had settled down. How wrong could I be. Whatever it is that is ailing her is back and, with a vengence. She won't eat in the kitchen with the rest, in fact she didn't even want to go into the kitchen. She will look in there and then leg it. OK, so we thought it was the kitchen so we moved her food bowl into the front room. Great, it worked well for a couple of days then, all of a sudden she did the same with the front room. We have her in here at the moment but she is pacing up and down. The slightest little noise and she jumps and barks. I really don't know what to do with her or who to turn to for advice. I have never ever seen anything like this before and I have had dogs all my life. :( :(  I have been reading this thread  but only some of the things mentioned fit.



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oh dam that's not good :(  I honestly don't know what to suggest for you Gary :(

No worries Sarah, I'm hopiung someone might have a suggestion because I'm just about at my wits end. Just taken me nearly an hour just to get her to eat her food.



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