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Hannspree (Sn1At71Bue)

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But if I'm not tired I just stay up ... and what's with "before you have to get up" remember I'm retired and if I don't feel like getting up I don't ( till the mutts really start to telling me they want out! :) )

Only another eight years before I can retire that app to the great cyberbin in the sky and live a life of careless freedom. . . sigh :P

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Why does it never fail???  Got the tablet in and have been able to play with it some - though it still hasn't been able to retrieve a message I sent to gmail, the other two accounts I use came through, a bit slow but they made it.


My tower has decided that it wants to start acting up.  the video crashed twice and the computer is trying to (looks like a new vid card might be in order - one with a good cooler on it!)


I have to say that it's lasted longer out here in the heat than I expected it to .... that leaves me the old laptop and the tablet ... for the time being.

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I panic when something is wrong with my tower. :o Atleast you got a little used to the tablet before it happened. I have a nook, I don't hate it, but I don't love it either. I think I would rather go android at some point, but my whole library is on my nook account and that worries me. I don't wish to repurchase books I already own. How has the reading app been working for you?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Well, I tried a couple of them and ended up with Moon+ Reader which, considering the cost (free) is pretty good. Since all I wanted was something to use to read books the "extras" ( such as dictionary lookup ) will probably be nice once I get used to using them.


Now I'm wondering if I can connect my printer (usb) to the tablet (microUSB with adapter).


Android is proving to be interesting, there's really a lot of stuff out there for it.  My two gripes, at the moment, are:

  • How do I get rid of these stupid adds that Google<??> seems to toss out at random times??
  • Looking at Google Play for apps, "Free" apparently means one thing to me and something else to a lot of developers.  Free with nag screens / pop up adds / limited capability isn't free.  If there's a cost for full capability let me know before I download and install it!

When it cools off a little later, I'll run some diags on the tower and see if I can figure out what's happening.  I already have a replacement CPU which was what I thought would go first.  I still have an older video card so I can see if it's overheating and causing the problem.  *really* glad that I don't mind getting my hands dirty inside the box, otherwise I'd be lost out here.  Several people who do upgrades / repairs and most of them I wouldn't trust within a mile of any of my computers!

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I know that feeling. I would much rather work on my own tower then have anyone else go near it. I am kind of a computer junkie. Gamer and all that. Oddly enough I was really worried that I would hate a tablet type device for reading because I love books so much and I thought I would miss the feel of pages under my fingers, but it neither diminished my love of books nor was as terrible as I thought it would be to use. I like having such a large library at my fingertips. I definitely agree about apps being "free" and then finding out it's basically a sample of the app or is very limited. Most of my favorite apps are streaming things anyway, like Netflix, Hulu, Vudu, so I don't run into too many issues.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Yes, you can use a printer with it, but mostly only the new ones with wireless ;) you will need to google your printer model to find out or ask on the brand's site ;)

Took me a while to get a new HP wireless to work, had to flash the printer bios before the tablet app could see it :( canon was much easier though!

I don't think the Google ads will disappear on Android, since they own it, but they sure can be irritating and easy to tap by accident!

Most apps deceive about being 'free' ;):shrug: I usually get rid of them once I find out there are hidden costs or they don't work like promised!

Sorry to hear about your tower acting up, it's probably jealous of your new toy! :P


Now I'm wondering if I can connect my printer (usb) to the tablet (microUSB with adapter).


Android is proving to be interesting, there's really a lot of stuff out there for it.  My two gripes, at the moment, are:

  • How do I get rid of these stupid adds that Google<??> seems to toss out at random times??
  • Looking at Google Play for apps, "Free" apparently means one thing to me and something else to a lot of developers.  Free with nag screens / pop up adds / limited capability isn't free.  If there's a cost for full capability let me know before I download and install it!
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Yeh, old printer I use mostly for scanning family history documents - keep it one the laptop.


Looked around the web, one of the gripes about this tablet is its lack of speed.  Need to take into town and see if it's any better on a different network.

Some of the tablets run really slow, even if they have a good processor in ;)

I have the exact same tablet as my dad has and his run 10x slower than mine, could also be an installed app that takes too much memory or processor ;)

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I've been playing with various apps; installing and uninstalling them.  I figure that when I'm satisfied with what I'm using I'll do a system restore to factory settings and then let google play reinstall the set of aps I'm using. 


Is there anything like task manager that show active process' / apps and utilization?  << now he goes looking >>

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I've been playing with various apps; installing and uninstalling them.  I figure that when I'm satisfied with what I'm using I'll do a system restore to factory settings and then let google play reinstall the set of aps I'm using. 


Is there anything like task manager that show active process' / apps and utilization?  << now he goes looking >>

Sounds like a good plan ;)

I have used 'advanced task manager' but you get quite a few of them...

But excuse me for now, I have to go strangle a Husky puppy first!!!!

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Thank you Cindy!  I've already been warned not to get overexcited about killing things - Android, I'm told, takes good care of those itself. 

I did learn a couple of things from your link though.  I've been going to the task screen (recent applications) and holding the icon, selecting "remove from list".  I've wondered if that actually closes out the process (it doesn't) or just removes it from the viewable list (which is what it does).  However, if I swipe to app off the screen it removes it from the list and closes it out as well.


It's more of a "what's using up what resources?" question for me.  Thinking like Windows that if I can free them up then the tablet should behave better (faster).


Since the internet is so slow, I disconnected my laptop's hard wired cable and connected it via wifi ... the very old lap top seems to load considerably faster than the table does ( oh, boo hoo! Shoot!! )

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It's more of a "what's using up what resources?" question for me. Thinking like Windows that if I can free them up then the tablet should behave better (faster).

Since the internet is so slow, I disconnected my laptop's hard wired cable and connected it via wifi ... the very old lap top seems to load considerably faster than the table does ( oh, boo hoo! Shoot!! )

It definitely runs faster if you have only a few app running ;) but good luck on that as most Android apps are very internet intensive and thus runs the whole time & every time :(

Could be that your tablet has a 'budget kind' wireless interface... that way it gets the signal weaker or slower ;) I've had it with the cheaper kind of wireless cellphones :(

Also keep in mind that you can change the frequency of how often an app 'syncs' its data or checks for new messages, this also takes up processor and can slow it down! EDIT: and also kills the battery quicker ;)

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This is getting stupid.  It's my brothers birthday and I don't have long distance calling at the house.  It's not worth it for me since I rarely call anyone, probably wouldn't have the phone except the Internet comes from the phone company and they go together.


Figured I'd try to set up Skype ... even put a few dollars on Skype Credit so I could call him at home since he's not a computer type at all.  Cannot get Skype to connect. 


So figured I'd look at the alternatives.  Viber looks good - but you have to have a Smartphone available so they can send you an authentication code.  Well, shoot, I'm not going into town so I can put my cell phone (which isn't a smart phone, junky old cell) on line to get an access code.


Time to uninstall skype and try it again!!!  If I can get to the internet, download music and movies, why can't Skype connect???

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This is getting stupid.  It's my brothers birthday and I don't have long distance calling at the house.  It's not worth it for me since I rarely call anyone, probably wouldn't have the phone except the Internet comes from the phone company and they go together.


Figured I'd try to set up Skype ... even put a few dollars on Skype Credit so I could call him at home since he's not a computer type at all.  Cannot get Skype to connect. 


Time to uninstall skype and try it again!!!  If I can get to the internet, download music and movies, why can't Skype connect???

If you get Skype to behave, let me know! :D

As soon as I install it on my netbook or tablet it crashes the device...I have thought it to be that my internet connection is too slow or poorly for it ;) but who know, I've heard other people complain too :(

Unfortunately I can't recommend a calling app since I don't use them, but I hope someone else can give you advice or you can find one that works :)

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I uninstalled it, then tried a couple of others.

Fiber looked real interesting but in their setup they send a validation code to a smart phone; minor problem, no smart phone. Spent a fair bit of time trying to find a workaround but no joy there.

WeCall, ever look at an app and decide that even if it did work it just didn't feel right? That's how I felt with that one.

Two possible up and down.

So, looking alternative things to do with Skype ... When I set Skype up on the tablet, they suggest linking my Microsoft ID to my Skype ID. I did that. Then since I wanted to call Jim (my brother) and he only has his cell and home phone I put some money on my Skype account.

When I went back to try Skype again, I unlinked the two accounts, reinstalled Skype without linking the accounts, sigened in with my Skype ID and it worked. Called Jim, and talked for about 20 minutes, which is a long time for me on a phone.

Found out that I really do have to take a trip over there since he's had two pretty severe strokes since the first of June. Pisses me off, since I'm the only child from dads second family (and Jim and siblings are from his third) no one thought to call me since I'm not part of their family. Jim's a good guy and we talk about once a month or so, so being left in the dark really irritates me.

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Yeah I'd be as irritated as you are Al and feel for you m8 but really pleased you finally got to speak to your brother and even though I don't know him I wish him all the best and hope you get to speak to a lot more in the near future :)

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Glad to hear you got Skype working. It can sometimes be a pain in the neck, but when it does work the quality is usually good. Also sorry about your brother and hope he starts feeling better. Strokes are tough to deal with and someone should have called you. If your brother has a smart phone at all there is a Skype app he can get for it that he can see messages to you on. Not sure if that is helpful, but I run Skype on both mobile and my desktop, an on my phone and it works really well. Maybe that would give him an easy way to keep you up to date with what is going on with him.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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while I may be somewhat of a techno geek ( not what I once was by any stretch ) Jim is probably best be described as the techno-phobe!

I think he'd b perfectly happy if cell phones had never been invented, in fact I'd be thinking he'd still like the old rotary dial phone ( which is before the time of a lot of people here! )


Now I have to go find out what's chewing up the battery.  I think it was a live wallpaper changed back to Kite and we'll see.



In case you think I'm just flooding the message with the same image, there is a "Device Info" section in the upper right that gives more tech info.

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:o I remember rotary phones! Did you just call me old?

uh, no ... I wouldn't dare make such an inference; however, if you're feeling like that then .... well, maybe?

However, I do notice that you have your age hidden ... so are you old??? BTW, if you put in just the day and month then you'll show up in the birthday list. You don't have to put a year in it.

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Yes, unfortunately the live wallpapers do tend to drain the battery quickly! :( like I said, anything that syncs regularly or connects to the internet frequently will kill the battery ;)

And we had rotary phones when I grew up too! :D

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