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Recurrent Kneecap Dislocation


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Hi all

As the title says I've finally been told what is wrong with my knees after about 10 doctors telling me its normal several X-rays showing nothing and me almost dropping Phoenix several times on weds night within half an hour they have finally told me its recurrent knee cap dislocation.

I've been told I should see a physio but I can't afford that at the moment so next best option is a brace/support for my right knee in particular hoping my left knee doesn't decide to get worse.

Does anyone have this problem? Because I can't afford to go to a physio at the moment I'm attempting to find things I could do at home to help strengthen the muscles and all that junk around it I found a few things but there just the simple things I already do without realising I'm doing it any suggestions?

I have no idea what has made my knee so bad at the moment it's worse then it's ever been I've had this problem for 12 years at least and it's just gotten worse over the years to the point where my knee cap slips in and out of places serval times an hour all day everyday I could make my own band just out of the noises that they make lol

Anywho if anyone has any suggestions it's much appreciated :) x

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what is the doc saying do you need to strenghten your muscles around you kneecap?


I have 2 very bad knees due to playing basketball many moons ago...and my right one will give out from time to time for no apparant reason, even after surgery...LOL

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doc said to strengthen my muscle in my legs as well as the knee I have a home gym but I don't know if I should use it don't want to make it worse lol

I don't know what started mine I played volleyball for a while in school not sure if that caused it to happen or not.

So surgery is pretty useless lol how long did it take for you to recover after having the surgery?

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well my surgery was useless LOL they smoothed my kneecap and shortend some tendons and some other stuff...LOL toke me 6 months to recover.



One thing you could do at home is to do step up like the height of a stair tread step up with one leg (flat footed) then the other leg...down the same way and always flat footed...do this slowly at first and bring it to more and more every time you should feel your muscles getting tight around your kneecap.. the guy who told me this actually does not have a right kneecap only his muscles are keeping his leg straight....

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6 months seems like a long time lol that is my other alternative having my knee cap removed but I don't want to go to the extreme having a 11 month old to chase after.

I'll give that a try few years ago I had to walk up and down 94 steps we lived in a top floor apartment (never do that again lol) my knees hardly played up then. Thanks for the tip :)

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you are welcome...do some research online as well to find things to do to streghten the muscles around your knee they are real strong muscles but walking alone does not strenghten them...

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The last time I rode a bike I hurt myself and ended up with a cut up knee for a week lol haven't got back on one after that :P it hurts like ouchies when I do that motion with my legs to for some reason I do have two bikes I should put them to use then I might be able to ride with phoenix when he's old enough :) thanks hope so to.

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riding a bike is indeed good for you knees but make sure that on the pedal that is down that your leg is then just before fully stretched....hard to explain when you try to write it down LOL...

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imo riding a bike however should not be to strenghten your muscles but to keep the strenght up once you have it same as walking that is also why I walk 12 km's a day....and I do use a nordic walking stick most of the time...(except when I forget to pack mine when I went to camp LOL) but only one...


the best one is find something you like doing and that you can do without costing a lot of money (handy when you do not have any spare) and keep doing it..I use to train with cans of beans and duck tape as I could not afford weights for my leg workouts and they did the job just as good if not better.... :D

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That's one way to do it lol different though :P. I walk a far bit not as much as I use to (hurts to much to walk any more then I do) about 8-10kms a few days a week. At the moment I don't think I could ride a bike any farther then down my small driveway lol don't know if I want to try my balance has been a bit lop sided lately haha

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The pool I didn't think of that! I loved watching the oldies do there cardio work outs on the pool when I use to go all the time i use to copy them lol. Thanks I'll defiantly look into that one Phoenix loves the water too which comes in handy :) I'll have to find a heated pool I can go to it's freezing over here at them moment

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Walking laps in a swimming pool is great, in fact there are lots of exercises you can do in a pool with Phoenix in tow.

that is a briliant one...why did I not think of that one LOLOL

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Update: I ended up going to see a physio and in his words I have a 70yr olds knees that are almost ready for reconstruction and I have no muscle tone in either of the muscles that make the knee cap stay put. We are trying a brace and exercises if that doesn't help I will have to see a specialist which will end up as surgery :( he was surprised that I don't have even more damage because I've had the problem for over 10years and he said its called patella subluxation. Not looking forward to it going to be expensive road and I'm hoping like crazy the exercises help I don't need knee surgery on both needs with a baby running around

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I hope the other exercise therapy works for you. :( I didn't have kneecap problems, but I did sever three out of the four ligaments in my right knee and had to have reconstructive surgery on it years ago. Don't get too discouraged. Knee rehabilitation is better then it sounds and you have to put weight on it to have it heal properly, so you'll atleast be able to move around. I will definitely keep my fingers crossed for you that it does not come to that though.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Good luck with the exercises, with a lot of hard work and you should be able to avoid going under the knife. Use this as extra motivation and know that you will be better off all round with exercise, not only for you but also for Phoenix and the fur babies.

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Good luck with the exercises, with a lot of hard work and you should be able to avoid going under the knife. Use this as extra motivation and know that you will be better off all round with exercise, not only for you but also for Phoenix and the fur babies.

Thanks :)

I lack motivation bad lol I'm ment to do the exercises 3 times a day but he said of it hurts only do it twice I did it this morning and my knees were so sore after so I'll have to do it again soon and hope it doesn't hurt as much

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It really depends on what sort of pain it is. Some pain is unavoidable at the beginning. Muscles need to have microscopic tears in order to grow back stronger, so some pain is necessary. However severe or acute pain should be avoided. 


Think of the money you will save on surgery if you can win this battle, and perhaps think of what you could do with the money yourself instead of it going to the doctor.

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It really depends on what sort of pain it is. Some pain is unavoidable at the beginning. Muscles need to have microscopic tears in order to grow back stronger, so some pain is necessary. However severe or acute pain should be avoided.

Think of the money you will save on surgery if you can win this battle, and perhaps think of what you could do with the money yourself instead of it going to the doctor.

I'm excepting pain it just sux because I'm in pain 24/7 between my knees and my back :( I'll be trying my hardest to get through the pain and work my butt off to avoid the surgery.

I'll try that as motivation even playing with phoenix on the floor hurts I'll be so happy the day I can do that without it hurting so much! Long and slow process though I hate waiting Lol

Think positive and it should be good I hope

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I have had very bad back pain for years now, I started taking 1000mg of Krill oil a day and it has really helped. I ran out a few months ago and the pain came back after a few days without the oil. I bought more and it subsided again.


Maybe try some of this and it could help.

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