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Shadow Just Nipped Me


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As the title says, Shadow just nipped me on purpose. I had a treat she really liked and to get it, she has to do her tricks, sit, paw, other paw, round and down which I know she can do. She was refusing to do other paw (she does know it) and instead messed around then grabbed my arm with her teeth. It hurt, not too much but I felt it and there is now a nice red mark on my arm. I started her tricks again though and she did them with no trouble after the biting incident. Is she just testing to see my reaction or is this something I should be worried about?

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lol that's good. She's been acting up all day today, she snapped at my boyfriend and barked at me, I'm not sure why, first real bark shes made here (she did not like being told to leave the room when I was eating). She's also pretty pissed off at me for putting a harness around her stomach and using a halti harness around her head. I love my halti harness, she had to walk perfectly, she hated it and is not talking to me now.

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I know mine (espcially Kodiak) will get impatient when waiting for a treat and try taking it from my hand, nipping me in the process.  He may need time to adjust and learn the ropes

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I don't know how old Shadow is and I assume you have recently got her.  Huskies are a strange breed and sulk, especially if they can't get their own way.  I would go back to basics and not expect too much, remember their attention span is short, build up slowly. 


The nip is most likely excitment, if she wanted to hurt you I'm sure she would have done.  I think she's probably frustrated at having to perform for treats and was telling you so :)

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Ok so she did it again today when I was putting on her harnesses, this time grabbed me a bit harder, again she didn't get her own way but she is very grouchy with me over the whole head and body harness. I had to put her in them today, my legs around my knees are killing from her pulling (ok all my legs are but this is especially bad, the other pain is just muscle which I don't mind). I don't want to end up with an injury from walking her so she has to wear her new gear (I train a lot, but I've got a leg injury from 2 1/2 years ago that keep flarring up and I don't want it to be an issue again).


I also had a person tell me I shouldn't use a muzzle on my sweet dog. I explained what it was and she was still angry at me (I also have to muzzle train her so that's going to be interesting if I run into her again). Whatever. I'd like to see her try and walk Shadow at the start of a walk when she's overexcited with just a collar and lead. I'm only using it as a training aide anyway and as a way to give my legs a rest. We did go on a 2 1/2 mile walk today and I wasn't going to be dragged the entire way.

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I wonder if you can tell her "no" for that. My boy really doesn't like the whole "putting on the harness" process either. I had to lift his paw and put them into the harness' leg holes. If he was mouthy, I can be extra sure I would earn a nip or two for lifting that paw. BUT it doesn't mean it's okay. It's kinda like bite inhibition, except the puppy is overgrown :shrug:


Pulling can be such a huge issue for people with injuries :( I remember it took me three whole months to teach my boy loose-leash walking... and people told me that is already a miracle. Out of curiosity, does she really pull less with a head collar? I never tried any of the commercial training harnesses so I'm always curious whether they really work or not.

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A head collar never really helped with my boy what worked was a non pull harness (walk your dog with love harness) she might find that a bit nicer than one that goes round her mouth

Ignore stupid people who have no clue u get them everywhere unfortunately , u know what's best for u and your dog other people just think they know what's best but different things work for different dogs

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I wonder if you can tell her "no" for that. My boy really doesn't like the whole "putting on the harness" process either. I had to lift his paw and put them into the harness' leg holes. If he was mouthy, I can be extra sure I would earn a nip or two for lifting that paw. BUT it doesn't mean it's okay. It's kinda like bite inhibition, except the puppy is overgrown :shrug:


Pulling can be such a huge issue for people with injuries :( I remember it took me three whole months to teach my boy loose-leash walking... and people told me that is already a miracle. Out of curiosity, does she really pull less with a head collar? I never tried any of the commercial training harnesses so I'm always curious whether they really work or not.


I did tell her no and she just let me put it on her after that. Pulling with the Halti head harness is none existant pretty much, I've had two very nice fun walks with her. Sure she still pulls a little, and I mean a little, I don't mind it at all and It's barely noticible, it's like a little weight at the end of the lead that's all. It's been amazing, but she has a tantrum about it every so often and tries to shake it off, pull it off with her paws, rub her head along the ground etc. So far she's only pulled it off once because I didn't have it tight enough around the head, opps on my part, but I had the extentable lead on her body harness so she couldn't get away. When I get to the park, I always let her on the long leash unless there are too many kids, people or other dogs around so she gets the freedom and now doesn't choke herself on the collar pulling at it anymore (I hated hearing her wheezing because of it).


I have a friend who breeds huskys, she told me that her females take a size 2 halti because of their small noses and her males a size 3. Mine is a female and takes a size 2. I had to make sure it wouldn't come up over her eyes if she pulls and it doesn't, the size 3 did.


A head collar never really helped with my boy what worked was a non pull harness (walk your dog with love harness) she might find that a bit nicer than one that goes round her mouth

Ignore stupid people who have no clue u get them everywhere unfortunately , u know what's best for u and your dog other people just think they know what's best but different things work for different dogs


It was just so annoying, she was shaking her head at me, acting like I knew nothing about my perfect little dog who was walking so nicely next to me because she was completely exhausted and very hot (I was around the corner from my house), sure, she didn't need the harness then, but I wasn't about to remove it before I got home because she still tried to pull once we were nearly home. She wasn't complaining about it either by that point. I also need to teach her to accept things over her nose because she has to wear a muzzle at the vets, so I'm trying to get her used to this before I get her used to wearing a muzzle.

I would also like to see that stupid old woman try and walk Shadow when she's pulling like crazy because she's hard work for me, I doubt she could handle her, especially since I'm pretty sure Shadow has never been leash trained properly before.

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Hmm... I'd continue saying "no" then. Honestly though if it was me, I'd switch to a front-leading harness because she just seem so uncomfortable in a head collar. I know she needs to learn to tolerate a muzzle, but you can do that by putting the muzzle on for a minute a day inside the house. But considering how this whole head collar idea is so new and strange to her, I would also like to suggest to persist a little longer to see if she could ever learn to tolerate it. I don't know which side of me is more right...

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Hmm... I'd continue saying "no" then. Honestly though if it was me, I'd switch to a front-leading harness because she just seem so uncomfortable in a head collar. I know she needs to learn to tolerate a muzzle, but you can do that by putting the muzzle on for a minute a day inside the house. But considering how this whole head collar idea is so new and strange to her, I would also like to suggest to persist a little longer to see if she could ever learn to tolerate it. I don't know which side of me is more right...


I'm going to proceed with the head collar a little longer to see how she feels. She's just been having tantrums pretty much, she isn't in distress or anything, just doesn't like the fact that she can't pull when it's on, which I love. She fights more with her body harness going on though. The head one she will let me put on without too much fuss, the body one I get grabbed and nipped. I did loosen up the body one a little so i'm hoping that she will be happier wearing it from now on.

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If she's wanting to go for a walk, then this is a good time to set up little NILIF.  If she nips when you start to put on the harness, then to say and emphatic "No!" (my level goes up several decibels!) pick up the harness and give it a few minutes before you go back.


Basically what you're saying is "If you want to walk then you do it on my terms!" 


Sasha is muzzled at the vets, she's nipped him once and bitten me (four times!) so we'd rather be safe than sorry there.  Thankfully she doesn't object too badly to the muzzle, she's more interested in that "other stuff" he's doing.

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If she's wanting to go for a walk, then this is a good time to set up little NILIF.  If she nips when you start to put on the harness, then to say and emphatic "No!" (my level goes up several decibels!) pick up the harness and give it a few minutes before you go back.


Basically what you're saying is "If you want to walk then you do it on my terms!" 


Sasha is muzzled at the vets, she's nipped him once and bitten me (four times!) so we'd rather be safe than sorry there.  Thankfully she doesn't object too badly to the muzzle, she's more interested in that "other stuff" he's doing.


That sounds like a great idea. She loves her walks and gets so excited to be taken out. I have managed to teach her to wait until I'm out of the door before leaving the house and she has to wait for me to leave first before she can leave the front garden which is awesome, I don't get dragged into the wall and gate anymore, so unless she's good, sits and waits for me to leave, she doesn't get to go for her walk. I bet the whole harness thing would work as well.

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I've got Khaleesi on a Gencom head collar (same as the halti) and she is a dream to walk on it. Be careful cos if I don't give her my full attention for a second if we stop walking, she can get out of it :(
 She's kinda used to it now!


The other thing I wanted to say to you is I ALWAYS get offered unwanted advice from well meaning strangers. I say well meaning but sometimes they are downright rude. I'm 27 but I look a lot younger than I am, people think that I'm a teenager, and I don't think they realise that Huskies aren't like spainels or labs and require different training, people tell me that I'm really strict because she's a lovely dog, well thats why! The main one I get is, we do not allow her to jump up, and can only have fuss when she's on the lead if she sits nicely. They will go "aw its ok, I've got dogs myself". That isn't the point, the point is that I don't want her to jump on ANYONE. But the main one is that we should let her off lead! My point is, YOU have done your research on the breed. Walking your dog should be enjoyable for both of you, and if you can't handle her on a harness or collar (I can't) the a head collar is the only way. And I find she enjoys it more as she doesn't pull either. Just trust your own judgement and politely tell people where to go if they don't agree with it. x

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I've got Khaleesi on a Gencom head collar (same as the halti) and she is a dream to walk on it. Be careful cos if I don't give her my full attention for a second if we stop walking, she can get out of it :(

 She's kinda used to it now!


The other thing I wanted to say to you is I ALWAYS get offered unwanted advice from well meaning strangers. I say well meaning but sometimes they are downright rude. I'm 27 but I look a lot younger than I am, people think that I'm a teenager, and I don't think they realise that Huskies aren't like spainels or labs and require different training, people tell me that I'm really strict because she's a lovely dog, well thats why! The main one I get is, we do not allow her to jump up, and can only have fuss when she's on the lead if she sits nicely. They will go "aw its ok, I've got dogs myself". That isn't the point, the point is that I don't want her to jump on ANYONE. But the main one is that we should let her off lead! My point is, YOU have done your research on the breed. Walking your dog should be enjoyable for both of you, and if you can't handle her on a harness or collar (I can't) the a head collar is the only way. And I find she enjoys it more as she doesn't pull either. Just trust your own judgement and politely tell people where to go if they don't agree with it. x


sorry those strangers are giving you a hard time :( I'm a very strict owner myself. My dog isn't allowed on the furniture and isn't allowed to beg for food. I also use the "ten-minute rule" back when he was still a fussy eater. The comments I get is unbelievable =\ but there's a price to pay for the amount of obedience my dog is showing!

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I've got Khaleesi on a Gencom head collar (same as the halti) and she is a dream to walk on it. Be careful cos if I don't give her my full attention for a second if we stop walking, she can get out of it :(

 She's kinda used to it now!


The other thing I wanted to say to you is I ALWAYS get offered unwanted advice from well meaning strangers. I say well meaning but sometimes they are downright rude. I'm 27 but I look a lot younger than I am, people think that I'm a teenager, and I don't think they realise that Huskies aren't like spainels or labs and require different training, people tell me that I'm really strict because she's a lovely dog, well thats why! The main one I get is, we do not allow her to jump up, and can only have fuss when she's on the lead if she sits nicely. They will go "aw its ok, I've got dogs myself". That isn't the point, the point is that I don't want her to jump on ANYONE. But the main one is that we should let her off lead! My point is, YOU have done your research on the breed. Walking your dog should be enjoyable for both of you, and if you can't handle her on a harness or collar (I can't) the a head collar is the only way. And I find she enjoys it more as she doesn't pull either. Just trust your own judgement and politely tell people where to go if they don't agree with it. x


That's awesome. My girl has pulled out of the collar once, but that was because I didn't have it on properly (it loosens itself when you take it on and off).


Yeah, I'm not looking forwards to having more people tell me how to treat my dog. I'm also pretty young, I'm 25 but look a few years younger as well. I agree, they really don't realise huskies are very different from the dogs they are used to. Sure, Shadow behaves with me, but that's because I've set ground rules down and have not broken them and I make sure my boyfriend sticks to the same rules. I am very strict with her, I know I have to be because of my friends malimutes that I've looked after and my uncles naughty rottweiler who used to be overly dominant with people. I've stopped her begging for human food 100% in six days, she walks properly now (just walked back from the park with an extendable lead on her body harness with no issues), knows all her commands and the only issue now is sending her to bed at night, but if I get her lead she will go to bed quietly. I do feel like people just want to bitch about something they know nothing about. I have researched the best way to control my dog without hurting her or me. Taking her for a nice walk is amazing for me, I don't want my dog to be controlling my walk, hurting me and half choaking herself. She gets her freedom in the park on a long leash and I run around with her. The other husky owner got what I was doing with her, I explained to him what was working so far and what wasn't and we had a good talk about what his dog is like. He also commented on how well behaved my girl was with me, she is good with me, it could all change, but I've been working hard all week so she understands she has to behave with us.

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