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I'm so happy to hear this news! I was thinking of you guys yesterday after your last post that the vet was on the way. I'm glad that this vet is going to try and figure out what's going on :) and very happy to hear that she is taking water and food, even if it is just small amounts! The vet is probably right, that the PDSA is not going to admit if they damaged something during her procedure. Things like that can happen, and if they were just honest...it might have saved some of this trouble, and time, but then again, their advice was to just put her down, so who knows... The important thing now is that you have found a vet that cares and sounds like she is going to try her best to get her better! Still praying for you and hoping she stays on the up! Please keep us updated :)

Ps. Glad that sky is perking up. That bit of nutrition can make A big difference!

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Wishing you all the very best.


Just a thought I had which is probably way off, but thought I would pass it on just incase...


I heard of a couple of dogs with similar symptoms. The common thread was that the people were feeding high doses of fish oil but were not giving enough vitamin E to counteract the depletion of E that results from the fish oil. Once they were given Vitamin E they rapidly got better.


As I said it is probably not the problem, but I wouldn't forgive myself if I didn't pass this on.


I hope things continue to improve under the new vet care.

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Sky went for a sleepover at my mums last night, and she was saying that sky perked up when she saw my mums dog, but still no food, a little water.

I'm a little confused at moment, a lady who trains dogs and is friends with some people in the vet industry have been reading sky's notes and are telling me that she has got renal kidney failure and she's slowly dying?? I'm so confused, the bloods from the vet Tuesday aren't back yet. So confused! Xx

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Aww, she's having a sleepover. That's nice to be with a buddy! I know it's confusing...wait until the results come back. Did she say how long it would take? Oh, and have you tried putting some peanut butter on your finger and see if she will lick that? Just a thought :) any kind of food is worth a try! Prayers and hugs to you both :)

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Sky went for a sleepover at my mums last night, and she was saying that sky perked up when she saw my mums dog, but still no food, a little water.

I'm a little confused at moment, a lady who trains dogs and is friends with some people in the vet industry have been reading sky's notes and are telling me that she has got renal kidney failure and she's slowly dying?? I'm so confused, the bloods from the vet Tuesday aren't back yet. So confused! Xx

Perking up, even a little is good, shows that she still has an interest in what's going on around her. And while I'd be happier if she were eating, the fact that she's drinking is good.

Your last paragraph, Sky is your dog and you're going to do the best you can for her. I'm rough this way but you need to be listening to two things: a vet you trust and your heart. I know that you've had some rough times with the vets, but if I remember right, you've found one who seems to have Sky's best interests at heart. Everyone becomes an expert when it's not their dog and in most cases should just bow out and let you and Sky do whatever you can. Whether she lives to be a great 15 year old or dies in a week (the gods forbid) you know she'll have had a happy and loving life - no one, dog or human can really ask for more.

I like the suggestion about peanut butter, it has plenty of nutrients (even if it's not all they need) and dogs tend to like it. Maybe you can convince her to try some.

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Bloods are back, they all came back negative/normal for infection, cancer, hormonal imbalances, kidney failure and other conditions. Sky are some peanut butter (I put some on her gums to encourage her)

But a moment ago sky's leg gave way and she fell down and started to shake a little, called vet and he said it sounds like the body is shutting down which I kind of knew just didn't want to hear it..

We are seeing the vet tomorrow to discuss options etc.. But I don't see no options other than to wait for her to go, or make the decision that it's time to put her out her suffering.. So tough but it's time to stop thinking of what I want, and to think of Sky xxxx

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My cry at something like this "There has to be a reason!" <sob>  It's easy enough to say hold off on having her put to sleep because, as I said earlier, where there's life there's hope but if she continues to fail for no good reason then maybe it is time to consider just letting her go.


But damnit, that's not *my* nature, I'd be fighting every step of the way.  If she's going to die then I want to know why!!!!


I just went back to reread something in your first message in this thread,  you just had her spayed and from the context of the message I can't tell whether she was not doing well before or just after having her spayed.  There are dangers inherent in any surgery, but I'd have expected that by this time, over a week later, someone would be able to give you some idea about what is going on with her.


I know, from my distance it's always easy to say do this or do that - but when she's your dog and you're right there --- either way it's a hard call to make.  You're in my prayers ....

Edited by Al Jones
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I am so sorry. Your poor baby. :( It must be so hard not to know what is wrong and for all the tests to come back saying nothing is wrong - but to watch your poor girl obviously suffering. I'm sure she is feeling your love for her in all that you are doing. Hugs, and I'm so sorry.  :cry1:

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hmm, I don't even know how to answer that. are you sure the collapsing is from her body shutting down? I mean, think about it, she hasn't been eating or drinking a lot for a long time. it could be from hunger, right?

I don't know, maybe I'm wrong but I know how hard it is to lose a pet and I really don't want anyone else to have to go through it.

good luck, I really am praying that it's good news.

lots of love to sky.

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I just wish they knew what's going on... But you are right, you have to think of Sky, you are the one that knows her and will have some idea of how she is feeling. How she is doing. The vet should know by her clinical signs, if her body is shutting down. And only then can you make your decision. I know it is hard. I had to do it 2 years ago, it finally got to the point where I didn't want her to suffer. And one day she came out of the room and peed on the floor and kind of fell down. I knew then what I had to do. But her case was different. She was old. Let the vet know what happened. It sounds like she has had a great life. Like one of the above comments, That is all want for our friends. She's had that :) take comfort in that. Still keeping fingers crossed. I'm thinking of you. And Sky. <3

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That's something to think about.. What Baylee said... " are you sure the collapsing is from her body shutting down? I mean, think about it, she hasn't been eating or drinking a lot for a long time. it could be from hunger, right? "... Very well could be. I would ask the vet. At least let her know.

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I know this sounds insane, but I've been thinking a lot and talking to my boyfriend, and he makes a very valid point.

for all you know, your dog may just have a cold.

if you're really dehydrated and really lack nutrition from not eating, your body can't fight off ANYTHING. you literally can die from something that most people don't consider serious at all.

I read earlier that she at first just wasn't eating or drinking, and the vet said that's normal for the first few days. so maybe while her immune system was down from that, she caught something simple and it's made it difficult to get better. which would also make sense as to why she's coming back negative for everything as your vet is probably only testing for major illnesses since that's what it seems like it would be.

maybe I'm way off, I don't know. but you really need to try some of that pediacure for babies to get her immune system back. hope this helps a bit, or at least eases your mind.

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I'm so sorry to here that.

Its a long shot but have they tested her for epilepsy? Sasha went through a stage of not eating and drinking and then fell over and wasn't all there for a min or 2 and also would shake when she fell she was diagnosed with anxiety induced seizures that's one way they described it its not a full seizure but close enough she was put on meds for epilepsy and she hadn't had a problem she hasn't had her tablets for a while and she has only had one minor incident since.

Maybe look into that I don't know what else to say I really hope you find out and sky's body isn't shutting down :(

Thoughts are with you both xxxxx

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I hoped I would never have to write this, or at least not yet.

Sky passed away early hours of this morning, I stayed up with her till 3am, then I woke up at 6am and she had gone. Devastated and heartbroken, I had a feeling all day yesterday something wasn't right, Without sounding awful I'm glad my baby went on her own behalf and I didn't have to make the awful decision.

I can't seem to get my head round it at the moment, but I now know my Skybe is at peace!

Thank you to every one of you lovely people, just reading your comments made me determined to fight for Sky, I appreciate it so much xxx

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Oh no, I am so sorry. :huskyhugs:

I really wish I knew what to say to you but I don't, take care, you gave it everything you had but I guess fate had other plans for your baby girl.

Run free little Sky. Xxx

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I had so hoped that this would have a different ending, but apparently the gods had other things for her to do. 

Like you I would have fought tooth and nail for my girl and I'm sorry she had to leave.


Know this though, I seldom see a furkid who was as obviously well loved as Sky is; she's at rest and watching you, caring for you.


RIP Sky, you gave life your best .... until you meet once again at the foot of the bridge ...

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