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Dodgy Eyes?


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This is a bit of a strange one but recently I've been struggling at times to see things clearly on tapatalk.

I was online most of yesterday and woke up today with a dull ache round the back of my eyes, I'm writing this from the iPad as I can actually read it without making my eyes strain and ache more. I've barely been online at all today because of this.

Has anyone else experienced something like this? Hubby's telling me I need glasses but my eyes were tested a couple of years ago and I had 20/20 vision. Surely it can't go downhill that quickly? I'm a bit confused and this ache isn't helping, lol. :confused:

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few things ---- try changing the background colour on tapatalk ------- or try dimming your screen brightness

Actually, I've just done that and it is helping A bit. Only had the choice of two themes, I've now got the black and grey one.

Thanks lee. Xxxxxxx

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At your age it shouldn't be, but check out some reading glasses.  Since they did the cataract surgery on my eyes, I have 20/15 in both eyes - but I still get eyestrain after too long in front of a screen.  Reading glasses help reduce that a lot - basically they're magnifying lenses.

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At your age it shouldn't be, but check out some reading glasses.  Since they did the cataract surgery on my eyes, I have 20/15 in both eyes - but I still get eyestrain after too long in front of a screen.  Reading glasses help reduce that a lot - basically they're magnifying lenses.


Thanks Al.  I think it's related to the fact I spent way too long looking straight in to the glare from the screen and possibly the fact that since posting this hubby has started streaming with a cold could also be a factor.  Could just a congestion thing and I'm jumping the gun, lol.  I'm a bit apprehensive about that one though as the last time I got congestion behind my eyes I woke up one day with a dirty great  black line across my central field of vision.   I spent all day in hospital only to be told it was due to swelling and not to worry about it as it'll go away on it's own.  Should of stayed at home, the tea was better there.  lol.


edit:  although none of those things explain why I'm starting to struggle sometimes with the smaller print.  Oddly it's mainly in the evenings, in natural daylight it's not too much of a problem.  :erm:

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Sorry love, but that issue with the small print and the ability to read in the light is a good indication that it's age related.  The more light we have on the subject, the easier it is to read - up to the point of the glare being over powering.  Small print, as we get older, is always harder to read since our eyes just don't adjust as quickly (or as far) as they used to << gee, I bet I'm doing a great job of making you feel old, huh? >> 


Also, and I hate to mention this, but you're also getting to the age that cataracts start to develop. It took me almost 10 years from the time the optometrist mentioned cataracts before I needed surgery. 


Unless you have an exceptionally bright screen or have a bright area behind your screen ( very distracting and very offensive to most peoples eyes ) the LCD screens of today are much more forgiving than the older CRT's were.


So, okay ... to sum it up simply, get your butt into the optometrist's (or whatever you call them there) and get a good eye exam!

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Your 20/20 vision. Is it in both eyes? I have one good, normal eye and one eye that terribly needs glasses to see. I struggle reading the channel info on my TV (which is at least 5 large steps away from the sofa) when it's dark out. But then again it might probably because I only wear my glasses at school :shrug: anyways don't rely on your last check result. Eyes are funky stuff. One moment you're doing great the next something's wrong.

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I had the same thing happen 20/20 and now I'm ment to wear reading glasses I don't a lot of the time I need to get my eyes checked again to see if I need different ones.

Get them checked its a pain when your eyes decide they don't want to do the right anymore lol

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Thanks. Al, Liv, and Laura.

Liv. Both of my eyes were good, although my eldest is short sighted in his left eye. He's supposed to wear glasses too but never does. :rolleyes:

Yes. I will go down the opticians at some point. I'm not exactly thrilled about it but I will do it.

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