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A Bit Of An Update ...

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The dogs have been driving me nuts for the past few days and I think I've finally figured out why.


My favourite (half) brother has had four minor<??> strokes since the beginning of June so I've decided it's time to crawl out of my cave and take a trip over to see him and family - it's only been four years since I've been over that way ... or is it five.  I think I'll stay over for a couple of weeks, but we all agree that visitors and fish start to stink after three days, so it may be less than that ( then again, it could be more, who knows? )


I'm waiting for some paperwork to come in from the VA, but as I've been waiting I've been doing things so that I can be ready to go when I finally decide to get out of here (after I send their forms back).


So I've washed the Jeep and put a coat of wax on it; gotten all the connections and chargers for my various devices together so I know where they *really* are; cleaned out the 'fridge of stuff that won't last a trip; made sure that I know where both sets of leashes ( Long and short ) are.  In general moving around and doing things I don't normally have to do.


Since I really haven't traveled far with these two, seldom over a hundred miles or so and I plan on camping as I go across (figure three to fours days casual time to get there) I'm concerned about how they'll act.  In the car, I don't expect a problem, it's when I have to stop that has me a bit (or maybe more than "just a bit") concerned. 

He lives, btw, in east-central Mississippi ( app 1200 miles away )'and I'm thinking I'll take the lesser used highways to get over there, it'll take longer, but I've done so much freeway / interstate driving that I think I'll just take the time and enjoy the trip (if the dogs and the gods allow!)


So I can understand why they may be "wondering" what's going on.


This is also my notification that I may disappear for a while ,,, If I do, don't be too concerned, "I shall return! and with luck, maybe have some pictures of my pups with a very different background.

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Have a great trip Al'

Hope the dawgs behave and that your brother recovers. 

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Drive safe Al and enjoy the trip.  Hope your half-brother mends well and mends fast.  Dog's have a keen sense of order, and when things are not in the same order, or new things are infused, they take notice.

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Thanks for the wishes, if I get the time for a leisurely trip over ( meaning I get some time to play tourist ) there won't be a lot of stress to the trip.  I like to drive and as long as the dogs behave when we stop (for the night and potty stops) it'll be enjoyable for me.  Depending on where I am ( wi-fi availability) I'll be online maybe even give you all some pictures as I go across Texas - - - remembering that I'll go almost 800 miles across Texas and then 400 across two more little states - Louisiana and Mississippi.


My half-sister-in-law ( we gave up on that nonsense a long time ago, it's now brother and sister ) for some reason has always intimidated me - until I get on the phone with her or when I've been over there to visit, then she's really a lovely lady.  Never have quite figured out what it is in my mind that says I should be intimidated by her ...


Sasha's gone back to staying in the store room - course it probably is more comfortable for her on the tile.  Avalanche is belly up on the rug not too far away from me.


I'll update this before I actually get out of here and on the road - that should be either tomorrow or Thursday - - - I hope!!!

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Love how your short journeys ard over 100 miles lol, would consider that long. Have a safe enjoyable journey xxxxx


Maybe, but living where I do, it's 125 miles (more or less) to the nearest expressway (Interstate 10).  The rest of the roads are two lane highways or plain old dirt.

I don't start thinking "far" until we're talking 400 or more .....  'course I also don't do much traveling anymore, I've become real content to set down here and watch the sunrise / sunset.

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 we all agree that visitors and fish start to stink after three days, so it may be less than that ( then again, it could be more, who knows? )



What a great saying, I shall be sure to remember that one.

Stay safe and have fun! Looking forward to the pictures :)

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Have a great road trip Al, I hope your brother is okay.


I don't know if your dogs get car sick, but I have been told by a few people that something sweet really helps. A teaspoon of honey would do the trick, others have also recommended a Ginger Nut biscuit - I don't know if you have them there but they are basically a sweet biscuit with a bit of ginger - made for humans.

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What a great saying, I shall be sure to remember that one.

Stay safe and have fun! Looking forward to the pictures :)


I can't take the credit for it; it was common where I was little (upstate New York) when we, living in the country got 'city folks' who came to visit.  It's one of Ben Franklins aphorisms.


Wish the damn form from the VA would get here, expected it yesterday .....

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Maybe, but living where I do, it's 125 miles (more or less) to the nearest expressway (Interstate 10).  The rest of the roads are two lane highways or plain old dirt.

I don't start thinking "far" until we're talking 400 or more .....  'course I also don't do much traveling anymore, I've become real content to set down here and watch the sunrise / sunset.


That's because you are a grump :)


After last weeks 1000 mile round trip to pick up Maiya, this weekend I drove 900 odd miles over 3 days (this time without the dogs). I think travelling and driving is in the blood ;)


Safe travels and hope to hear from you soon :)

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Backing up a bit on a comment; Sasha travelled with me when I brought her over from San Antonio; she also took the trip with me when I went to Illinois to get mom... so I know she travels well.  Avalanche has made some short trips (150 miles or so) with me - - - his biggest problem is that he like to hog the console so he can see out, but he's good about "Avalanche, Get down!"


I had to go into town to get some receipts to take with me to VA tomorrow, stopped and got a pizza at the lodge, and it's sitting on my stomach like a big lump of lead - need to get my act together and get the car packed with what I can now - but I quite literally don't feel like it ...  someone have some energy and ambition they can spare??  Send it via email if you do, please!!!!!!!


Much later - but since no one else seems to be awake, I'll just edit this ... time to pack up the lap top and most of the rest of the electronics.  It's now almost midnight and I want to be on the road by 08:00.  I really do have to figure out how to pack up all the various cords, the side pouch of my laptop case gets all the cords (adapters, chargers, etc) so when I get some place where I need one particular cord I have something that resembles a bad cast by a novice fisherman ... a tangled mess!!  (( er, anyone have a solution that works for them?? ))


g'night y'all!!

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Well, got out of the house about 08:45 so I 278 miles later pulled in at VA. My 10 - 15 stop turned into almost an hour but it looks like I might be able to get travel reimbursement finally. It goes in for review but the woman who was doing it said it looked good.

Stopped for lunch / supper ( who knows ) so I figured I'd catch up and see what you all are up to.

The dogs have been amazing tied them to the rack on the back of the jeep and they ran along real well!! No, seriously, tied them out while I in the hospital, checked on them a couple of times and they were under the jeep snoozing. Sasha started out irritating Avanche - trying to pish him off his console! Eventually she just cured up ... Avalanche has been doing about what I expected, he's either standing or laying on the console ..... Even got down when I told him to - without too much argument.
(( at about 340 miles into the trip ))

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