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Husky Questions!!!

Stephanie Gonzalez

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Soo Shadow has been my first husky ever, Winter being my second(:


So i am fairly new with the Husky breed, i know a thing or two but i want to know everything there is to know about them!

Starting off with, how many times a day do you brush their coats? Shed them? What products do you use?? What shampoo and other products do you use to keep their coat shiny and clean?? Grooming wise, what do you recommend to do?

Food wise, what type of food do you feed them and how many times a day? What kind of snacks would you recommend?

Dental wise, how many times do you brush their teeth??

Also, what kinds of toys do your pups play with? And how do you train them? How active are your huskies during the day? What activities do you do with your huskies??

I know what i do right now is good, but i want to be more knowledgable! I want to know all i can to keep my huskies happy and healthy and give them a great life(:

THANKS IN ADVANCE! and srry for all the questions [emoji173]️

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how many times of a day to groom them????   I only groom Hannah once per week but I vacuum my carpet everyday. I gave her shower once a week before, but as soon as she is fresh clean, she went to dig again and ended up muddy 5 min later. Now I bath her once per month before I put on frontline product. 

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How many times a day do you brush their coats? Shed them? What products do you use?? I gave up brushing Dime every day LOL it's just seemingly useless! Anyways I have an undercoat rake.


What shampoo and other products do you use to keep their coat shiny and clean?? Grooming wise, what do you recommend to do? I buy a different shampoo brand every time I ran out LOL so can't answer that. Usually I just find ones that says "for white dogs" to make his, uh... white parts shinier. Dime goes to a professional grooming place (the only place where he doesn't cry!) so there's not much I do, but I always tell them not to put perfume on him. I heard giving your dogs raw egg every week helps with their coat, but Dime's is already soft and fluffy :)


Food wise, what type of food do you feed them and how many times a day? What kind of snacks would you recommend? Dime is on TOTW High Prairie, a novelty diet, due to his protein intolerance/allergy (don't know which). He eats once a day. I basically worship TOTW right now because Dime is one stubborn, fussy eater. But TOTW makes him come running to his bowl without being called. About snacks, I don't feed anything store-bought. Dime gets PB, cheese, apple, pear, milk biscuits and plain yoghurt.


Dental wise, how many times do you brush their teeth?? Never do. They're pearly white and cleaner than mine!


Also, what kinds of toys do your pups play with? And how do you train them? How active are your huskies during the day? What activities do you do with your huskies?? Dime used to play with his Kong, but nowadays he just lick it clean and leave. I have my own method of training, I don't follow books or specific professional trainer's. I have three core rules: one, every action (from the dog) gets a reaction (from the human). Two, tough love is always better than giving in. Last, respect goes both ways. So sometimes there are "issues" with my dog that I consider as a "special case" and choose not to correct. For example, Dime often argues with me about our walking route. Sometimes I give in (if I think his "argument" has a valid point), some other times I stick to my guns like what most people would suggest to do. The thing is, I don't want him to follow my commands just because I want him to. I want him to follow my commands because I have a reason why he needs to. Dime always has a reason why he argues my choice of route. It's either one of these three: 1) it's a dead end road, 2) it's a route we've just walked a minute ago and 3) he just wants to walk to another neighborhood. So yeah I just weigh how reasonable he's being and choose whether to listen or not. Lastly, I just go on long walks with Dime. I also train him to do a lot of fancy tricks, but that's all about it. He's a boring dog LOL oh and about the during the day question. Dime is *very* laid-back during the day. If he's not asleep, he's going to sleep. Post afternoon walk he gets zoomies sometimes but about an hour before bedtime he goes back to his sleepy mode.

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I will try answering some of your questions..at least what I do!


Starting off with, how many times a day do you brush their coats? - I probably don't brush mine enough...probably once a week, but I could stand to do it at least twice a week or more


Shed them? This is probably the same as brushing, I assume?  

What products do you use?? What shampoo and other products do you use to keep their coat shiny and clean?? I don't bathe mine at all, but I do use a doggie deodorant.  I really don't need to use it very much because they don't really smell at all and keep very clean

Grooming wise, what do you recommend to do?  I take him to the groomers like once a year.  I used to do it more but I would not bathe them or take them to the groomer more than 4 times a year. 
Food wise, what type of food do you feed them and how many times a day? - I feed mine Taste of the Wild - Pacific Stream, they get fed 1 cup twice a day.

What kind of snacks would you recommend?  I use baby carrots a lot, it's good for them and cleans their teeth
Dental wise, how many times do you brush their teeth?? - I brush their teeth about once a week with a doggie toothpaste you get at PetSmart
Also, what kinds of toys do your pups play with? I use mostly Kong toys, or I get some filled bones from PetSmart.  I don't give them anything with stuffing, or rope as it can get caught in their intestines if they swallow it.  They destroy stuff quickly so it's hard to find a good toy

And how do you train them? - I took mine to a formal training class, which was VERY helpful. They helped me to know how to train them as well.  We went through 3 classes and got the AKC Canine Good Citizen Certificate.

How active are your huskies during the day? - While I am at work they are crated, but on weekends they usually just lay around all day, especially in the summer.  They get more active in the evening

What activities do you do with your huskies?? - We go on walks, car rides to different stores that allow dogs, running, biking and mushing in the winter time.  Sometimes going to the dog park as well.



Hopefully that helps :)  Good luck!

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Wow haha theres still so much to learn! And i feel you! I usually try to brush them twice a day, if not then once but as soon as i was done they would go outside and dig or lay on the dirt or something and get all dirtyy again, same happens after bathing them [emoji17] haha theyre hard to keep clean after brushing and bathing!

Wow Dime is one lucky pup! Haha isnt it a bit pricey to get them professionally groomed tho? /:

And i guess that works too Jason haha huskies are known to be clean and tidy dogs for the most part [emoji16] groomer once a yr sounds good tho(: i thought it would be like once a month ahha

and yeahhh mine is pickyyy with food too [emoji14] i have pedigree right now tho which i know is deff not the best so i do wanna switch up to a better one as well [emoji4] i usually feed them once a day in the morning after out run/walk [emoji16]

Those snacks do sounds delicious and nutritious! I nvr thought of those haha i always researched and looked up treats from stores.. Ima deff give the fresh snacks a try and hopefully they like them (: sounds alot more healthier than store products!

Im gonna look up the toothpaste (: usually i buy them dentalstix but i wanna keep their teeth and gums healthy [emoji4]

As for the toys, i'll try out Kong products (: Shadow is veryyy picky with toys, i have yet to find one of his interest! I havent tried the Kong ones tho so i'll give it a try (:

I really do want to take them to training classes but it is a little pricey for me right now Jason ): Although what you do to Dime sounds very reasonable! As long as he cooperates right haha (: i can try that

Ok so my dogs arent alone on layin around alot aha i was worried about that cuz i know huskies love to be active alot [emoji14] i usually take Shadow and Winter on a 2 mile run early in the morning and 4 mile walk/run in the evening [emoji4]

Jason it sounds like your dog has a blast! Especially during winter haha i'm planning on taking my pups to the snow someday, after all they are snow dogs! :D

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Thank you all!! It really helped me out alot!! I honestly thought they were reallyyy and i mean really high maintaince dogs haha but it doesnt seem like that at all [emoji4] i just want to keep them healthy, happy and at their best [emoji173]️

The whole brushin twice a day and bathing them was killing me tho i'll admit haha they get dirty as soon as i get done bathing or grooming them [emoji14]

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You work your life around them, not their breed :) about the professional grooming, I don't know why people wonder if I'm a billionaire when I mention that. It's quite cheap, really :o a whole grooming session, including nail care and hair cut (just some trimming, esp. on the paws and inside the ears) costs me the same amount I spend for a quick trim at the barber's. But then again I live in Indonesia.

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It is never ending!! [emoji30] plus they come out all nice and the next thing i know theyre covered in dirt again, so much brushing for nothing ahha. Its too much ): thats why i came here and asked questions of what you guys personally do so i could learn something [emoji4]

And when do their coats blow exactly?? I read its about twice a year but idk when /:

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:shrug: who in the world knows?? I think it largely depends on where you live and what the weather is like. Dime sheds lightly around July but at the beginning of the year he sheds enough to make a sweater. Still not a full coat blow though, I think it only happens when you live in places that snows.

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Around here it costs $50-75 for a full groom and deshedding. And it does depend on the dog, not all blow their coats twice a year. Kodiak does heavily in the early spring and fall. But he is still blowing his coat haha. Nikko and Yukon don't blow their coats as much

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Dime doesnt sound too bad when it comes to shedding (: and maybe, i live in Southern Cali so it gets pretty warm in summertime, high 80s and 90s F ):

50-75 dllrs isnt too bad for all that, but i got two dogs ahha. And that makes sense(: guess i need to learn about when they each blow their coats [emoji4] Winter hasnt really shed much and i dont really brush her since hardly any fur comes out. Shadow is a completely different story on the other hand lol no matter how many times i brush him it just seems to never end!

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There is no set time when Huskies as a species blow it's individual to each dog.

However I find that just as one finishes and you let out a huge sigh of relief the other one kicks off so you end up with 3 months of non stop Husky snow inside the house. . :)

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I only have my girl Juno,   but at times when you look at the inside of my house, there is so much fur you would think I have 4 or more huskys hiding somewhere !!!  but I brush mine once a week, never have gave her a bath yet, and she is always smells and looks clean

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