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My Husky Pups Are Leaving To New Homes


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They are adorable. But I really hope you will reconsider keeping them at least an extra two weeks. They're really too young to leave mom.

They haven't drank milk from the mom in a week and a half. They only been eating puppy food now

They are adorable. But I really hope you will reconsider keeping them at least an extra two weeks. They're really too young to leave mom.

They haven't drank milk from the mom in a week and a half. They only been eating puppy food now

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I think it's more that most vets and professionals say pups should stay with their mom and littermates a minimum of 8 weeks. It's not only the food it's the socialization, bite inhibition, etc they learn those extra few weeks. Some even suggest that they stay for 9-10 weeks of age.

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It's not that they're now eating puppy food but it's the fact they'll miss out on socialization skills important for their future development. Puppies should stay with there mother till 8-10 weeks so that they can learn from her as well as their littermates. 

please, keep them 'till 8 weeks. It'll be better for them as well as their new owners. Don't wanna' appear to be belittling you or whatever but I just needed to tell you.

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It's not that they're now eating puppy food but it's the fact they'll miss out on socialization skills important for their future development. Puppies should stay with there mother till 8-10 weeks so that they can learn from her as well as their littermates.

please, keep them 'till 8 weeks. It'll be better for them as well as their new owners. Don't wanna' appear to be belittling you or whatever but I just needed to tell you.

This isn't my first litter of dogs I've had before,I'm aware of everything you told me. My job is sending me out state for 3 weeks and have nobody to take care of them while I'm away

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You're really neglecting the welfare of your own animals here, no matter what your excuse is. If you don't have time for the animals that trust on you in their most important stage of their life, why have them?

You're 'lucky' in the sense that Texas doesn't seem to have any laws regarding this but most of the rest of the US has laws that make it illegal to sell or give away puppies under the age of 8 weeks. This is not to annoy you, this exists for a very good reason.

The amount of dogs I see coming in our shelter with behavior issues that could all be tracked down to a bad start of their life is very depressing. It was never their fault, yet the get punished for it for being in the shelter. Please, please reconsider your decision. Two weeks is all it takes.

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I have noticed a difference in the age the pups leave! I got Shadow at 7 weeks old and it took me a hell of alot of time to teach him bite inhibition myself!


Skye i got at 12 weeks old never had an issue EVER! 


So definitely re consider please :) Even if only till 8 weeks old its better than 6! They learn so much more from their siblings and mother than they do off of us and you could be potentially sending pups to homes that may end up rehomed due to these issues :(

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Omg they all so gorgeous i would want to keep them all!!! We got both our pups at the same time both at 6 weeks old, they were very healthy and happy and have grown up into healthy dogs xx

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I can only echo what other's have posted above 6 weeks is too young.  If your job sent you away and you had no one to take care of your 2 legged children you wouldn't go - I don't see why this is any different?  Do you have friends / family / neighbours that can help whilst you're away there must be someone? :)

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Ok people,I'm not here to listen to people preach. I wasn't suppose to be leaving out of town at all for work but something came up and my job is what pays my bills. I've got dogs at 6 weeks plenty of times and they grew up to be fine dogs. I'm here to show my beautiful dog pics with y'all,not listen to negative people

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Honestly I think most people have been very respectful and have simply implored that you keep the puppies longer for their own good. A quick look on the AKC site and pretty much any other reputable website will tell you eight weeks. You are free to ignore people's opinions, but I don't think the most people on the board will support things that aren't in the best interest of the puppies. Same reason we don't typically support discussions that recommend huskies being off leash. We are simply asking you to reconsider so that you can give the puppies the best chance to be successful in their new homes.

Edited by Chula
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Ok people,I'm not here to listen to people preach. I wasn't suppose to be leaving out of town at all for work but something came up and my job is what pays my bills. I've got dogs at 6 weeks plenty of times and they grew up to be fine dogs. I'm here to show my beautiful dog pics with y'all,not listen to negative people

Don't take it personal. Most members here are very passionate about Huskies. What you are experiencing is that passion, the concern for the well-being of the pups. I for one, will not pass judgement. Other than to say you have some gorgeous pups.

Is letting them go at six weeks in their best interest? Of course not. I think you know that. But honestly, life's events sometimes happen. So, at a minimum, it would be prudent to let the new owners know how important it will be for them to work with their new pups, on socializing, bite inhibition, training, etc.; especially if they have never had a Husly before. And we all know that Huskies are not like other breeds.

We got our Zoya when she was nine weeks old. The state where her breeder resides is one that bars selling or transferring a pup prior to eight weeks of age. Zoya was still biting her litter mates at eight weeks when we first saw her. She was relentless. Got her home and really had to work with her to stop biting. So not all pups that stay with the litter til eight weeks are set with bite inhibition.

While I agree with others, that it is best to keep the pups until they are eight weeks old, and if at all possible, it is what should be done, you will do what you deem appropriate, regardless of what I or others may think or say.

Have I ever purchased a pup at six weeks? Yes I have. Would I now, knowing what I know about the importance of weeks 7 and 8 with their litter mates? No I would not. Am I passionate about the breed? You better believe I am.

At the end of the day, if you have vetted the new owners to your satisfaction and feel they will give the pups a loving environment with proper care, ultimately that is what is important.

Best of luck to your pups. I hope they all go to good homes and become healthy adults.

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I've read through this post and have battled with myself not to give my opnion.  When you first put pics up of the pups I thought here is a guy whose dogs have had an accident and now he's left with dealing with a litter of husky pups.  I've loved looking at their progress pics, seeing them getting bigger :)  I totally understand how work is important and yes, sometimes we have to make our dogs take a back seat, I know this only too well when I had an accident earlier this year and my dogs where  left home alone for longer than I'd ever want, that's just the way it had to be.


What I'm struggling with is you've said you've had many pups before, that leaves me thinking you are a breeder!  Well if that is so, why on earth are you allowing these pups to be seperated from Mum at 6 weeks of age?


I'm sorry but if you post on a public forum then you have to accept not everyone is going to agree with what you've written.  I think deep down you know this isn't the best thing for the pups and you are looking for some reassurance it's ok.  I think you'll have a long wait :(

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Everybody calm down,I once did not say I'm letting the pups go at 6 weeks. I said they all have found great homes as in when they are ready they will already have homes to go to which I sold the pups to all real close friends of mine. Everybody is jumping to conclusion, im not leaving for work in another 2 weeks. And while I'm leaving for those three weeks my mom and dad are going to obedient school

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Everybody calm down,I once did not say I'm letting the pups go at 6 weeks. I said they all have found great homes as in when they are ready they will already have homes to go to which I sold the pups to all real close friends of mine. Everybody is jumping to conclusion, im not leaving for work in another 2 weeks. And while I'm leaving for those three weeks my mom and dad are going to obedient school

Neither did u say you weren't , one person asked u at the start of your thread if u were letting them go at 6 weeks and u didn't reply , you also never said you weren't going away for work for another 2 weeks so you can't tell people they're jumping to conclusions when you've not told people the full details , your post is VERY misleading especially when you say your job is sending you away and you have no-one to look after them
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I am going to tread as carefully as I can in this topic so in advance I mean no disrespect. wondering if I should comment at all but this is a public forum as Clare stated.


As an ex registered breeder of Yorkies I would never let my pups go before 8 weeks. some stayed until 12 weeks depending on the individual. My mentor always told me no matter what happens the pups have to stay a minimum of 8 weeks. If you make the commitment (or allow the accident to happen depending on the situation) and bring those lives into the world then you have to make the commitment to see it through to the very end.


I nearly lost my female Yorkie because I got her at 6 weeks from a breeder who wanted them to go as early as possible and I was just so excited at the time I never thought it would make a difference. The stress caused her white blood cells to sky rocket and she ended up as a 450g puppy on a drip all night fighting for her life. 


I am sorry to say that you have contradicted yourself numerous times in your responses. Topic heading says they "are leaving" and you also state you have let litters go at this age before leading people to believe they are going now. You said you had no choice as you weren't expecting to leave town, now you say they're staying until 8 weeks because you aren't leaving town for another 2 weeks. I am confused. But whatever the actual facts may be I wish the pups all the best in their new homes. they really are a beautiful bunch! Every pup is different and I hope the new owners are experienced and can give them the guidance they may need

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I am going to tread as carefully as I can in this topic so in advance I mean no disrespect. wondering if I should comment at all but this is a public forum as Clare stated.


As an ex registered breeder of Yorkies I would never let my pups go before 8 weeks. some stayed until 12 weeks depending on the individual. My mentor always told me no matter what happens the pups have to stay a minimum of 8 weeks. If you make the commitment (or allow the accident to happen depending on the situation) and bring those lives into the world then you have to make the commitment to see it through to the very end.


I nearly lost my female Yorkie because I got her at 6 weeks from a breeder who wanted them to go as early as possible and I was just so excited at the time I never thought it would make a difference. The stress caused her white blood cells to sky rocket and she ended up as a 450g puppy on a drip all night fighting for her life. 


I am sorry to say that you have contradicted yourself numerous times in your responses. Topic heading says they "are leaving" and you also state you have let litters go at this age before leading people to believe they are going now. You said you had no choice as you weren't expecting to leave town, now you say they're staying until 8 weeks because you aren't leaving town for another 2 weeks. I am confused. But whatever the actual facts may be I wish the pups all the best in their new homes. they really are a beautiful bunch! Every pup is different and I hope the new owners are experienced and can give them the guidance they may need


I wrote a response to the topic and deleted it a couple of times, but I just wanted to say that this is a very well considered response. You have written what are some of my own thoughts far more eloquently than I ever could have. Thank you Kirstin.

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