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My Husky Pups Are Leaving To New Homes


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If I read your response correctly, I hope that means you are keeping them for the next two weeks before you go.


Here is the abstract to a study that shows the differences in dog behaviors between pups separated at 40 days (about 6 weeks) vs those at 60 days (about 9 weeks). If you won't believe some strangers on the internet, I hope this study will help you in your decision.




And another article:



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I've been reading this thread and actually find it somewhat amusing.
Has Cory actually contradicted himself? Reading this thread, making no assumptions, I don't think he has.
Has he allowed you to make assumptions without refuting them? Yes, indeed he has.
The pups are six weeks old - fact
He has homes for all of them - stated fact
His job is sending him out of state and he has no one to care for them - stated fact
If you'll excuse me folks, he's led you down the primrose path and you've taken the bait, hook, line and sinker.
Being a bit of a moralist, I try to read what someone writes; making assumptions about what they write tends to be problematic, as in this case.
There's another saying, probably more common the Texans that most - give the folks enough rope ...

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Al, I see it another way. I see it as he wasn't happy about all the flack he received and is thus backtracking. And honestly, I am not convinced he's not selling the puppies today. Which is obviously his own prerogative, and isn't illegal in Texas, so from a legal standpoint he is free to do so. I can still hope that he will reconsider because the general consensus of pretty much every respectable source in the puppy business is that 6 weeks is too young unless there are extenuating circumstances (orphaned puppies, sick puppies, puppies being mistreated by mom, etc). And as it seems he is in the business of selling puppies, or has at least in the past had other litters, it seems the responsible thing to do to spread that information. It will also help anyone who is reading this page and is in the market for buying a puppy to keep a wary eye on breeders that sell their puppies that young.


I made the mistake of buying from someone who was probably selling puppies for money, not for betterment of the breed. I had no clue. Thanks to this board, I now understand what to look for. I don't regret Chula, because I love her! But she has been a huge behavioral challenge, and I wonder if some of her temperament issues are hereditary.  I am absolutely positive that many other people would have given up on her, or left her to her own devices which would have undoubtedly killed her given her propensity to eat everything. 


I now feel a responsibility to help keep husky breeding, and all dog breeding for that matter, to those who are really in it for the right reasons, not just to make a quick buck.


I don't feel any ill will towards Cory. I'm sure he's not doing anything maliciously. I just hope he comes around and thinks about the possible repercussions. 

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I think that the posts speak for themselves. Post number 17 in particular very heavily implies that indeed this was the intention and if it wasn't then why not clarify that?

Anyway, I think that all of this isn't what matters most. The important thing is that advise has been given so anyone reading this thread in a similar situation can read and learn from this and ultimately of course that the pups are fit and healthy. I'm hoping that mum is well too? I remember that she was only 18 months old herself so might be a bit tired out, hoping she bounces back soon. [emoji4]

Wishing them all well in their prospective new homes.

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I really should leave well enough alone, but ...


Are there multitudinous implications in what Cory's written?  Without doubt there certainly are.  But this really tickles my sense of humour ... when someone decides to wander down their own primrose path, *I'm* not going to dissuade them and whatever the facts are behind what he intends to do, apparently neither does he.

Almost from the first post, you (collectively) seem to have jumped to conclusions that are based only on your assumptions not on the hard fact of what he has posted.


The very first post stated simply that here are pictures of his 6 week old pups and that he now has homes for all of them.  The suggestion in the title that they are leaving now might have been unintentionally misleading but an understandable title.


Emma in post 17 (which you cite) is there the suggestion that he intends to push the pups out now?  If that's how your mind-set sees it, then possibly.  But if you read what he has written literally he never says that specifically.  He merrily allows you to make the assumption ...


We accepted the stated fact that his male dog got into the kennel where the female was and impregnated her.  Accidents happen.  The fact that she's too young raised a couple of eyebrows but nothing outlandish.  Suddenly, the conclusion that he's a BYB of the worst ilk is being strongly implied and that's a bit of an overstep, I think.


Emily, I can see how you can see that; we have all accepted that Cory is going to do the best he can for his dogs and the pups, why of a sudden are the assumptions being made to the contrary.  He hasn't said anything specifically that should lead us into thinking that.


I, quite admittedly have a very odd sense of humour (oddly enough it's often equated by my friends here in the US to the "dry British wit").  Whether Cory isn't responding because he's offended by the assumption that he's kicking the pups out now or he's not responding because he's laughing up his sleeve is a choice I'll leave to you all.

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Al, it would have been very simple to put an end to the "assumptions" if he had just stated when it was first asked. I don't understand playing with people for the sake of playing with them, or getting jollies off of trolling people on the internet. That seems really mean-spirited, especially when people are only stating their opinion out of their concern for animals, puppies, and huskies in general - which I am assuming (should I bother assuming?) that everyone on this forum has. I'd like to think that was not what was going on, maybe it was communicated poorly, maybe he's rethinking his decision, but I'll not assume he was just trying to mock people's legitimate concern.

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Couldn't agree more with Al. I can see why assumptions were made, but if you haven't got the whole story then you probably shouldn't assume anything especially in delicate matters such as this. Reading through those first few posts, it certainly appeared ( to me at least) that he was giving them up at 6 weeks and he was justifying his choice for doing so. So I agree that his posts have been a bit misleading but some of the posts made by others have been just a little bit over the top. At one point, Cory was accused of neglecting animals. That's pretty extreme. I agree with Chula the problems could have been avoided if Cory had specified after the first post that he was not giving them up. I think the reactions were, as Al says, an overstep.


Lessons to be learned here are not to make assumptions and draw conclusions when not all of the facts have been given, and I think in future, when posts are made about..controversial topics, more decorrum is used. The site is about helping people after all. It's a place of learning, and I  think accusing people of animal neglect based off just a few posts is not the best way of going about things. It's not going to accomplish anything.

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I've been reading this thread and actually find it somewhat amusing.

Has Cory actually contradicted himself? Reading this thread, making no assumptions, I don't think he has.

Has he allowed you to make assumptions without refuting them? Yes, indeed he has.

The pups are six weeks old - fact

He has homes for all of them - stated fact

His job is sending him out of state and he has no one to care for them - stated fact

If you'll excuse me folks, he's led you down the primrose path and you've taken the bait, hook, line and sinker.

Being a bit of a moralist, I try to read what someone writes; making assumptions about what they write tends to be problematic, as in this case.

There's another saying, probably more common the Texans that most - give the folks enough rope ...


Im sorry Al, but you are missing something completely here in your statement above and thats that no only did he not refute it, he actually added fuel to the fire.


Ok people,I'm not here to listen to people preach. I wasn't suppose to be leaving out of town at all for work but something came up and my job is what pays my bills. I've got dogs at 6 weeks plenty of times and they grew up to be fine dogs. I'm here to show my beautiful dog pics with y'all,not listen to negative people

Now I'm sorry but you also  missed one other item here. He was actually asked the question:


They're not leaving at 6 weeks though right?


And this comment was "specifically" arguing against the fact someone stated they should not go until 8-10 weeks... Moreso he even quotes it


This isn't my first litter of dogs I've had before,I'm aware of everything you told me. My job is sending me out state for 3 weeks and have nobody to take care of them while I'm away

So in answer to your statement, has be specifically said that he is homing the puppys at 6 weeks? Fact

Has he specifically fueled and arguement that could have been avoided in less than 3 posts, and actually specifically avoided the question he was asked? Fact

And on your closing comment .... yes, we have the very same saying

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Just to note, whilst I completely agree that Cory didn't state he was homing them at 6 weeks I will not have people intentionally winding people up on the forum in order to fuel and argument they could have stopped. Its ridiculous!


And since the aim of this topic is seemly either not to read, or cause an argument. Its being closed as there is no point in it.

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