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Those That Are Single And Own A Dog, How Do You Cope?


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Something I'm very interested in to hear is how people that are alone (and thus have to leave their dog alone during work) have solved this problem for them? Have you found a solution for this or do you leave your dog(s) at home during work? Do you work full time? How does your dog cope with it? And how do you balance it with your work?


Am interested to hear how others have solved this problem :)

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I work 12 hour shifts with a 35 minute drive either side.

I have a large dogflap in my back door which leads out to a 150ft back garden, the garden is 6ft closeboard fenced all around..

I leave plenty of water and they have access to the ground floor if they don't want to chase each other around the garden.

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I am single and live on my own with my two I work 54 hours per week.

I walk them before I go to work then I have a dog walker who comes in and let's them out etc half way through then I am back around 5:10 or latest 6:10 then the nights km working again is only four hours so they're left again but have been fed watered etc between :)

They are not crates anymore which helps now I think they have full run of the house I have no issues with chewing anymore they have plenty of toys and bones around the house :)

Then on my day off Sundays we take a drive to somewhere for a long walk

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We both work in my house as well. Both our dogs have been crated since they were puppies so it is easy for us to leave them alone in them for the 8 hours during the day. For a long time we felt bad having to leave them in their crates, but one day we decided we wanted to see what they were up to all day so we left a video camera in the room pointed at their crates. They spent most of the day chewing on toys and sleeping (upside down - husky style). Also many times when I come home now to let them out Aurora remains upside down and stares at me until I ask her if she wants to come out.  :D

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Think Jos is wanting people who live completely on their owns opinions sparrow and how they manage heir loves with their dogs being a single person alone

Yeah I got that. I just figured that out information might help a little because we are both gone for 8 hours every day and the dogs are alone for that entire time.  :up:

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Don't worry, am just collecting all the answers here. Every input is appreciated. Gives me a good idea what the possibilities are for myself :)


It's just one thing that has always daunted me. I live with my parents now but obviously will move out after some point. One thing that I always never was quite sure of is whether it's a good idea or not to own a dog when your alone. But obviously, there are a lot of people on here on the forum who must have been in a similar situation and solved it. Whether you're single, or both work and have to leave your dog at home during an extended period of time every day.


Interesting. What about if you have an alarm system in the house, and couldn't let them have free reign? Would you put them in a crate or give them a designated room to run around in?


Not sure you would need an alarm with you having a dog roaming the house  :rofl:

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Not sure you would need an alarm with you having a dog roaming the house  :rofl:


Huskies are so friendly that you might need that alarm after all. I know that if someone broke into our house the girls would gladly show the thief around, maybe show them where their food/treats are, and probably be upset when they left!  :rofl:

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Huskies are so friendly that you might need that alarm after all. I know that if someone broke into our house the girls would gladly show the thief around, maybe show them where their food/treats are, and probably be upset when they left!  :rofl:


I know. Wodak would just kiss them to death  :rolleyes: But I suspect a thief would think twice when he encounters a dog in a house. Not that it just *may* be unfriendly, but more importantly it may make a lot of noise (Wodak certainly does!). It's not the best 'security' system but I'd say it's better then nothing, right?

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I live with my boyfriend, but essentially do everything on my own. Mine is crated during the day, sometimes I get out at lunch to let her out, sometimes I don't, but she seems fine and goes into her crate on her own in the morning. I do get up with her at 6 am and spend 3+ hours with her in the morning either cuddling, walking, bike riding, playing with her toys, etc. She also goes to daycare 1-2 times a week which really helps with her energy levels. Then 4+ hours in the evening doing the same thing all over again. 


Daycare has been a saving grace for us and I hope she continues to enjoy going. Because the hours are 7 am - 7 pm, I can take her on days when I have an early meeting, or if I know I have something I need to do after work. I also have friends nearby who will let her out if I ask nicely.

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I always never was quite sure of is whether it's a good idea or not to own a dog when your alone.


When We got the dogs I had my daughter living with me so there was almost always someone at home.

However Kells got her own place and moved out leaving me on my own with the dogs.

Circumstances change. I wasn't about to give up the furpack.

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I'm assuming it wouldn't be a good idea to get a puppy when you're single and working?

100% right. . .

Although there are exceptions.

You might work from home, or work close enough (and have an understanding boss) that you can pop home to let them out every couple of hours.

But generally no, it's not fair on the dog to be home alone for extended hours.

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After I moved out of my mom's house, my job search requirements included being close enough to home and having a decent lunch time to go home and walk the pup. I would get up early to walk (or bike if it was cool enough) with him then give him a short walk at lunch. This worked for a while until I got a new job in the position I really wanted.. far from home. Lucky for me my in-laws live close to my work, so he goes there and hangs out with their dogs during the day :)

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I work 61 hours a week, sunday is the only day off,  Juno has the run of half the house, my bedroom, laundry room, kitchen where her crate is with the door open, she sleeps most of the day that way she is ready to go crazy soon as I get home, once I'm home we go on an hour walk and then get back and feed her and she will lay around a little while I eat and then she plays with her toys and brings most of them  to me so I can play along, Sunday I still get up around 5 am and I take her to the park, or pet store or over my cousins house, so its a fun day , I would go crazy if I didnt have her around.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Single owner here and I am at work from 0700-1600 every day, I don't crate my dogs.


I have a male who will be 4 in October, he never had any issue being left alone. I don't crate him, he's never destroyed a thing in his entire life. Holds his bladder until I return home, has maybe 1-3 accidents per year. I hit the jackpot with him.


I recently bought a female who is now 6 months to keep him company. I don't crate her but currently have 4 holes in my wall, a destroyed door frame and a bunch of other stuff she's eaten since getting her. When I return home and if she did something bad, she knows it so I know she is learning. She lowers her head and hides between the legs of my almost 4 year old. Yesterday was day 4 of no destruction and after just now viewing my webcams it looks like today is going to be day 5 of no destruction.


Now with that said, I don't think I'd ever buy a husky puppy and have them alone for the entirety of a day. Odin has always been there to keep the puppy comfortable and for the puppy to play with him while I am out. When Odin was a puppy I was living at home and worked second shift so I was always home during the day while my parents were home at night.


I love my dogs more than anything. I have nothing against crating, I just don't want to do it. I have already accepted the fact that stuff may get broken, destroyed, whatever....it's all replaceable to me. Being able to let my dogs roam the house free, especially because I am out ~10hrs/day, is necessary for my own peace of mind.

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For me crating isn't about saving my stuff, you're right it's all replaceable. But my dog isn't. Once you've had a dog nearly die and need emergency obstruction surgery because she eats everything, you might feel differently about crating. I'm not trying to be rude, but I feel like the insinuation is that a person who crates their dog does it for selfish or material reasons. Mine is crated for her safety, not to protect my couch.

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