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Hi! :wave:


I've been MIA again for quite a long time (in the time space of the internet world, anyways) so thought I'm gonna drop by to greet you all while I have the time :) I have a bunch of things to say I don't know where to start! So in an attempt to summarize everything:


1) I can't believe the amount of money I've spent on books and educational website accesses. I've only bought three things just because I want it so far. One of them is a pack of Hershey's Kisses, and two chocolate ice creams. The rest of my spending are all school stuff. Wallet status as of now? Dying :huskyfall: but on the bright side, I'm really enjoying my classes. Mostly I had a blast in this new learning environment :) the only class I don't really enjoy is Algebra. Because; one, their required materials are choking my wallet far too much and two, it's a little too easy. I mean... they're repeating my junior high school material. Ah, the perks of being Asian :) they initially wanted me to buy an advanced graphing calculator that costs $120, but since I'm so used to using only my head, a pencil and a piece of paper, I chose not to buy it. I also sold the supplemental textbook... which only earned me 30% from what I spent at the first place. But hey, money is still money. Right? *sigh* I still have another online homework site for which access I need to purchase. I'm going crazy.


2) I think by now Dime is starting to realize that I'd be away a little longer than usual. My brother reported that he's starting to be a little too calm. He's still eating and walking and going about his daily routine, but he just loses that energetic spark. Not that he's energetic, but usually during the day you'd see a moment or two when he's absolutely nuts. I can't be sure if it's because of me or something else, but I'm a bit worried :( I'm leading a very busy life now, but I'd see if I can Skype the dog this Saturday. So far I've been avoiding to do so, fearing I'd break down to tears. But I really don't want him to be lethargic :o


3) This is my third week here and I already have drama. What the heck. I'm starting to think things like this are attached to me like a tail. There's just this one boy that suddenly approached me on a campus tour during the orientation, and... well, let's just say that since then he has never stopped following me everywhere. Attempting to, at least. It's almost creepy. I don't have internet in my room (booo!) so I have to go to the dorm's lobby for doing homework (and lurking around here). I think he memorizes that, because every time I sit at the lobby he'd suddenly appear out of the blue and sit next to me :o I don't mind that, but then he'd start talking (mumbling, I can't hear a word) nonstop about a bunch of stuff I don't understand. Then he'd wrap it up by "would you like to have breakfast/lunch/dinner together?". "I've promised somebody else!". "Oh OK". Previously he also knocks on my door several times a day but after several cold greetings he stopped. Gosh. What's he trying to do?


4) To all newbies we've had while I'm gone; WELCOME! Enjoy your time on the top best Husky forum in the internet world x

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Glad to see you're still alive!!!   Sounds like you are having a good time (minus the wierdo lol)  I should have had you tuitor me in Algebra because I totally failed that class my first go. 


I can only imagine how much you miss Dime, and how much he misses you!  Your year will fly by and before you know it you will be reunited.  Do you get to go home for winter break or are you staying in MI? 


Anyway, don't be a stranger ;)

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Hi! :waves:

Sounds like you have found an admirer lol a creepy one at that!

Glad your doing well minus the money (not enough money for anything now days)

$120 for a calculator! I thought the one I had to buy was expensive that was $60

I'd imagine your missing Dime like crazy it was bad enough being away from Sasha for one week let alone for as long as you'll be away from Dime :(

Doesn't America have over a month off over one of the seasons? Or is that just Canada? (I use to talk to a Canadian that had summer off then went back for the rest of the seasons)

Have fun and good luck with your classes it'll go by real quick and you'll be reunited sooner then you know!


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Hiya 'Liv

Glad you're still doing well over there in the land of the Big Mac

Keep popping by to let us know how you deal with your (ahem) boyfriend :P

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The first year of university, Suka was always depressed and lethargic when I left. (I usually go to school for 6-8 weeks, then I have a reading week or a holiday, so I can come home.). This is my 4th year (I probably have 3 or so years left. I'm taking my time, to not have another breakdown!), so he's gotten used to it by now. Its no big deal for him. But its still a big deal for me - I miss him loads!

But I'm assuming you won't be coming home for holidays and etc? What about when school is out (for the spring/summer), will you be going home then? For us the break is from May to August. If not, you could always take courses during the summer...you'll finish faster that way.

Gah - I wish I had it that easy in my first year calculus class! I failed it with a 32% (but then took it over the summer, and with a tutor, got over 90%). Math and chemistry are NOT my strong suits...

And yep...university is expensive! A quick tip...buy used textbooks whenever you can, and don't get them until you are absolutely sure you'll need them. And they are incredibly hard to sell, atleast for me...I still have all of my first year textbooks because they aren't in demand (most of the time we didn't even use them!). 

And yep...I hate the additional fees for online labs. I've already paid enough for tuition! 

That guy sounds a little creepy...at least in the way he acts. He's obviously attracted to you, just doesn't know how to act...or is just too shy to be more direct about it. Just be careful, there are crazy people out there. 

Edited by SolitaryHowl
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Thanks for the tips, Elyse :D I think I'm coming home this winter break. I think. If I got admitted for on-campus job they might ask me to continue working during the semester break because I've stated I'm available during that time in the application form. Back then I still thought winter break only lasts two weeks! If they don't though I'd definitely fly home.


About the creepy stalker guy? I met him again last night. Same old scenario; he suddenly sat next to me and started mumbling. I told him to leave me alone. I've let a guy stalk and terrorize me once in high school. I am so not letting it happen twice :angry:

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Hya Liv, it's good to hear things are going well.


I think you are so brave where Dime is concerned, I'd be a wreck!


My eldest son started uni last week but he is only 1 hours drive away, so comes home every other weekend, he misses the dogs like crazy though he has only been gone 7 days :) 


My daughter is off to Spain for the third year of her degree next weekend and I won't see her until Christmas :(  


I imagine the dogs are a little confused with their human siblings disappearing, especially as they have been home all summer looking after me.


Life moves on I guess and you just have to grab the opportunity while it's there :)


Keep us posted :)

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