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Hello From The Netherlands


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Hi everyone,

Warm regards from the Netherlands. In April through a local animal shelter, we fostered a pregnant husky (mix) dog, and after 2 weeks of babymoon, she delivered 11 beautiful pups at our home. We then took care of mother and pups for another 7 weeks, and they were all (including mama dog) adopted out to new homes, well, all except one, puppy #11 which we named her Molly.


It was never our intention to keep Molly, as we've another dog, a French basset which is completely opposite characters than the typical husky. But fate works in a funny way and my better half fell in love with the pups, and we become foster failure. The beauty of the story is that Molly was born at home, and that we actually were the midwife/wolf :-)


Anyway, that was almost 5 months ago and now Molly is a whopping 16kg pup. We think she has some shepherd in her, as all other pups are also on the large size. We keep in touch through facebook group, and it is very nice to see how the other pups are doing and how much alike they are in terms of intelligence, or mischievousness, and the overall wellbeing.


So that was the intro, if you would like to know more about the labour, or about Molly, just let me know.






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Hi there and welcome to the forum! :wave:

Kudos to you for fostering, must have been very rewarding but definitely hard work to care for them all.[emoji2].

Congratulations on your foster failure, lol. Lovely that you are able to all keep in touch. [emoji2]

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Hi again,

thank you for the warm welcome. We are all the way down south, in Maastricht :-)


We were told that the mother dog, Sky, was dumped, and there could be 4-5 puppies she was carrying. So it was a real surprise when it ended up with 11, not to mention it was a marathon labour, from around 9pm evening till almost 1pm the next afternoon..  She seems to be the first time mom as she was very clumsy with the first pup, but after the 2nd or 3rd, she was a natural mom. And thank goodness she was a sweet and trusting dog that let us helped with cleaning up the pups and cutting the cord etc.. For the first few weeks we were really scared that not all pups would survive, or even the mother, and she was super skinny. It was an intense period of 8-10 weeks that sleep became luxury, but we are very proud and grateful that everyone made it, and even the runt outweighed the siblings by week 5!! He turned out to be a fearless boy, but then all of them are very confident puppies :-)


Attached are more photos of the pups and also Mother dog Sky with our other dog Charly. As you can see the puppies are all different coat and eye colours, and only 2 with the real husky masking and eye brows, so it is possible that there were more than 1 father in this litter. The one we nicknamed Porky has blue/hazel eyes, the rest have either blue/brown, blue or brown eyes. 







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Hi Jen


Welcome to husky owners. What a family she had, bless her! And great news to hear they all went on to be healthy & happy with your help. 11 puppies?? Poor Mum must have been shattered  :D   I hope you manage to keep in touch with the brood, well done for taking her in when she needed it and holding on to Molly, the surprise newcomer to your family  :lol:

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Hi Val,

thanks. Sky was 'normal' at the beginning of the labour, but from pup 6 or 7 onwards, she let out of big scream whenever a new pup was about to come out. It was painful to watch her, so I cant imagine how much worse for her to endure it. But believe it or not, less than a week, she was ready to go for walk again.. few days later she started to display this 'hop' move during walk whenever she heard something in the hedges, like birds or mice. It was kind of cute until one time she scared the crap out of me by actually hopping through the hedge into someone's front yard because they've a rabbit.. thanks goodness the rabbit ran from the pen to the rabbit house.. So now whenever I see Molly hops, I don't find it cute anymore knowing what the real purpose behind it. lol

But yeah, poor Sky had it tough. After the birth we realised how skinny she was, and then she went through bad diarrhea episodes, probably due to eating all the placenta and later having to clean up after her pups. But in the end she regained her health and it was a joy to see how she plays with her pups. She was gentle but firm, and real quick. She was a great mom!

Unfortunately, we don't have the contact of her current owner. She was adopted around the same time as the pups, but was returned within a week. Shelter managed to find her another home not long after that, but perhaps due to privacy preference from the new owner, the shelter people just couldn't provide the contact info. It is a shame as I do miss her and appreciate her intelligence. She was a real problem solver and she surprised me so many times, like open the door or sneak upstairs etc.. we didn't even know she knew how to use the open stairs.. lol.. At least it is a good heads up for us regarding what to expect from Molly.

I don't think we could foster pregnant dog or litter of puppies again. I was close to insanity in the end, apart from constant feeding and cleaning, there was lots of worries (about the pups and mom), lack of sleep and also having to fulfil the needs of my own dog (slow pace) and Sky (fast pace)... We now have even more respects towards the (good) breeders. It is a lot easier to pick up a pup at 8 weeks old.. Having said that, the experience was priceless and we are very proud and grateful to be part of it.

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