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Hello everyone,

I'm Sharon and my Husky is Belle. 6 weeks ago my daughter asked me if I would take on Belle, as she wasn't getting the attention she requires from her owners. I already have two Rough Collies who are 11 and 10 so this needed careful thought. However after hearing that she being left alone for hours on end and only getting two or three walks a week, yes a week I decided to go for it. It soon became clear that Belle who is 18 months has had no real training and has been allowed to do just what she wants. The last few weeks has been hard going at times, but she is slowly learning, although her  desire to eat the cat is a bit of a problem ha! She has never been exposed to being out in the countryside, and sheep, wild ponies etc. are something to be chased. Not good!! She hasn't been shown how to behave on lead and at times this is not great for my left arm. She loves to run on the beach which we are lucky enough to live next to and when no-one is about it's great, But when she sees another dog she is off and although she will come back it is on her terms when she is ready. I feel that she doing okay considering it as only been 6 weeks, but sometimes I feel she is a nightmare. I even felt today that I couldn't cope anymore. But when I got home and looked at her beautiful face, I knew that I had to keep on. My daughter says I am being too hard on myself and that I'm doing a good job. She can now sit, lay down, sit at curbs and comes back 95% of the time on recall. She still pulls on leash, so if anyone has any ideas I would take any advice. Also she seems to have a problem with women, growling and sometimes snapping. I'm wondering if she has been hurt, in saying, this she is fine with myself and my daughter and granddaughter. it's s real mystery.

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:welcome:  you will find plenty on training Huskies and lots stories to read.  Keep going they are the most lovable, funny, frustrating breed...  And well done you for caring and taking Belle on in from what must of been a very lonely life for her.


You seem to be doing an excellent job so far,  although quite brave letting her of lead.  I use a head collar (Halti) which works for me but there are lots of other products that are used, just a matter of finding what suits you and Belle.

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Hi welcome we use a halti type head collar, though there are other types, my shoulder thanks me lol. Also use long leads as Solo like others has no recall at all, it is the breed and only takes a cat or dog and you could lose her (sounds harsh but a reality) huskies have a very high prey drive. Good luck and keep us posted, we are a friendly bunch and there will always be an answer.

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Welcome. You just have stay on track and remain steadfast in your training. It may not be easy, but the rewards will be worth the effort.

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welcome. like you I am new to the breed. I just got Jax about three or four weeks ago. I took him today and got a gentle lead head collar because I had no control over him. I was advised not to use the easy walk harness as most cases they don't stop pulling they pull harder. Jax is three and like yours had very little training. He knew sit and shake when we got him and He is now starting to learn drop it, down, and lose leash walking with the help of the gentle leader. I have been just as frustrated at times but they are so worth it. 

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Welcome to the pack , huskies generally don't do well with small animals/live stock or being off lead so whilst she is OK now she might not always be , any advice you need don't hesitate to post up we all try our best here to help out using our own experiences too :-)

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Huskies will test your patience, they are super intelligent though they pretend to be stupid :)  congrats on taking her in :)  My 3 are all rescues and I'm still struggling to get them to do as I want :)  


One thing to remember is that a husky off lead is a recipe for disaster!  there is only a small percentage of huskies that will come back, the rest will just run and run.  You will find most members here will discourage off lead walking, too many have lost  dogs this way :(


Please don't hesitate to ask questions, we are a helpful bunch, honest :)

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Welcome aboard! It does sound like you are doing a great job. 


My take on loose leash walking which came from our trainer is this; Carry a treat bag and when she is by your side say good girl and give a treat. The main goal is to get her to focus on you - which is very hard with a husky when walking  ;). Hold the lead against your stomach in your right hand and have her walk on the left (you can reverse this if you like but try to stick with one side for now) when she pulls, stop say "uh uh" and while holding the leash lower to around the bottom of your tummy, begin to walk back wards keeping the leash hand anchored to your tummy. When she turns around and is almost level with you, start walking again in the forward direction. Praise and treat often for the right behaviour. You will probably feel that most of the walk is backwards for a while when doing this  :D but persistence will pay off.


Try to do this where there are minimal distractions to start with.


If you simply can't do this, get a harness with a front attaching d-ring. Something like a 'walk-your-dog-with-love' harness and I think Indi-dog do one. But the same techniques apply as I have outlined above. The front leading harnesses are recommended by our trainer for those with powerful dogs that can't manage the steps like holding and walking backwards and as we know a Husky is very strong with pulling :D

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Hello and welcome to the forum :)


Champ and I had some struggles with walking, we used the turn around method and it just didn't help, especially when in the winter the sidewalks were covered in ice, he would just pull me down the sidewalk and there was nothing I could do but try and stay upright.  I got a Walk Your Dog With Love Harness and we've been fine ever since, so I highly recommend it.  As others have said about the off leash walking I wouldn't recommend it.  Champ is one of the ones that run and run and don't come back.  A few weeks ago his leash broke while my partner was walking him and he almost got hit by a truck, that was the most terrifying phone call of my life, listening to him run after my dog screaming for him to come back with fear in his voice and the moment where my baby almost died will forever ring in my head.  I have since created myself a rig to keep him from being loose should something like that ever happen again, but I will forever discourage walking off leash with a husky because of it, I just can't.


As for training, just keep at it, find something that motivates her and stay consistent, it sounds like you're doing really well so far, keep up the good work :)

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Hi Guys

Thanks for all the tips, I am using the marker method already with my bag of bacon and it is working quite well. Yesterday evening we went out for our evening walk and she walked heel nearly all the way on loose lead so things are getting better. If she does pull forward I just turn around and walk back a few paces then quickly turn again and continue and this is working so far! lol. I don't really like the halti leads they kinda freak me out, just seem weird haha! no offence to those who use them, everyone has there preference. And it's all about what works for you and your dog. I do like the harness idea though and think they would be a good thing as they don't pull on the neck.

She is a cleaver girl and the bond we have is incredible in such a short space of time, I think she is so glad to be with me and my lovely family who adore her, after what she has been through. She gets three walks a day now instead of two or three a WEEK, so imagine how excited she must feel.  I am lucky where I live, that the beach is usually empty and she loves the sea. Is anyone going to the Husky convention in December at Sherwood Forest? I am also thinking of going to the talk in October(same place) about learning sledding. Does anyone already do this?

I have tried to put photos on but it wont let me. I will keep trying.

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It sounds like everything is going well.


Regarding the walking method, I am not sure if we are talking about the same 'turn around' method. I don't turn around, I walk backwards and then the dog needs to turn around. When he is at my heels I then continue walking forward and he has to turn around agin to continue the way I want to go.

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Hah! Huskies are like no other and incredibly and uniquely different.

I think I mentioned it but maybe not; my very practical neighbour (now single & retired) has three GSD. She trains them and enters them into agility & obedience classes. She was 'horrified' I had taken on a Husky/Malamute pup! I did come close after her horror stories to take him back but, I'm a stubborn git and made up my mind to do as much the right thing and researched this breed on line.

My fears were reinforced... but...The good stories were also endearing.

They are gifted...can sing, landscape the garden, can ignore the home then you find pictures and coats hauled off hooks & demolished.

They steal! Esp when big enough ... off counter tops.

They are devotedly loyal and loving .. but then totally deaf to your calls to return and esp if after another small animal - Rabbit or bird! and with other huskies / dogs - well, forget it.

NEVER ... let off lead unless in a pre-checked secure field!!

A few rare ones ARE perfect on recall and work too in SAR.

They can have serious SA (separation anxiety) issues even after running off - get on other side of fence and forgotten where the 'gap' is!!

I'm fortunate mine is good around cattle and horses (nice farmer who let him meet these as a puppy... and friend with horses) - would not trust him with sheep..ever..

His prey drive is strong but... he is good with our cat - learnt from puppy-hood that Sox is good and to LEAVE HER ALONE!

She handles him well as she has with all dogs who come in, even boarders... who are introduced to her, on the lead.

Pistol grip sprayer water bottle is a great wakeup and training to 'Stop n Leave'.

I had Westies, (and before many many other breeds incl Boxers, & bred and trained WHW pups to basic commands with ALL my puppies before they went to their new furrever & checked-out homes.

I am still learning!!

Of the 15 total (who went out aged 14 weeks - did not agree with anything earlier) only one came back due to 'snapping' (he was barely 4.5 months old and it was my fault for seriously having misjudged the woman (& who was a 'stuck-up' work colleague married to a Dr!) on her knowledge and 'I know it all' attitude.

Had 'never had a dog but hubby has'... as really not an appropriate dog owner - who completely ignored all my suggestions on treating the pup in his development at/in home & around her 'precious' & very spoilt girls aged 5 & 7.

He was fussed and played with in the day and then immediately dumped into his den-bed when they came home.

And pretty much ignored until later.

He (I reckon) playfully jumped & nipped at the youngest when she came by for pre-bed time milk drink; she screamed, Mum yelled, locked him up and he was returned to me as being 'vicious'....

I reluctantly returned partial payment (stupid me but I was so cross & disgusted over this poor neorotic pup I now saw).

He could not sit still.

He wanted only to be on my lap or on my feet at sink or sitting and 'clung' re serious SA and would not lie quietly on the floor or the sofa w/o needing constant fussing. Urrggh.

It took hubby and I three months to achieve reluctant peace and settling on floor, and on sofa and his bed. Having three or four others in the house helped but boy was he in a state.

Another owner of two of my earlier pups came and begged to take him.

She trains them to 'go' on order as no flap into her garden and she works p/t (as I have).

She is firm, loving and goes on long five mile+ walks into the breacons and hills and her dogs (+ cocker spaniel) are happy & obedient.

Hamish settled at last - she said it was v hard work but, easier after my own input and he fell into the home routine.

Her Spaniel Bertha also scolds him, and the others, after the owner... whenever they misbehave !

He is a bit of a 'wuss' though & the girls boss him!

Later, her daughter took an older pup bitch of mine who decided she wanted to be top dog - and we were starting to have too many scraps for comfort & peace.

Molly settled in beautifully and joined Hamish and family on holidays - with occasional scraps still but much better.

My pups were all house trained and knew: NO SIT STAY STAY & DOWN. They also knew BED WAIT LEAVE & OU.

They were socialised, went on car rides, walking out on leads after jabs on pavement and familiarised with traffic noise steps/stairs (we r in a bungalow) and got to meet other people and youngsters (while on the lead) and importantly, other dogs too, when out.

They got used to the vacuum - flying pups leaping into their nursing den WAS a sight! They had 'dummy' runs with my clippers, as they would be later... bathing, hair dryer and brushing, nail clipping, being handled, checked over re mouth, teeth and ears, eyes and toes and examined closely for " fleas ticks and general checkovers". And loads of cuddles.

I was delighted that some owners waited and came back for a second pup.

One didn't and confessed she regretted it after several difficult months of training herself!!

Most pups came back for weekly boarding and 'rehoning' in obedience & manners too!

Returning home - 'oh...so much better behaved!'

They didn't have 'new home' separation issues (never looked back (I cried!! fgs) with crying, sleepless nights or scratching doors (yes...one or two, one night only..& a couple of days 'accidents' if any!) and many owners put in door flaps.

Most of my training paid off and (most) new owners followed my suggestions on words already instilled, diet, ongoing training and rewarding. Routine emphasised.

One girl pup went to Brazil, flying with owner in carry cage & bred very successfully after 18 months with KC reg'd pups to judges, lawyers, doctors & pretty high society homes.

Sadly acrimonious divorce with my dear friend Susana (still in contact 10 years now) and Lady Emma suddenly disappeared from the garden - never found leaving a distraught little boy who adored her; a mystic ... a year+ later (never met before) told Susana a white dog pet had been kidnapped and dumped near/on busy highway. (Ex husband had serious control, vindictive & abuse issues)....it was over 12 months later and Susana found closure of sorts and had to stop looking and advertising in lost dogs columns.

Emma was chipped.

Lady Emma of 'Toowomba' (my KC name) has been succeeded now by another...No "II" and has her own site on Flicker... as well.

Enjoy - life is never dull.

My boy has a new girl coming Friday. [emoji4]

She will learn with him to sit, down-wait (& come) down-stay (& wait for me to come to him).

He howls when we arrive home from kitchen window standing sink! then sits in den while we come in doors and deposit our gear (esp band gear) then greets us joyously with fussing until clapped hands and 'break' to settle down.

He can read : Sit, Down & Stand and do these.

'Fetch' his toys and deposit into bowl, fetch ball and drop into hands.

Spin r&l.

Ask 'please' (wroof!) and 'speak'.

He answers back when told to go out of kitchen but backs out.. (No begging) but 'stealth mode'... creeps bk when we r not looking!

High fives R & L and both 'up'. Stick'em up on wall and now sticks paws up onto my back. (Next is walking like this). He can weave thru my legs.

He 'waits' before eating 'ok' and steps back when asked to 'leave' if his bowl needs moving.

'Switch' sides round back l to r and 'change' sides round the front l to r or vice versa.

Walks to side and sits when I stop.

He is learning gee and yaw turns and can already 'spin' these.

'steady' = slow and 'whoa' = stop. The latter is in preparation to go into pulling. Go-by = ignore/leave. Walk-on ...

Hike= run.

I'd love to do agility - expenses are restricted so getting harness and lines first..agility gear later.

He gives us 'the look' from his Den when we r going out

(Die!- how could you?...sulking).

He sucks his comfort blanket.

Once boat refit costs (argh) are sorted and she's laid-up for winter... I might get agility and ramp and poles and tunnels.....

Moneypit's both!! Rofl

Both dogs already have flotation vests for boat trips in summer and will have security clip points on board.

Next - to learn climbing 4-5 step vertical ladder IF they jump or fall in and banks too high so can re board.

Need my own lifesaver jackets still!

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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I hated the thought of using a Halti... I felt this was an admmision of defeat and I hated the way they went round the face.  However after our trainner recommended and showed us how they worked I decided to give it ago.. Now I'm not going to pretend it was an over night success but my arms have returned to there normal length and I have just very recently had the confirdence to walk them on my own. 


Any way every body finds there own way and I'm sure this will be the same for you. :D


Can't wait to see your pics :D

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