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Puppy Biting !!!!


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Hi, and Welcome.

You'll get plenty of help, this is a common problem.

Could you pop over to introductions and introduce yourself and your pooch.

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When a pup bites, make a shrill OUCH! Then turn away. The noise you make, helps to startle them a bit. Also, ignore for a few minutes, turning away. You can also sequester the pup for a few minutes. For example, set the pup in another room with a child gate across the doorway. Huskies hate being ignored, and should learn soon, that biting leads to being ignored. Having a toy at hand to substitute for your flesh can also be helpful.

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I also found putting a muzzle on (very brief periods to start with, and reward!) also helps because you remove that 'freedom' to mouth, lick or bite.

Reward when good. Muzzle back on as soon as biting starts. And reassure them at the same time do they realise you mean well...

The muzzle is so useful for other matters whether with little ones' around (and face to face with them!) or visitors, general chewing issues, other animals, out and about.

Gives you peace of mind too.

NB... Avoid muzzling around other dogs who are/may be aggressive as your pet becomes either very fearful if they can't defend themselves or even more aggressive!

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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And...(don't laugh) I have (and still do if I'm quick enough) grabbed my dogs' by the scruff and nipped THEIR ear - enough to make them yelp. Spit out fur..no blood.

The pack leader or matriarch would do this with unruly youngsters.

The surprise alone is a treat to see because their whole body language changes to being a bit more focussing on what YOU want!

Not what they want.

Vocal deep low growling is good and quick reactions to stop bad behaviour.

But do reward when good - any time...'good dog sit' when they just sit w/out being told. Same for 'quiet', 'settle down', 'lie down' etc.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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I'd never recommend biting your puppy , if someone did that to me I'd bite back and your puppy might , do it to the wrong dog and you're in trouble a good firm no should work or a yelp like their sibling's would and turn away should help , if not instead of turning away remove them from the room let them calm down then let them back in they'll soon learn biting stops interaction , just be firm patient and consistent and you'll get there :-)

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Ok..point taken ...however, it worked fast for me and when I had my Boxers. And a firm NO always came with it.

Obviously with youngsters in training....an older one would quite likely retaliate.

It's like kids..start young - irradicate bad issues early.

It was an old farmer who told me this when he had unruly young Collies in training who went for sheep.... he never had a repeat offender.

My mum did the same with the young orangutans when they got into tantrums and bit her...again no repeat offenders.

I haven't with Chester in over 14 months - he's only felt it twice but, it worked for me.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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A nice loud firm no or ahah! Should work and remove her from the room , does she lick at all? When she gives u a lick ask her to give kisses then what I did is when mine went to nip I went 'ahah! Give kisses' and I'd get them to change the bite into a lick instead

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A nice loud firm no or ahah! Should work and remove her from the room , does she lick at all? When she gives u a lick ask her to give kisses then what I did is when mine went to nip I went 'ahah! Give kisses' and I'd get them to change the bite into a lick instead

she dose know give kisses  ... thanks for the advice ill try that !!! :)

Yeah, as others have said a loud yelp/bark noise and ignore him/her.

Takes a while but it worked with my Naya and she's never bitten a human since her puppy biting phase, not even a play bite.


thats great to hear !!! I;m starting to get worried 

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