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Going From Bad To Worse!


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Yesterday I was telling you how Bear had a poop party whilse I was out but was otherwise fine.  Well she's still fine and no more poop, so she's on the mend...........but now it's Ice's turn!


It started last night with him throwing up and pooping every few minutes, sometimes I got up to let him out but most of the time I was alseep so he just did it all over the downstairs hallway (thank god for the lino!!!)  I let him outside to stay for the morning as he's clearly feeling quite sick and fresh air always helps me to cope with nausea (god knows I have enough experience of dealing with that from my own problems).  He's been laying in the lean-to at the side of my house on the carpet and popping in and out of the garden when he's going to be ill.  He's waiting right now for me to go back outside and sit with him, when he's sick he doesn't cope with it at all, he just wants to cuddle up to me and stare sadly at me as if asking "please make me better mum".


I have found a very stinky dead frog in my back garden which i've now removed and I'm wondering if this is what is making them a bit poorly.  Also worth noting is that Paul reminded me that a few weeks back there was a report of a nasty virus going round the area infecting dogs so there is that possibility although they've not been in direct contact with another dog for several weeks now. Could have been sniffing an infected poo though, so can't rule it out.  

Brooke my staffy is currently fine and well, so fingers crossed she remains that way.  I'm feeling pretty sick though and tbh with you that's affecting how much pampering i'm currently able to offer Ice.  I can't really sit for too long with him as when he starts being sick it's making me feel like i'm not too far off joining in with him.  :(


All in all, although he is vomitting and pooping mucous intermittently he isn't too bad.  His body's just reacting to what's going on internally but should start to calm down now that there's nothing left to come out.   He's still pretty alert and paying attention to things, he certainly has enough energy to give me dirty looks from time to time, and I could tell he really wanted to go chase the neighbours dog when it came out, lol.  He's got a big bucket full of fresh water and is currently still hydrated (am blanching his gums and  lightly pulling his skin occassionally checking to see if it stays saggy or goes back down quickly to keep an eye on this).   He's also being starved for 24 hours (don't tell him that though as it'll only make him feel worse).  If he's not improved by tommorrow or starts to dehydrate then he'll be down the vets but for now, I'm just letting him rest.  He's laying by his food bowl as I write this, apparently he thinks it's food time, lol. 

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Thank you everyone. Not much change yet, he's still being sick but it's less frequent now which is good. I've been sitting outside in the garden and he came to lay with me so I could stroke the top of his muzzle the way I used to when he was a puppy and I was trying to get him to go to sleep, lol. He's quite liking that but isn't falling asleep, funnily enough it never worked back then either but it did calm him down when he was hyper. When he was little I used to massage the tips of his ears and sing him a song I made up for him, but I don't think he's in a fit state to be punished with the sound of my singing voice right now, lol.

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Aww poor fur babies. You're brave as much as I love Keiko and my own son for that matter, I can't do sick, if I see, hear or smell it I'm often emptying my stomach with them. Hope they feel better soon though :)

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Aww poor fur babies. You're brave as much as I love Keiko and my own son for that matter, I can't do sick, if I see, hear or smell it I'm often emptying my stomach with them. Hope they feel better soon though :)


Thanks. Trust me I'm the same!  lol.   I just haven't got a lot of choice right now.  Need to keep clearing it up fast incase it is infected and then gets passed around to the others.  But my god it's not much fun when you're on the edge of being sick yourself, lol. 

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We ended up at the vets last night as he was starting to poop bloody jelly and just not picking up at all. They've given him some shots, pro kaolin paste and antibiotics. Overnight he did a couple of bloody pools but not too bad at least he's not being sick. Unfortunately he's still feeling Ill and refusing food. I have eventually managed after much persuasion got him to eat a cocktail sausage (the plan was to sneak his meds inside the sausage but the pill was too big, lol). So he is starting to show a tiny hint of an appetite. Hopefully this will pick up as the day goes on.

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Poor boy.... Hope he gets better soon... does the vet have any idea what's wrong with him?

They think it's either something he ate or a virus. Ice is rediculously sensitive and the slightest thing can set off an upset tummy so when he gets something actually wrong with him he really gets it quite spectacularly and for a long time. I'm back at work properly next week and am dreading Monday as it's the one day he'll be on his own all day. If his past performances are anything to go by we can probably write off the next week as being a runny poop week. [emoji40][emoji33]
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Get well soon. Hope he is at least drinking? Sometimes it takes few days for the body to recover but as long as there is fluid intake it is less worrying.

Do you have slippery elm powder? It can be mixed with some water and let the dog eat it, it wont cure the diarrhea but help soothing the digestive tract in case of inflammation.

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Thanks. Yes have been trying the slippery elm. [emoji2]

The only people I know who aren't afraid of dogs are working too so it's a bit of a 'mare.

He's eaten a few more cocktail sausages and a hand full of finely diced chicken breast so has eaten a little bit but considering he's a doggy dustbin this is very out of character. He's slept all day in the garden and came in around 6pm asking for a walk, so he must be feeling a little bit better. He's not going to the loo quite so much and when he does it's more runny poo and less jellified blood. Fingers crossed he continues to pick up.

Oh and yes he's drinking lots. [emoji2]

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Thanks, it's certainly tiring all of us out that's for sure. Sadly no progress today he's gone back to refusing to eat (still drinking) and frequently pooping greenish water. He is however more active. Going for a wander and investigating stuff, his tail is even curling back up sometimes. He's got the hump with us though as he doesn't want to take his medicines, lol.

I'll be giving the vet another call tommorrow as this seems like it's going on forever.

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