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Hi everyone another long gap between mY last post :)

Hope everyone is well not keeping yourselves too busy I hope :)

I've just seen a thread I like the look of ;)

Anyway, not been upto much, really busy at work and training. Having a few days rest from training at the moment as I'm running the Bournemouth half marathon Sunday so got to rest up ready and it's driving me crazy haha I want to go and hit the weights in the gym argh lol

Quite a few good positives to share with everyone,

Gizmo's training off lead is going fantastic, he saw a person walking towards us the other week and he simply looked at him then wondered over to a bush and totally ignored the person, I'm so happy with his progress.

We have had Marley off aswell (separate walk to gizmo, not tried them off together yet) and he is responding well. We haven't let Bandit off yet as he is still highly reactive to everything.

I've got the half marathon on Sunday and I've been fundraising for Mind (mental health charity) and I've raised over my target so very happy, now I've just got to finish it.

Next weekend I'm off to a spa with my mum for her 60th bday, booked for a nice deep massage to relax those leg muscles after this weekend

I've set my next running challenge, I'm going to run a half marathon everyday for 31 consecutive days (a month). It's gonna either make me or brake me, plan to do it either late next year or early 2016

Going to Florida again in November so very excited, work has been so hectic it's going to be nice to get away with Jamie (hubby) for a few weeks.

Then after Florida we are back for a few weeks then on Christmas Eve we are back on a plane and going to Lapland!!!!! So excited we are going for a family holiday with Jamie's mum and dad and sister (and her hubby), and Boxing Day we are going husky sledding!! Omg I can't wait!

So many exciting things going on, I don't know what to do with myself

It's helping me through this month. I signed up to the go sober for October for Macmillan but rather than give up alcohol (as it's only like twice a year I'll drink) I'm giving up chocolate, 3 days in and I've already been craving chocolate! This will be tougher than my next running challenge haha

What has everyone else been upto?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Sounds like things are going well in Your world :)

We've all just been ticking along. . . As usual 

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You are one busy person... So jealous of you going to Lapland and Husky sledding!!! not so jeaolous of the marothans though :D Girl at work has just done the 26.2 miles lochness marothan and she could barley walk on Tuesday... We didn't mean to laugh, but we did.... Mean people... :oops


Good luck with your marothan for MIND... and the chocolate  :P

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Lol thanks guys, half marathon went really well. I did it in about 1 hour 54mins (my current pb, which I wasn't expecting to even get close to this time around due to knee problems) so very happy :D

Now I've got my next running challenge. 31 consecutive days 31 half marathons (or running that distance in one run every day)

Gotta go and see a physio about my knee first before I set the dates I'm gonna do this

And so far this month, no chocolate :) :) :)

Have to say I'm gonna be walking like john Wayne tomorrow XD

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Edited by siberian_wolf
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