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Diarrhea And Vomiting

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Duke has vomited several times this week. We also noticed he had diarrhea last night. He's acting fine, but I'm worried he could have a blockage or something with as much mischief as he gets in. Only problem is our vet is very expensive. What should I do? Take him in for the inevitable $500+ work up or wait it out?

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I'm really careful with giving advice in situations like this, since am not there to see the dog myself. I wonder if they'd still charge you if you only ring them for opinions. I'd like to say that he's probably fine since he's still behaving normally, but I'm a huge paranoid :(


What color is his vomit? Do you see any weird object in there?

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Has he eaten anything he should't have got into recently or changed his food at all?

If he's acting fine otherwise then that's a good sign and should rule out some possibilities that are more painful.

Ringing the vet like Liv said is a good idea.

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I'd hold off feeding him for a day.  Water yes, food no.  Then give him a mix of steamed rice and boiled chicken.  About 1 cup mixed per meal, two meals per day.  See if he keeps it down, and if his stools harden up.  If he's not lethargic, dopey, or lacking in energy, I'd give it a day or two and see if there is any improvement.  But if after two days, he's still got the issues, then by all means a check with the vet is in order.  Having said all that, you are the one that ultimately is responsible, so you'll have to make the decision you feel is best.  I'm just giving you a reasonable option to follow.

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I'm with Mazz.. 


I Would not think there is a blockage as he has diarrhoea so the stools are moving..... But I am not a vet. 


I hope Duke gets better very soon as I know how worrying this can be..


In America do you have pet insurance, where you pay a monthly fixed payment then when your dog is ill or you have an emergency you can get your money back?  


 I have pet insurance and glad I have as Noah cost me in excess of £200 last Sunday with his eye.  And when he had his cancer, just over a  £1,000...  Ok you have to pay up front at the vets but at least  you know you can have the money back to go into the emergency funds...


My insurance is with Tesco and for both Woofs costs me £32.00, this also covers me for liability.  Which is great as not many insurance companies will insure Bella for Liability.  Pet Plan would not....  Down side if Noah has the same cancer he will not be covered.... as I did not get life time, in retrospect I wish we had but you don't foresee that... After 2 years of being clear we can ask for cover for it again and this will require a vets certificate.. 


£32.00 may seem a lot but not when you consider the peace of mind it comes with...


Em might start a Pet insurance thread....

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Well I went ahead and took him in. After talking to the vet tech she felt it would be best to bring him and I'm too paranoid too. They're doing a barium swallow, keeping him overnight and doing x-rays in the morning. He did have spirochetes in his stool, which could be the reason for the diarrhea. So at the very least hell be on antibiotics.

He did throw up a sock and a pony tail holder. I thought perhaps that could solve the issue, but when he vomited again today I got worried. Nothing in that vomit but food.

We do have the option of pet insurance. I've been an advocate since before we brought him home. My husband has needed more convincing. He's getting close to being okay with it.

So here's to lots of prayers. I already miss my buddy and keep thinking he's going to be in the next room or need to go out.

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At least there is nothing seriously wrong with Duke so that is good but we all worry, just as much, with our companions too!

It doesn't take much to upset some dogs 'normal routines' and Skye is a good example as she has had pure diarrhea today, (I know as I had to collect it off the beach this afternoon), but hopefully she will be back to normal tomorrow!

Although we do stick to a pretty strict diet, (for all of our four dogs), we do spoil them occassionally and my wife gave Skye some remains of yesterdays tea, (chicken terriaki stir fry), and Skye's constitution is obviously not up to that!

Skye is also one of those dogs that eats anything so we havecto be so careful and make every effort to ensure nothing is left out as the last thing we want is for her to eat something which results in a blockage.

All four of our dogs are insured, (with third party liability), but I sincerely hope that we do not have to use it!

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