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Good Day / Bad Day

Val (Zebedee)

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OK, can't decide if today has been a good day or a bad day! 


Been to work  :rolleyes: then at the dentist to finish off the root canal treatment I started 2 weeks ago  :angry: then one of our fosters left to go to her forever home (I know it will be)  :yahoo:  and finished off at the hairdressers being pampered   :pingu:


More good than bad, I think  :cheerleader: what has your day been like?

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Mine flashed by before i knew it - work is so busy at the moment!


Tonight have been cleaning as having house valued tomorrow then Lee and lorraine came for coffee and to drop Marc's birthday present off


Hope your tooth is ok x

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Sounds like you had a great day, Val :) happy to hear about your foster x here's how mine went:


Early today I received my Biology exam score which is 88%. I'm not happy about it, so "today" lost points in rating. But then my professor announced that she's gonna hold an extra credit event to bump up our exam scores. Day gained points. Then at 4:30 I went to this fancy restaurant before my job interview. The food was horrible. Day lost points. I changed from my straight jeans and sweater to this dress, and decided I look "formal enough" in the mirror. The interview went quite well (I like to think) and I left feeling pretty confident. So day gained back points. Then halfway to the bus stop I realized I left my bus pass and room key (!!!) in the restaurant I had my dinner at, which made me walk all the way back to the other side of the avenue. Day lost *major* points. Luckily my stuff are still where I last left them, and I made it to the bus stop j.u.s.t when my bus was about to leave. Day gained back all lost points.


Final rating score of "today" : 7/10

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Fine until 10.30pm. Then Reece promptly threw up all over the carpet, bathroom, and himself. Poor child was exceedingly unwell all night. Of course that set me off feeling sick from worry and so neither of us have slept all night.

Sounds like s good day your end, the root canal might not be much fun but at least it's finished now and another foster has a forever home, great news. [emoji2]

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My day to day... Woke up at 2 am coughing went down stairs to drink the rest of the cough mixture,, did a bit of lurking on the Forum, Cuddle Bella, went back to bed Noah jumped on the bed and spent the rest of the night snuggling up to my feet. So Bad, bad, good,good.  Not sure if lurking at 2am  is good or bad ?


Cleaned the Rabbits and snuggled my G Pig Bazil.... Good... Played with Noah and Bella Good.


Went to work Very Bad.....  still at work , very very bad..... soon be home time,, very very good...


My day so far.....  Still at least I have not been to the dentist. :D



Poor Reece hope he feels better soon.

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hows ya tooth now val ?

if it wasn't a family forum, I'd tell you how it is!  :cheeky:  but as it is, I will say it's flipping agony  :angry:  Throbbing all day & can't eat on it. She kept shoving bits of cotton wool up the hole she'd made to remove the nerve, only I think I may have a second nerve as I felt every flaming poke! She didn't numb it as I should have had no feeling, but I nearly jumped out of the chair  :o  Hopefully this pain will settle in a day or two and I'll be back to normal - well, as near normal as I can be  :confused:  :confused:  :D


Sounds like we're all having rollercoast days at the minute ..... how has everyone else's day gone??

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Poor you, hope it feels better soon, all dentists are warped sadists to me, there's something wrong with people who smile that much when drilling into someone's head !!!

Our day started a little earlier than usual, puppies all up at 0430, by 0515 freyja decided that as we were awake it must be breakfast time ! By 0730 I'd had a text from a prospective puppy owner to say they had thought about it and decided a husky is to big for them !

After that the day just went downhill lol I'm so sick of timewasters who just want to play with puppies !

Lol forgot to say it was Brett who got up to make breakfast, and its his birthday !!!!!

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Sorry to hear about your tooth Val I took co-codomol for a couple of days when they ripped 2 wisdom teeth out last month, it dulled the worst of the pain. So today is a good day = 1) no toothache ;) 2) it was my day off 3) it was sunny 4) took Ferg for a walk by the sea 5) I must have hit the post target by now! 6) Paul has cooked tea!! but it loses points for my internet still being screwed so the only way I can get online without ripping my hair out is via my phone grrr!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Can I add something ? The day ended differently, as at 1115, freyja decided to share her late supper of raw chicken with the (sleeping) pups by running into the front room and throwing up on one of them, my poor unlucky puppy ! AGAIN ! Cue me fighting for bits of chicken, baths and carpet cleaning GRRRR !!!

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Can I add something ? The day ended differently, as at 1115, freyja decided to share her late supper of raw chicken with the (sleeping) pups by running into the front room and throwing up on one of them, my poor unlucky puppy ! AGAIN ! Cue me fighting for bits of chicken, baths and carpet cleaning GRRRR !!!

Oh my god.... Thats so horrible but kinda funny at the same time... Poor little lucky... :rofl:   And poor you having to clean it all up...  It was a definate bad ending of the day for both of you.   Any ideas why Freyja was sick???

Edited by NOBEL48
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Oh my god.... Thats so horrible but kinda funny at the same time... Poor little lucky... :rofl:   And poor you having to clean it all up...  It was a definate bad ending of the day for both of you.   Any ideas why Freyja was sick???

She wasn't sick, well, she was, but not because she was UNWELL, that's really clear isn't it lol she was regurgitating her food for the puppies, gross !! But apparently some dogs do. It's how wild dogs/wolves etc wean their young, they eat, partially digest their food to soften it, then throw it up for the pups. She's done this a few times and it always ends up with me being the bad guy and literally taking the food out of their mouths :(

I wouldn't worry so much but she's raw Fed so she's bringing up bits of bone !

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