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11 Month Male Husky Wont Eat!!


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This problem has been going on for months now but lately has become worse than before. I have fed my dog orijen kibble for most of his life and he use to eat it really nice up until around July than would just sniff it and walk away. I tried nutri source and he liked it a lot for like a week or two than got bored of it and when he would eat his kibble he rarely would finish even a cups worth per serving. I now started feeding him raw food and he liked it at first but now hardly even touches it. He never eats anything in the morning and might eat a few bites at night but thats it. He is only 47 pounds and came from really nice parents. His tummy and waist are pretty skinny. It really concerns me that he wont even eat my homemade raw food mixed with some really good smelling raw food that i got from chuck and dons. I dont get what he wants. He seems to only like cooked chicken. I have been real strict on not giving him scraps or anything like that, only give him the food i made him. I found out I cant afford to feed raw so am putting him back on orijen puppy food once his raw food runs out. He gets plenty of exercise everyday, I take him on 20 to 30 minute runs almost everyday His energy levels, his coat and everything are great. He was recently at the vet and the doctor didnt see any issues or concerns and said he looks good so Im not sure what to think. He did get runny poop at first when starting him on the raw so do you think he is afraid of getting that again which is making him not eat it? He isnt pooping very much either lately and when he does its only a tiny bit. ive never heard of a dog that wont eat fresh meat set in front of him. This is getting really stressful and am not sure if i should just take him to the vet. ive tried everything that people say online from giving them 15 to 20 minutes to eat and if they dont to take the food away until theyre next meal. when i do that he "somtimes" will eat a few bites and thats all. Should i be concerned or am i being overly paranoid? I got his raw food recipe from a good source so it should be really good for him to eat. I have a feeling its going to take him some time to get use to eating kibble again or maybe thats what he wants instead of the raw food. idk. Alls I know is that im going to strictly only feed him his kibble and he will have to learn thats what he is getting. I just hope he eats enough of it and not just a little bit once a day. someone please help to ease my mind here. Any tips or idead would be great. I know he wont starve himself to death but it seems like he is eating just enough to get by. He is such a picky eater! haha. 

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Hi Andrew I may be reading this wrong but you said he's seen the vet and he's happy with him, his coats fine, fit and healthy just really slim ? Is that just what you think or are other people stopping you in the street ? Can you post some full body pictures ?

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Some Huskies are simply finicky when it comes to food. They don't like the smell, or they don't like the flavor, or they are tired of the food, and they will not eat. It boils down sometimes, to training. Only thing is, the dog is training you. Huskies will not let themselves starve. Some can go days, like three or four, without eating much if anything at all. Switching food all the time, just so a dog will eat, that's not the best scenario to be in either.

I would at least have a conversation with your vet. See if he/she knows of any conditions that would cause a dog to turn off food. Get those ruled out. If there is something going on under the radar, you sure want to get it resolved.

I would look to a food (I prefer kibble over raw), that comes in several flavors, that you can reasonably switch between. Taste of the Wild is one such food. I've had success switching between formulas of TOTW with no issues. They get tired of one flavor, move to the next.

This is just one idea. It may or may not be the end all for you, and someone else may have an idea that does the trick.

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the vet said he looks good and doesnt see any issues. im surprises he isnt stick and bone for how much he only eats. i have a feeling he isnt eating consistantly because i keep offering him new foods to his diet and would get diarhea from time to time. im going back to just feeding orijen kibble next week. i forgot to mention i have been moving around quite a bit the last few months so he could be stressed from all that and kept experimenting with different kibbles and now raw food seeing what he would like best. He is definitely healthy looking which is weird for how much he doesnt eat. Im probably just being paranoid though. I think i need to stick to one strict diet for at least a month without changing it at all and think he will eat better especially when he gets use to his new home. We have been at our new place for almost a month now. ill post some pics. 




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Huskies of this age are generally skinny, so try not to worry.  I think they tend to fatten up around 2 years of age, so he may look thin until then. Huskies like humans come in all different shapes and sizes, and have different appetites.  If he's happy and healthy and you've seen the vet then don't worry.


They can also pick up on your stress level, so if you are standing there willing him to eat, this won't help.


Always try to stick to one type of food, if kibble then this would need to be changed over 5 plus days.


Huskies have mega sensitive tums, so the more gradual the better.  Oh and do not worry :)

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From your pictures he looks slim but not skinny.  It's a fact that huskies do well on much less food than most other breeds and some dogs are very good at regulating their intake.  Mine was picky with food, especially after my other dog passed away...I guess he didn't feel the need to scoff it down to stop it being stolen anymore.


I went through a million varieties of wet & dry food and discovered that he doesn't just like any large chunks of kibble, or of meat.  There is nothing wrong with his teeth (I had them checked), I think he's just lazy.  I found a moist pelleted food suited him best and now I have no more trouble at meal times.  


Plus I never leave food down, if he turns his nose up I take it away then offer it to him at his next mealtime, he soon understood the routine.


Good luck with Ronan (and I think you should enter that last photo in the November husky of the month comp, that is a real autumn shot :D )

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Huskies of this age are generally skinny, so try not to worry.  I think they tend to fatten up around 2 years of age, so he may look thin until then. Huskies like humans come in all different shapes and sizes, and have different appetites.  If he's happy and healthy and you've seen the vet then don't worry.


They can also pick up on your stress level, so if you are standing there willing him to eat, this won't help.


Always try to stick to one type of food, if kibble then this would need to be changed over 5 plus days.


Huskies have mega sensitive tums, so the more gradual the better.  Oh and do not worry :)

How would be a good way of switching him from raw to kibble since ive heard mixing the two isnt good for their tummys. He was only on raw for not even two weeks so would it be safe to just switch him back to kibble cold turkey? He has been on Orijen food in the past as well and is the kibble im going back starting friday.

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here is another pic of him i took today for the november photo of the month. Im looking forward to seeing him grow more in the years to come. im not giving in to giving him human food or anything that will throw him off his kibble. im starting the orijen diet friday  :)post-11023-0-18363300-1414031596_thumb.j

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My puppy's growth won't be stunted since he hasn't been eating a whole lot lately will it? I take full responsibility since I experimented with different foods and him getting upset stomachs from it. I don't see him growing much longer or taller but he can still fill out quite a bit right especially now that I'm going to keep him on a strict feeding routine of a high protein kibble (orijen). He ate kibble for his first time yesterday since taking him off the raw food diet. He was super hungry especially after being at the dog park. I'be been getting him lots of exercise so he burns more colories and wants to eat more. He skipped his morning meal today. I'll be slowly adding orijen to his current puppy food slowly for the next 10 days starting tonight for his dinner . I wish I would've just kept him on one kind of kibble and not given in to feeding him other things. I have definitely learned some valuable lessons for when I get my next husky. My puppy is currently 47 pounds right now at 11 months. His dad was around 65 pounds and really solid. Could my puppy get that size when he gets older?

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I have this problem with Skye from time to time, sometimes she'll even skip a day. We put it down to protest that either 1. She doesn't want us to go to work or 2. She's just bored of the food. Eventually she eats, even if I have to sit next to her and talk to her while she does, I'm not specifically worried as she'd eat no end of treats and chicken wings if she could, little madam!

I had a Labrador that did this, my thinking is that if they aren't actually ill they won't starve themselves and will eat in the end no matter how boring it might seem

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HAving never fed mine a raw diet I think its o to switch from raw to dry food in an instant, I mean if you give raw in the morning then as long as you wait say 8 hours then its ok to give dry.  I think its to do with the way their stomachs work and different acids.  I'm sure someone more experienced will offer an opinion.


My 5 days reference was to switching from one kibble to another. :)

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ya im keeping him fully on kibble. He wont eat breakfast so im thinking of taking him out on late night runs so he wakes up more hungry. I get up early for work, usually before 6 and he has never been one to eat that early and would usually just eat later in the morning more close to around 10 or 11 when my fiance feeds him but so far he hasnt gotten back to that routine. He has just been eating his kibble in the evening the past two nights after taking him to the dog park both afternoons. Do you think I should start trying to get him to eat early in the morning with me since I am the dominant owner and he listens to me best or is it fine to just let him wait until the later morning when my fiance tries feeding him. She takes the bowl of food away after 15 to 20 minutes of him not eating which is what i want her to do. He ate some of his kibble this evening after the dog park but not all of it and nothing this morning. Maybe he is just still getting use to kibble again. i would like to start doing tire pulling exercises after he turns 1 to help him burn more calories and bulk him up on the high protein kibble i feed him now. I am dedicated to keeping him on a set feeding schedule though. I would prefer him to eat in the morning when I wake up but he has never been a early eater like that so Ill just have my fiance feed him at 9 am and than i feed him again at 6.

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I know its only been a few days but i wanted to update wtih some good news. Ronan is now back on track with eating two meals a day. I started giving him more exercise with a nice late night run and than another in the morning before feeding time. Im now using my skateboard so we can go longer distances and keep a faster pace so he is burning more energy. I also have been bringing him to the dog park right down the road before his dinner feeding time and he has been eating both meals with a lot of hunger. Its so nice and relieving to see him eating his kibble again consistently especially a good kibble like orijen. I look forward to seeing him pack on some weight this winter. Im going to keep up with the extra exercise with him so he will want to eat more. And I only go at his pace so now worries thinking that im over working him or anything crazy like that haha. Ill update pics in a month. I measured his waist, chest and neck today and will make measurments again in a few months to see the size difference. 

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This handsome boys looks like a gangly teenager! they don't half grow fast and he reminds me of my boy at that age.

Mine was like that..certainly ate less in the summer but has a voracious appetite now and was two in Sept. I'm working hard on fattening up my new girl whom I've had 5 weeks.

Apart from brushing out a long stay 'old' undercoat she is at least 15kg underweight! Only an inch shorter and def needs feeding up AND muscling up which I'll do once she's up to a better weight - reckon I'll get back packs/saddle bags to start carrying a can each side eventually going to a brick (or two); a very good friend and vets widow has warned me not to give JUST dry food as dogs need to drink a lot when on this and many don't necessarily do so. I have two very large water bowls outside the back door (access 24/7 via flap!) And these are topped up twice a day! So I know they are drinking. They take almost a large washing up bowl's worth...

So, I am mixing some soft foods in now incl: tuna, a couple of eggs per week in separate doses, some rice or pasta too - anything up to a couple of large tablespoons' and mixing into the dry kibble.

My two love it and Eski is getting 4 small meals (totals to her daily requirement) a day as well to help her put on weight. You could try this?

My Eski's appetite has increased +++ since I wormed her as no record of this from prev vet altho prev owner said she bought off-the-shelf wormers....Vet's wife said they are NOT as good!!

You might check on worming...but he looks good!

Another thing...how much walking? ....start at 15mins per day from when they can go outside after all jabs done. Then add 5 mins per month older per day (so keep same new time for the month per day) until about a year....) beware easy overheating in temps over 13 degrees....I exercise mine either esrly morning or after 2100 hours at night in very warm weather and if very panting I also regulate excessive water intake to avoid bloating (a killer).

I also noticed my boy slowing down on eating and leaving food after my last two Westies passed in Feb and June this year...whether due to no competition for food or pining...but..he does not hang about now at feeding times : 0800 and 1730 hours and nor does Eski..she was very 'picky' when she arrived and really didn't eat much at all... but was also possessive (quite a few scraps then ... but not now) and they even 'clean out' the last few biscuits from each other's bowls now!

They also play a lot throughout the day like bloody lovesick canoodling teenagers and burn up the calories.

Chester is at 39.95kg and Eski was 25.5kg from 25.1kg when she arrived Sep 12. She was 2 weeks post spey.

Her coat smelt 'yeasty' however I reckon I've eradicated that with brushing regularly either by hand or with my Dyson Dog groom tool (5 full loads so far and two carrier bags full by hand brush..grooming!)

Chester was neutered Sep 15th...he was too full of himself when she came...and I couldn't cope with the constant scraps, and his attempting to mount her at either end!!!

I am delighted with how much 'calmer' they BOTH are now and my friends all say they are both very well behaved and trained!

Eski is also taking to teeth brushing - which Chester enjoys...recommended before the age of three to avoid build up of tartar and plaque and gives fresh breath!

Start with finger brush on front and sides only. Gradually increase....then add in the toothbrush...they like the dog toothpaste!

Maybe your lad needs another mate for competition...? Lol it might be worth checking his teeth and gums are ok...nothing lodged or stuck...I notice he has a very red tongue (good haemoglobin) but...does he have too high an iron count...? Just a sudden thought... (ex nurse thinking...) has he been sick or lethargic...is he sleeping more? Any mad moments (normal) or not?

You can see the difference between mine...overall I'm pleased with their ongoing progress. Hope this helps? The last pic is when Chester was not yet 11 months old...





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Ya I have him on a good schedule with great exercise and feeding routine where he is now eating a lot more. He has been eating his breakfast and dinner. He has been eating his dinner heavily which is great to see. Ever since he started eating both his meals I can already tell he is thickening up quickly. Orijen works wonders. I mix in freshpet vital with hid orijen kibble and he loves it! I'm pretty sure he wasn't eating as much because I wasn't feeding him on a strict schedule before and kept switching up his food too much so he was getting diarhea. It was totally my fault but he is looking ideal now. I'll post a pic so you can check him out. I'm very confident he will fill out quite a bit in the next year especially when I start training him to pull some weights and pack some muscle on him and than train him to pulp a sled. I will he getting another husky puppy but won't be until early 2016 most likely. He is definitely a competitive dog, especially at the dog park, and know he would constantly eat if there was another dog around him. He would eat his food really fast when I fed it to him around my friends dog. I wish I could get a friend for him now but I really want to stay focused on working with him and I have a wedding to save up for. But who knows I might just give in and get one sooner than I expect :P I would really like to get a puppy from the same breeder I got Ronan from. His sister will be having the next litter after she turns 2 so not for another year and I'll be on the top of the waiting list for a pic.

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Ahh ok.

How old is he? Hope you don't start pulling too hard too fast or you'll get strained joints. Saddle packs are good to start I'm told but with no more than a can of beans each side. Don't know what temp you have but do not work or train over 13°C. Too hot & dangerous.

I'm still learning all this...but there are plenty of more knowledgeable folk in the Husky Owner forum...

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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I don't have him pulling yet. I take him on runs with my skateboard but he doesn't really even pull me on it. I do all the moving myself. He is 11 months old. I'll post a pic this afternoon. It's crazy how much more he is eating now. He ate two large meals yesterday and than again right away this morning.

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I thought you'd know this - apologies for any mis-understanding..not criticising at all.  

My mentor/s are at Arctic Quest near me and I'm very wary of over training on weight or distances.  Chester is such a big lad and very well built and sound but my Eski although only an inch shorter is practically half his weight! 


I'm feeding her three times a day - worried that she has ALWAYS been underfed/nourished as her frame is really quite slight.

If I can build her up in weight first THEN start on back pack  small weights to help with stamina (for both) I can then work on distance and then pulling. 

I really hope to get a trike rig soon and in fact only 2-5 minute sessions max 2-3 times every other day down a dirt road / bridle path

will be just the start. 


My own health and energy (severe anaemia recently diagnosed) is now returning so I have to gauge how much I can do myself and this will start with walking out when it's cool ie at night or on a cool daytime session.  (I'm 63)


I also need to get her harness (just measured her) so she can also get used to this and then the gang line for two plus the rest of the rig for trike.  Chester has already grasped the Gee and Yaw when out walking and he's basically teaching her by action so I call out

steady whoa at curb sides. They must sit when stopping. reward and treat. Then 'walk on' or Gee or Yaw.   He knows what to do at mini roundabouts now on local estates which is great.  I will have to practice this on dirt tracks WHEN I can get out.

I already have a small trailer to carry kit and trike - can't wait... 

I also have got the 'Tug nTow' which I ordered from the States via my brother (Ft Lauderdale) who brought it over for me (and refused payment) and am excited to put this into use!  "Watch the scenery not the line!"  is the motto as it retracts the line and gangline on a powerful spring but not so powerful it affects the dogs - so keeps the line right off the track and the front wheel.

Anyway - I've digressed!

Do look at www.successdogs.com  

ALL my training for Chester has been very successful - I like Jean Cote's methodology esp the positive reward training - so important to get them 'focussed' and WANTING to learn and Chester can do so many tricks already.  

I have to lock him into his crate when training Eski - she's not as food motivated but has learnt paw, shake, high five, sit, and down and woof for please after only 5 weeks. 

I'm getting her turning on the words Gee and Yaw by making her turn in right or left direction following a biscuit treat in my hand. Do this every day - (not while I was in hospital) and she is getting there -

Your lad is gorgeous - they really are pretty amazing - Huskies.

Have you got him a Kong yet?  My two love them - and it keeps them quiet when I have visitors turning up - NOT vocalising at all!



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