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Lost Husky Pup Finds Her Way Home On Her Own!


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I was taking a walk with Lucy through the local park. She has been walking off-lead for over a month now with only the slight distractions of other dogs. This evening we were out walking her and she got petrified by unexpected fireworks and ran so fast we lost sight of her within seconds. 


We searched the local park for hours only to return home to find Lucy waiting on our doorstep!



Has anyone else ever known of a 4 month old pup able to navigate across a park and city streets to return to her home?




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Yeah, my Diamond always finds his own way home if he escaped. But he's never been walked off-lead, and honestly I don't think that's a very good idea...


I'm so glad to hear she's safe and sound. But I'd highly recommend you to keep her on-lead from now on. Next time she might not be as lucky :(

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Yeah, my Diamond always finds his own way home if he escaped. But he's never been walked off-lead, and honestly I don't think that's a very good idea...


I'm so glad to hear she's safe and sound. But I'd highly recommend you to keep her on-lead from now on. Next time she might not be as lucky :(

Why do you think off lead training a husky is a bad idea? From what people say about how difficult it is to train dogs off lead i find it extremely easy as lucy has never walked out of sight prior to today. She seems to be walking closer and closer every time we take her off lead too. 

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Sean, Huskies are animals. They act on instincts, and that instinct says RUN. Their prey drive is just way too high. She's young now, but the moment her prey drive kicks in she'd see a squirrel or a bird and just take off :( there's a chance she'd come home safely, but there's also a chance she'd get hurt trying to come home. I've heard way too many horror stories: dogs getting hit by a car, dogs disappearing for years, dogs getting horribly injured, the list goes on. I simply don't want any of that to happen to your dog. It's not worth the gamble; get a 50ft lead instead.

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Why do you think off lead training a husky is a bad idea? From what people say about how difficult it is to train dogs off lead i find it extremely easy as lucy has never walked out of sight prior to today. She seems to be walking closer and closer every time we take her off lead too.

Huskies are bred to run long distances and pull sleds. Most everyone you ask would say that huskies have terrible recall. They are very independent and it's just part of the breed. If yours does walk off lead then that's the exception but I would still be careful because it only takes once.

Also I'm not sure about your laws but around here it's against the law to have any dog off leash

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oh wow so lucky! Recall training is so important on or off lead - mine have escaped out of their harnesses before now - last time was a few weeks ago on a main road - recall worked thank god but it hasn't on every occasion :(


Bear in mind your pup is 4 months old, as they get older they gain more confidence and have a higher drive within them to explore, sometimes to the detriment of themselves.  It's not just about them coming back when called, it's about other irresponsible owners who don't train recall and these dogs can be nasty - i've had a dog come up to me when i've been walking mine and the person has said oh it's ok he's not aggressive, but i'm trying to hold 3 huskies back from this dog who starts barking at mine and then the growing starts and then - yeah, gets nasty.


Your dog may be fine with others, it's other dogs who may not be fine with yours and if your is of-lead and therefore deemed not under control under new laws you can be prosecuted and the dog destroyed :(


Have a look for local secure areas - tennis courts are great especially in winter as people dont use them - they're secure and you can let them run about safely :)

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The park I take Lucy to is huge and we have met lots of other dog owners who have their dogs off lead. And Lucy loves to play with them. I just feel that letting Lucy off lead now will hopefully allow her to learn to avoid distractions in the future. When we first took off lead she would run to any dog she see's within sight. Recently I can see this improving and her recall is getting so good. 


I'm by no means no expert however I'd rather her socialise with other pups and people now rather than wanting in the future and being disobedient as a result of this.

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Now I'd hate to sound like I'm snapping back to shoot you down, but I really don't see why you can't socialize your dog while not walking her off-lead at the same time.


Clarification: off-lead dog park is AWESOME. If you have one near you, then it's a wonderful place to visit. I'm all for off-lead socialization, it's the best way to teach your dog how to behave. But at the same time, I'd want the park to be securely-fenced and/or double-gated, and my dog clipped on-lead going to and from the park.

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yeah the park is huge and has an on lead section and off lead. Shes always on lead around roads, no amount of training or trust will ever get her off lead on a road. The park is fenced  however she was scared ran off and only way she must of known was out the main gates of the park and onto the roads that led her home. Just so proud she made it home :) 

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I've said this before but it's a good example, my dog's dad Orby and his mum Lunar were never on a lead, always came back. Anyway last month Orby's instinct kicked in, he ran off and was shot dead by a farmer in his field for chasing sheep. Instinct is much stronger than any training you could give and I will never take that risk with Astro. Other breed owners might not be so understanding and think it's not fair they are on the lead, but all I care about is my dog's safety really

Edited: ok so just saw the bit about the enclosed area that was posted as I wrote my message, all for socialisation and play in enclosed areas as long as it is safe and there are no aggressive dogs lurking around :)

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olivia is right, i walk kaiser off lead but only when i am in my park because it has closed gates, but trust me, when they see a rabbit or something similar your recall goes out the window, kaiser chased a rabbit one day and caught it, took me nearly an hour to get him back on the lead, its just the way they are built, act on instinct, so just be careful, maybe only let off lead in a closed space or dog park, or even get a long lead like a 50 foot or 100 foot, ive a 100 foot lead for parks that kaiser doesnt know, and its honestly just as good, anyways, keep the training up and hopefully your puppy lives a long and happy life :)

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You are very VERY lucky she found her way home , I know someone who's dog and it wasn't even a husky got spooked by a firework , about 3 and a half years ago we haven't seen her since despite looking , I also know someone who let her huskies off for years n they always came back , then one day they bolted only one came back and she too doesn't know what happened to her other that was around 5 years ago , by all means teach a recall should she bolt/escape but other than that I'd keep her on lead even if it's a long lead she can drag around which u can still easily grab ( 100ft leads on ebay) specially now we're going to be getting more and more fireworks going off even in an enclosed dog park seeing as she managed to find a way out , u might not come home to your puppy on your doorstep , it's sad and we might all seem harsh but it's true , as puppies they are more dependant on you as they get older they become more independent and the selective hearing and prey drive kicks in too

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What a relief she found her way home safely, your heart must have been in your mouth!


Huskies are an incredible breed, they are super smart, she's just proven that by finding her way home but they are also super fast and deaf when they choose to be.


I would strongly recommend you always walk your dog on lead, unless in a secure, fenced area as next time you may not be so lucky.  At 4 months she's about to take an interest in small animals and birds and her need to investigate is going to be greater than her need to listen to you.  I just wouldn't take the risk!

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yeah the park is huge and has an on lead section and off lead. Shes always on lead around roads, no amount of training or trust will ever get her off lead on a road. The park is fenced  however she was scared ran off and only way she must of known was out the main gates of the park and onto the roads that led her home. Just so proud she made it home :)




see this post guys, Lucy is walking off-leash in a gated park :) x

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I'm glad she's safe! A friend of mine lost her husky 4 months ago. She let it off leash, it chased after a squirrel, and didn't come back.

She found it a week or so ago...it was stolen.

So, besides the obvious dangers, having your dog stolen and possibly never seeing it again is a real possibility. Not everyone is honest.

Edited by SolitaryHowl
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My female myia was always walked off leash when we got within 500 yds of home and she stayed by my side nomatter what and knew exactly which way to go to get home but then at around 5/6 months old her confidence n prey drive started to kick in and as we was walking home and we got outside our house she took one look at home and bolted... So after half hr of looking she came back tail between her legs... So we didn't lose her off lead for few days then decided to try again and she bolted again.... Honestly once they find there confidence they are off like a rocket so I never ever lose them off lead now under any circumstances.. I have a 100ft lead so she has all the freedom she wants but I know she's safe at the same time as she just gone 1 and grows more and more confident by the day.... We have tennis cages in Park 50yds from my house so every day I take them in close the gates and throw balls etc and some ppl even come in to chat and let there dogs play.... Would be lovely to be the exception to husky rule of recall and off leash as I'm sure most of us would but just not worth the risk.... My babies are my world and i just look at it as I got to be cruel to be kind [emoji6] [emoji5]

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