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Is He A Typical Husky?


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For those that don't know Snow is what I call a half and half.  He's supposdly GSD x husky and I have no reason to doubt this as whilst he mostly acts like a husky his face screams GSD to me.


He's coming up to 16 months, we've had him since 4 months and he had a pretty rough start to life now he's a healthy happy good natured dog, though he is sooooo naughty!


I'm pretty confident in saying our dogs have a good life, they have their own area to sleep and eat in, with a proper human bed.  They have an enclosed dog run of 450 metres squared that they have access to several times a day (weather permitting)  here they can run and chase until their hearts content.  They get walked twice a day in some amazing countryside, we have woods either side of our property, so no shortage of new sniffs.


So why does Snow still destroy stuff?  Why is he intent on wrecking everything?  Sometimes I wonder if he's not wired up correctly with being a cross and then other days I think he's just your typical young husky.  He is the sweetest dog you could ever meet, loves other dogs and humans alike, he's full of character and energy and I adore him, just wish he'd not be so destructive!

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Echo my White GSD doesn't destroy stuff

But my huskies do

So. . . . Yes snowy is a typical husky :up:

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sorry Clare cannot help you there...not had a destructive dog ever....


but I must say the way you rake care of your furkids is admirable...450 m2 enclosed private dog park not a lot of dogs can say that they have this...

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Our trainer has a couple of GSDs she works with and did say that two of them were quite destructive, and obviously some people have destructive huskies, I don't really know the answer as it sounds like your dogs have a wonderfully enriched life  :)

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Bear ripped up stuff in our house until two years of age. Although admittedly that was down to SA.

Ice is three and still likes to rip things up from time to time.

If I leave my wardrobe door open even a fraction of an inch then his head is right in there, rooting around through my heels and sandals for a particular favourite pair to demolish! [emoji33]

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Sometimes I wonder if he's too smart for his own good then other times I think he's just plain crazy.


He has got better as he's matured and he doesn't suffer from SA. He knows exactly what he's doing, he's like a naughty child. For example this morning I caught him chewing the pine bedpost, now he's already torn the matress and they've only had it for 3 weeks!  


Saying that he sleeps from 7-7, I don't hear a peep from him but he more than makes up for it when he's awake.  


I'm going to look into doing some work with him outside, get a few jumps in the dog run and see if I can channel his energy into that.  I'm not sure how easy it will be as getting his attention is very difficult, he has selective deafness :)


Any suggestions would be greatly received :)

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sorry Clare cannot help you there...not had a destructive dog ever....


but I must say the way you rake care of your furkids is admirable...450 m2 enclosed private dog park not a lot of dogs can say that they have this...


Maybe he is a spoilt child :)

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Our trainer has a couple of GSDs she works with and did say that two of them were quite destructive, and obviously some people have destructive huskies, I don't really know the answer as it sounds like your dogs have a wonderfully enriched life  :)


This is what makes it so frustrating, if he was enclosed in a crate all day then I could understand it. He isn't though, they have the freedom to come and go as they please, just hoping he grows out of it.

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Bear ripped up stuff in our house until two years of age. Although admittedly that was down to SA.

Ice is three and still likes to rip things up from time to time.

If I leave my wardrobe door open even a fraction of an inch then his head is right in there, rooting around through my heels and sandals for a particular favourite pair to demolish! [emoji33]


Snow does this in the food cupboard, he steals vegtables then if edible will hide under the bed and eat them.  Onions which he deems bad (but he still steals them) end up punctured under the bed.


He used to have a thing for shoes, esperdrils are the worst.  

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Snow does this in the food cupboard, he steals  Onions which he deems bad (but he still steals them)


Glad he doesn't like onions. . . they are poisonous to dogs.

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Awww, both of mine used to chew up the mattresses too, I've still not gotten around to replacing them yet.  Mainly as anything new like a new pillow, new cushion, new duvet is an open invitation to be shredded and pulled apart.  I'm not too sure I want to pay out a lot of  money for something that will end up shredded again in a day or two. 


I did do lots of trick training and mind games with ice.  He likes fetch and so we'd play that and tug of war too.  He's exercised daily and made a fuss of all the time, but in all honesty he doesn't do it becuase his needs are being neglected........He does it simply because he can!  lol.


Edit:  Andy's right, Onion's are toxic for dogs so kudos to Snowy for not eating them! 

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We found that Molly is a lot calmer now when left alone in the living room while the rest of us are in the other part of the house. So this morning we decided to give her another trial.. had Charly in the bench (for his own safety from Molly ;-) , and Molly in the living room, left them with some treats and off to do very quick grocery shopping, 10mins top.

Came back home Missy was helping herself with a box of dog cookies... I've always have cookies jars on the dining table, and there is a box of opened dog cookies but she never touch it, until now..

She must have eaten at least 10-15 thumb size hard cookies..


so bench is the obvious answer... can't trust this girl..

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Perfect example.  Even outside he causes mayhem.  Just let them out for a play, though Harry and Maiya are just feeling lazy today and what is Snow doing?  Digging up my daffodil bulbs!  


He has turned the dog run into a WW1 zone with trenches everywhere, now he's started on my flower garden.  That's it hes ruined it for himself!

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Awwww he's just a young Shepsky curiously exploring the world around him with his teeth and claws.

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Sounds like Snow is double trouble with the half & half thing :D  Or its early onset of the terrible two's! :D


I had a female GSD that used to destroy the last thing I touched before I went out...it took me a while to figure that out, so when I did I always made sure the last thing was one of her toys.  She also had a thing for chewing the corners of walls!  


My male GSD was a digger and I used to get him to help me with the gardening (I'd put the spade where I wanted him to dig then say "Dig Ben, Dig" and he would start off like a machine just infront of the spade)


At about 18 month he tore apart a whole chair from a 3 piece suite (he was always so good with the suite that when we changed it I decided to put his favourite chair in the kitchen where he used to stay when we were out - and that was how he repaid me!), and he used to lay under the dining tables and gnaw through the crossbars of the chairs - he was a nightmare at 2, I was in tears all the time with him...and then at 4 he became an angel!


He was about 10 and we got the husky, then the pair of them re-landscaped the garden into a lovely moonscape!! I could never catch them at it, but if I came out and pointed at a hole and said "who did that" the culprit would put their ears down and slink off :D


Snow must just like keeping himself occupied...I can't think of anything that you could do except hiding things (maybe not in the ground ;) ) for him to find? 

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I've been cleaning windows today so I've really been able to see what's going on with him.  The other 2 who are older, are just happy to walk around, have a sniff then find somewhere to sunbathe.  Snow has ants in his pants, he goes from sniffing one side to the other, then digging a hole in the middle, then digging under the tree, then sniffing next to the conservatory where he and Maiya broke the window, from the inside, it's all boarded up now whilst I wait for the flippin French tradesman to turn up with my glass.  He is looking for lizards there and whilst I don't mind I don't want him scratching around where the boarded up bit is.  He then goes and finds a stick and chews that for a bit, sit down for 5 minutes and then the whole thing starts again.


I guess I've not been spending as much time with him lately but tbh he isn't really interested in playing with me outside, that's why I thought about the agility thing though how I get him to jump on command is another story all together.


He is asleep now, I'll have to wake him later for a toilet break then I won't see him until the morning, he's so lovely when he's asleep :)

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