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Izzy Is Coming For The Weekend :-) Our Little Adopted Woof To Be.


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We are hoping to adopt a beautiful GSD called Izzy.... the fences are nearly all built to required height.   Now we have her for the week end to see if she will be happy here and get over her rabbit obsession and see how she is with the cat....


Any suggestions on how to make her feel as welcome as possible and any distractions would be gratefully received as we would really love to give her a forever home and make up for the bad start she has had.  


Izzy is we think about 10 months to a year old.  sadly nobody really knows.  




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Head out somewhere for your greet but don't just have everyone sniff each other and say hello, you'll need more then one person to help depending how many dogs you have and each person have a dog..then go for a walk..side by side..one dog at a time..and let them relax into the walk..you'll find they adjust better..this is how my sibe was introduced to my Mally, they then will probably say hello at their own time, it may take 10 mins it may take an hour..never rush it and use your time to your advantage.

I hope it all goes well, she's gorgeous. 

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Adoped??? em early morning spelling is not my strong point. lol...  Izzy will be here late in the evening... and we plan to take her for a walk to stretch her legs before coming in... we do have the advantage that she has met and got on with Noah and Bella it was only for two hours , but I think Noah fell a little bit in love.  Bella surprisingly was quite comfortable with her but I think it was because Izzy became fixated on the rabbits.... Although by the end of the two hours she was just starting to lose interest.


So its little Howler that will be the new introduction really and the cat... for a puppy he has just slotted in perfectly, We are aware that it may be a dynamic that might not work, how ever saying that we had three woofs here when Howler came and he was not phased by it at all. 



We shall see Plenty of bodies here to keep an eye on them all, and that is a good suggestion to have a woof to guard and take responsibility for each of us. 


I am still trying my best not to view Izzy as our woof yet as I will be very sad if this does not work out.   But ever positive. :D

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As they have already met, I don't think it will be a problem, as far as they are concerned, it's a friend coming to visit, who happens to stay over. Noah and Bella are used to Asher coming over, and howlers little, he will follow their lead.

Let's hope all goes well with the cat ! And izzy will join the family.

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Unfortunately this weekend did not go well. :(  Bella and Izzy are to unpredictable to leave together.... Bella attacked Izzy at the Park and it was horrible, I never knew Bella could be so vicious.   It was almost like she planned it.   Izzy was walking off lead beside me Bella circled behind me and went to grab Izzy by the neck Izzy ran but Bella cornered her grabbed her by the throat and started shaking her. Izzy was screaming I tried to get Bella off her and a last resort I tried to grab Izzy by the collar but she turned round and bit me on my left hand twice.. ended up in A & E.  My hand is in plaster to keep it still as they think a tendon may be damaged, have to go back to the plastics clinic today.  


I had Izzy on the lead for twenty mins and all was fine so Mark said let her off.  and to be honest that was one of the most stupid things I have done as a dog owner to date.  But it has highlighted the fact we could never leave Bells alone with Izzy and for Izzy and  the rest of the pack especially Howler we can not risk adopting her.   I have never felt so scared for a dog before I thought Bells was going to kill her.... all I could see was a pic of Izzy laying there with blood coming out of her neck and it was split second decision  to step in to get her collar.  And I feel so blinking stupid, I should of just carried on trying to get Bella to let go. 



Please don't tell me how dumb I was.. I know and I am really upset at the moment..... and feel so bad for Izzy.... when I spoke to the lady who fosters her she asked if I thought Izzy should be put down.... No Way No way.... she is a really sweet dog. :angry:  I will be so angry if this happens as Izzy in no way was to blame....  just a stupid human doing the thing she should not of done. 

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Oh Kati, I am sorry to read this. Do not for a second think what you did was dumb, hindsight is a cruel thing, I would probably have done the same as you did. 


I know they say not to get between dogs biting or fighting, but in the heat of if it I would be straight in with no regard for my own safety.


Take care and do not blame yourself, you seem like a wonderful, caring and knowledgeable dog person  :)

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I thought I was at least a little dog savvy. I debated whether to say any thing on here as I am so embarrassed by it, but as a warning to others think twice before you get involved, I tried everything to get bella of Izzy.  once they both realised I was hurt they stopped.  thank god... which tells me one thing they are both good dogs in a situation they should not of been in in the first place.  


Bella is usually scared of other dogs, but with Izzy she seemed to of put this fear aside.  I think a young female in hind sight was not the best rescue to of tried to introduce.  Bella is being spayed soon and I think maybe she saw Izzy as a threat?  I don't know.  Bella is a perfect girl with howler as is Noah... but we are being extra extra vigilant now.


Plans to adopt are on hold ... until Bella is spayed and Howler neutered (not until he is ready and confirmed by the vet).


I so wanted to give a dog a home, so they could know what love could be and that all humans are not evil.  And I think I have been so blinded by my wish to do good that I have caused more distress. 


Mark said she did not want to leave and had to be virtually dragged away.... and for a little I thought may be it could work out, but the family vote was they did not want to carry on as they did not like seeing me get hurt. and they feel it would be un safe for all.

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Oh hun it's not your fault at all , like u said they'd already met and were fine u didn't know this would happen , I hope your OK

Skyla is fear reactive too it will mean for us that adopting an older dog in the future probably wouldn't work for us and I'd never be able to get another female , it's a shame but sometimes u have to do what's best for your pack even if that means getting another puppy instead

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We have banded the idea but I have said we need to really think about it and not be hasty. Bella is fine with Asher who comes to stay, but she is 8 years old spayed and experienced. .


 Thank you for your kind comments... but I think it will be a while before I forgive myself. 

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We have banded the idea but I have said we need to really think about it and not be hasty. Bella is fine with Asher who comes to stay, but she is 8 years old spayed and experienced. .


 Thank you for your kind comments... but I think it will be a while before I forgive myself.

Forgive yourself for what exactly ? For trying to give izzy the home she needs ? For trying to stop two dogs fighting ? I don't see anything there that needs forgiveness. It might not have been sensible to get in the middle, but would any of us done it differently, I know I've done it.

All you need to do now is take care of you and your family. Izzy is back with her foster family, she will be fine.

Don't blame yourself !

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awww thank you Sarah. X Bella is fine with howler, she is cleaning howler when he gets mucky, letting him bite her tail,, although my heart is in my mouth now.  she was just so different with Izzy.. I suppose this is why they have trials.  And its good we found out now and not later...


I hope Izzy finds a really good home, with out a psycho  blind GSD to pick on her..... Soz Bella you know I love you. XXXX 


my friend at work got stung by sting ray,,, she has had antibiotics and ended up in A & E to over the week end with bad reaction to them and would you believe we have an appointment at the same time today in the Plastics out patients.   I don't think our boss likes us today.

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I have split up three dog fights in my time and every time been bitten.... would i do it again... yes because im stupid and just think of splitting the dogs up!!! So dont beat yourself up about that its just instinct!


Sorry it hasn't worked out :( I would definitely wait till your dogs are neutered as this does minimise problems alot more.


Only thing i will say is with rescuing you may potentially get fights still in the future not all dogs are going to get on like a house on fire straight away sometimes you will have disagreements at times.

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Aw Kati :( so, so sorry to hear this. Here's hoping Izzy would meet her forever home soon.


As for dog fights, I could speak all day long about the best hypothetical ways to split up a dog fight. But in the spur or the moment, what else would I do besides jumping right in between? Hope your hand heals fast x

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Ok the hand is infected, they took the plaster off and had to cut the stiches.    cleaned it out again, now sporting sliver plasters with a nice crisp bandage.  no stiches as the bugs need to be able come out.... yuck yuck.... part from that I have been ordered to keep it held up and not to use it at all and go back on Wednesday,  if I don't follow there orders and it gets worse I will need to be operated on and hospitalised on extra strong antibiotics.... guess who is following doctors orders.


Have now spoken to the official lady at the rescue and we have decided officially to abandon adoption.... some positives have come out of it Izzy has been cat tested and passed.   I am now volunteering to help them out but leave our next adoption till a year or two.

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