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Hi guys, I'm after some advice about training one of my girls on lead please!!!

Basic Background: We currently have three huskies, all female and have mostly desirable behaviours solidified in the house. Outside is a different story all together :(((

I have to hold my hands up and say I am partly (wholly) to blame for this as I figured outside would be their time. They pull. I don't care. They jump. I don't care. They sniff, they charge, they yamp. They're on their time, I don't care ... Until recently. It was a normal walk, on a normal day but on our way back we bumped into a human. A strange human that we had never sniffed before! 2 of them are over their initial excitement once we tell them to 'let's go'. Great. Mishka however, is not. This is where you guys, hopefully, help!

Mishka gets outside and goes deaf. I swear! Now, like I said, the pulling I can handle. Her excitement is what I can't. It's like she has never been outside before. We have several different walks we take, so it's never the same one day to the next but EVERYTHING stimulates her. Humans, animals, cars, leaves, puddles, hedges, sniffs etc etc ETC.

At the moment we are at the point where she has snapped 2 harnesses because she was jumping and pulling so hard to get to people. Okay, so sensible mommy mode kicks in and I decide that some sort of training has to be put in outside. I still want it to be their time, but the excitement has to be taken down a notch. The last few weeks have been hopeless though. Like I said, she goes deaf. She isn't at all food motivated outside. If I manage to get her close enough to me to take the treat out of my hands, she spits it straight out and takes the lead again. I've tried walking her on a shoter lead, she pulled my arm out of my socket.

Any way, what I would like is some advice on positive training methods to gain her attention outside.

Thanks in advance!!!

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My thoughts would be to go back to basics with her and walk her on her own until you have her trained to walk sensibly, I'd keep her on a very short lead, swap her harness for a canny collar which fits over her face and is ideal for training, basically start again from scratch. I wouldn't allow her any kind of lead length for the time being until she has learned "lead etiquette".

* Make her sit at every road before crossing

* If she starts acting up, stop and make her sit for a moment or two

* Always keep one step ahead of her by knowing what's going on around you so you can control any upcoming behaviour, for example if someone is approaching and you think she's going to jump up, make her sit to the side and wait for them to pass

* Establish a key word (that you must use with the others as well) that reminds her she shouldn't be pulling, mine is "Steady"

Then when you feel like you're getting somewhere start walking her with one of the others to begin with, you'll probably find that they start competing but use the same key words and basics you've used with Mishka, make them sit at roads, stop if they start pulling too much etc. then introduce the third in the same way.

It will take time and you'll have to put in as much effort and commitment as the dogs, just remember that huskies are born to pull so you'll never fully get away from that but you should be able to teach the lead etiquette over time. Remember, Patience, Persistence, Praise

Good luck :0)

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Hi, I feel your pain :)


My Harry is just so excited when we are out and very strong, too strong for me.  When he sees something or someone he has to get to it. I've tried really hard with his training but it's very hard at times. I now walk him on a front clip harness and he's a lot better, I mean I can actually control his pulling but it doesn't stop him from being excited.  When he gets to this point he bunny hops which is quite funny.


Snowy is my baby at 17 months and I walk him on his own.  He's really good at loose lead walking but as soon as I walk him with one of the others he reverts back to nightmare mode.


I'll follow this thread with interest :)

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Thank you for your suggestions Carly. We have Cannys for all three of them, but they seemed to prefer the gentle leader so we kept them on those. (The gentle leader is one of the harnesses she broke though, so I'm reconsidering!) I'll be sure to start with her tomorrow!

Clare, it's so so frustrating, isn't it? They're socialised with other dogs, they get a lot of human attention so it's not like they don't know what it is :( Joggers seem to be her favourite at the moment!!! She really goes for it with the bunny hops too hahaa! I wish she would just remember I was there when we are outside though!

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We use a Halti, but make sure you get a good one that fits.  We make all of ours sit at every crossing and we do not move until all sat and in control.  . We do not use treats for this as they will expect this all the time.


Back to basics I'm afraid.  I would make sure they all have to do the same. Sit, stay, slowly.   Its great that you have fun, but, to much fun can lead to a walk turning into a mission.

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I think the issue for me is that we live in the middle of nowhere, so other people, cars, dogs etc are not something that we meet everyday.  When we do happen to stumble on one of these distractions it's such a novelty for the boys they become loopy.


I do try and take Harry to a local park with a lake just to familiarise him with 'other things' but it's making the time and at the moment the weather is so rubbish it's easier to just walk him around where I live.  Partly it's laziness from me so I only have myself to blame :)


Just been out with Snow and he was a little star today, no pulling and very responsive.  Now had I had one of the others with me it would have been a different story :)

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Although we don't live extremely rural ( we live on the edge of a village) I generally tend to walk around the outskirts of the village or down the country lanes to avoid 'traffic'. So I guess when we do see people and dogs etc it is quite exciting for them, so I know where you're coming from!

Glad that Snow was good! Hopefully he's starting to settle???

Ours are loopy at the moment, and so strong!

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Saw your other reply :)


He's settled with us, we've had him for over a year since he was 4 months old :)


We seem to go from one thing to another with him, I guess he's growing up :)


I love him to pieces, he's such a sweet natured little boy just very naughty with it :)


As for the walking, I think they need desensitising. When we got Harry we used to walk him in central London and he was fine. Being in the country turns them into disobediant naughty pups :)

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Lol! I think it was the other way around for Mishka! We got her when she was 8 weeks, when we lived in Epping, and literally couldn't walk her without being stopped by EVERYONE so they could pet her. I think she still thinks everyone just wants to pet her and tell her how pretty she is [emoji23] She's such a people dog.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This could be describing Bella! I think our problem is that most people want to say hello to her when we are out and make a big fuss, so now whenever we walk past someone she is waiting for them to pat her. I am lucky she doesn't jump and if I tell her sternly to come she will although maybe look back round once before continuing but she does pull really badly, even with her halti on. I have been reading a few threads on here and I am considering getting a front leading harness as it will be nicer for her to walk as she hates the head harness and it doesn't really stop her pulling just gives her less strength! On a retractable lead she is normally okay although she does loops, when shes about to max the line I call her and she trots back but then automatically goes back to where she was lol!

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