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Huskies In Different Houses?


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Is there any way I can make my husky feel ok with being at my mums place for a few days? I'm going to be there with her, I'm going to take her bed, a few toys etc with us, but I'm worried since she's a rescue that there might be a lot of stress involved, especially since I haven't had her long. I'm probably going to have to leave her alone for a few hours while she's there, she isn't crate trained (mum kept saying she was getting a cage for her but I don't want her in one, it would just make matters worse to suddenly lock her up) but she hasn't destroyed anything in my house really apart from stuff she's stolen and that's my fault for leaving stuff out. I just want this to go easy on all of us especially since it's going to be stupidly stressful without adding Shadow into the mix. I don't need my mum to have more reasons to attack me :(

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Sounds like you're on the right track. I take my boy to visit my mum and stay there all the time, but she has a dog of her own so it's not really anything new to her. Generally though if they're in a new place, they'll be more timid rather than crazy I've found. I agree though that crating her if she hasn't been trained for it will be a problem, and will basically ruin any chance of you training her to use them properly in the future. I don't really know your situation but if you feel comfortable she won't destroy anything, no reason you can't just let her do what you normally do at home. Hope it goes well :)


EDIT: Just thought I'd add, I take most of Loki's things with me when I go to visit, even his food and water bowls, treats, bedding and a couple of his favourite rope toys. Basically just bring as much of her stuff with you as you practically can :)

Edited by Dan
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Hello.  I agree with you about the crate, especially is she's not used to one. Trying to introduce that in a strange enviroment will only add to the stress.  Whilst it's difficult you need to be as calm as possible otherwise she will pick up on that, they are very sensitive to our feelings.


Good luck

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My cousin used to bring his dog (long time stray picked up from roadside) to my house when he comes for a half-day visit. No crates, just leash and collar. He was good as gold. Well, except for when he first encountered stairs, but mostly he's fine. I keep reading that Shadow is a laid-back lady, so I think she should be fine as well x

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Traveling with your husky is one of the best reasons to crate train. No matter where you are, they have the comfort/safety of their 'den'.


Of course, there are those huskies (such as my first, all those years ago), who absolutely hate being in a confined space. I felt the same as you do regarding crates until I got my second pup (now 4 1/2 years old). She loves her crate and will even spend time in it when I am home for the entire day.


The most difficult thing about crates is when we, as humans, 'assign' bad connotations to it. "I wouldn't like it." - Despite their almost human characteristics, the Siberian is still a canine. Canines enjoy their dens. It was so difficult to put Ryn in the crate that first night, or in it when we left home the first time but I have to share that when I put on my shoes, both Ryn and Tunes put themselves in their crates.

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We are home from our trip. Shadow was pretty well behaved the entire time. She was great on the train once she settled down and was very excited about her adventure until she realised we weren't going home anytime soon. She ended up being stressed even though we were with her a lot and brought her stuff with us (I put her bed under my old desk so she had a little private safe place to go into). She had to be confined to the kitchen and my room because mums house is not dog friendly, but when we were in the living room I was able to bring her in and just keep her lead around my ankle to stop her getting into anything. Poor girl has the runs though, she didn't poop for a day and I think that caused the sloppy poops. Otherwise she is fine, she is so happy to be home, I haven't seen her unstressed all week so it's nice. I don't think she likes trains very much at all. She loves cars but not trains.

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We took Blue to my mother in laws to stay a couple of days over xmas. We just took a few of her toys and bed etc and she was fine but then we were all there. I wasnt sure how she would be with such a busy house but in actual fact she was loving all the attnetion!  

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