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My Problem Furkid At The Vets Again. :-(


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Noah being my most taken to the vet woof has been down there again this morning and is going in tomo to be put under sedation so they can examine his foot.  Last night He layed down in the park would not get up and kept licking his back paw.  So we managed to get him home and his paw is all swollen and very pink.  The vet can not find any cuts or foreign bodies.  So has put him on 37mm metcam, gave him a shot of anti inflmatory and 3 tremadol tablets (which made me laugh because thats the pain killer I take). 


So they are going to have a better look for a foreign body, if nothing is found they will xray him to see if he has a fracture etc, or it maybe that he has sprained his foot.  Could not have this done today as he had eaten.  Kicking myself as I should of thought of this morning. :-(.   She said there is a possibility he may have arthritis???? as she thinks he has been licking his paw for a while??? I am sure I would of noticed :-(  He was there only a couple of weeks ago, he had gastric problem and he had his health check at the same time.


Noah is such a good boy at the vets, and they know who he is as soon as I say his name on the phone.  Just wish he would stop hurting himself and getting ill. :-( 

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Awe I hope he is okay and they figure things out! It's never fun playing the guessing game because all you start to do is worry! When Meeko's face swelled up in the same place twice, they had to go in to make sure there were no foreign bodies, which there ended up not being and he had a sad half-shaved face that is just grown back in. Just a mystery I suppose! Hopefully it's nothing and the antibiotics do the trick!  :worship:

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Well here is the summary of what was a very long very repeated diagnosis.


Good things:


He does not have inflammation to the soft tissue

He does not have a fracture etc.

He did not have any thing stuck in his foot.

He does not have a yeast problem.

His bloods came back all good.


:D  :D  :D  :D  :D 


The not so good:

He may of scratched his foot which started the problem, now here is the interesting bit: 

The vet thinks he is stressed out and has used this irritant to focus his stress on:

She has said he has become a OCD woof.  In other words he has started sucking his thumb to comfort himself (that's my version).


Now the annoying bit (I practiced great restraint)


After repeatedly telling me how intelligent this breed is and how easily they can be stressed she kind of cotton on to the fact that I understood what she was saying and by the end of it was I repeating it back to her so she could parrot it back to me, she must of realised there was an echo in the room.


So the treatment is.


Basically Keep it Clean, Keep it Dry, Break the habit before it becomes infected and a real problem.  She suggested putting a plastic bag round his foot when we take him for a walk, Has anyone tried this.


So he is feeling dopey, and a little stressed, but he has an Aptimal collar on so it calms him.  He has been given lots of hugs cuddles and love.  And he has not nibbled his foot.  Prob cause he is on the pain killer and still woozy from the anaesthetic.


Any body had a woof that has started getting stressed and started nibbling themselves.

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I have done the plastic bag thing, not with Alpha & Bindi I must add, did so with Jake the gsd...what we ended up doing is sock - plastic bag - sock and the outer sock we taped up sothat if would not come of..Jake hated the noise of the plastic on the pavement and without the outsock could not walk on the grass....



otherwise it is good to hear that he is sort of doing ok...

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Well that's...okay news...! Maybe something that would help break the habit in addition to the socks being worn would be how you treat a puppy with a biting problem, target the biting on something positive, like his favorite treat/toy to chew. Never done anything similar, so just giving my opinion here.  :redface1: 

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So he has stopped licking his foot now it is healing, who would of thought!!!.  Here is a pic of his Paw below.   He is Noah, as my friend said any more layed back and he would topple over, Not an OCD habitual paw licker.  Can't wait to go back to the vets as when I read the Aptimal advice slip, it said if you have multiple dogs then they advise all the dogs have them or buy the atomiser so they all get a wiff of it.  The reason being is the other woofs may pay unwanted attention to the woof wearing the collar, which if and I say IF again, the puppies are stressing him out this is not going to help.... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.  Still can't take it of him as the vet will no doubt put in his notes, "The owner does not appear to listen or take advice"  I say this as I read her notes when she went out to get the xrays of his paw.  she had put "the owner is reticent to listen to advice given about the Buster collar".  Which was rubbish as I said the rubber ring we have he can lift his paw over and lick so I said and I actually said this the buster collar would probably be better.  Grrrrrrrrrr :angry:


Any way the main thing is it is a lot better, and I can go back to the vet with my head held high, that this miserable excuse for a human actually made her totally loved, non stressed, non OCD Noah better.


Think I should stop here.  :D










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How rude! I wonder now if my vet jots in snide comments in my many pet files...

Glad to hear Noah is doing better though, hopefully the progress continues! [emoji2] [emoji106]

Edit: I can see it now... "owners constantly attempting to make light jokes and small talk unsuccessfully... owners brought ANOTHER new pet in today..." [emoji39]

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Hope...things are on the up and up. Our boy Ace tends to lick when he's nervous. We tell him to stop when we see it...if he doesn't we grab his paw and hold it. Usually does the trick.

I can only imagine...what Cj's file looks like. She's definitely a vet kid too!

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