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It's Christmas Eve, What Are You Doing?


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Rob is at work till 6. I have cooked turkey, cleaned house, changed hotel booking for wedding as she now staying at the reception venue but groom didnt have room. Changed pick up point for wedding car as she moved! E mailed a company who asked how the sample I ordered in july was as ive not ordered any more (never received sample!) Now going to bed for couple of hours as now on the night shift at care home I work at part time as staff who was rostered quit and not working notice. Hope all my husky family have great Christmas, cant wait to open my secret santa tomorrow xx

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Walked the dogs, went to the supermarket to get fresh bread (did the main shop last night), maple baked a ham, wrapped the piggies in blankets, rolled the stuffing balls, prepped the carrots, sprouts, leeks and cabbage, made a cauliflower cheese and fresh Yorkshire puddings. Hoovered twice and brushed the ever moulting Skye, painted my nails and now waiting to get ready to go out for dinner....

Merry Christmas everyone :0)


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Picked up my mum's prescription from the Drs and just happened to go past the pet shop, found a HUGE ragger (4ft !) And caved to the little voice in my head that gives me bad advice, (it also told me to buy honey snouts bad voice! baaad ) braved the supermarket for a birthday cake (my mum, boxing day) hung around in the chemist for half an hour waiting for meds, then round to hers, then home. Still got to do dinner, walk the dogs, soap presents and pick up a load of Christmas craps from my nans !

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 Trying to keep my dogs from getting too excited. Monty my new replacement to TEAM HUSKY has been selected to be on first reserve for Santas Sleigh with Topaz. Ive had email from Edmund the Elf at north pole HQ that all the reindeer are well no pulled muscles but there worried about  the police in America shooting up the sled , so to keep the team ready for a emergency takeoff.

 So  wonder if they will get  tired if used as like last year when they came round your house.

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Been to the vets, been to work, brought bales of hay and straw, Cleaned the floor, picked Noah up, Loved Noah lots, went shopping, cleaned and fed the rabbits, made a,cup of tea came on here whilst waiting for my eldest son to arrive. Later Eating Pizza, walking the woofs (except Noah :() come home feed the woofs. Glass of wine fall asleep.


Happy Xmas every one :D

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My day so far:

10 PM yesterday: went to bed

11 PM yesterday: Three knocks on the door. RA on duty asked if I've applied for winter housing. Apparently I removed a sticker they discreetly put on my door knob to tell the maintenance folks that there's still a living being occupying the room. Too sleepy to tell her that I removed the sticker because 1) nobody told me about what the sticker's for and 2) if nobody told me what the sticker's for it's only logical to remove it because I'm a total paranoid!

11:05 PM yesterday: went back to bed

6:05 AM: woke up to buzzing noise of "that freaky carpet cleaner machine you ride like a funky scooter". Noise goes on for approx 5 minutes.

7:11 AM: reluctantly got off bed

9:00 AM: after breakfast and quick shower I went downstairs because that's where the internet is

11:00 AM: decided that it's a great time to go grab lunch at nearby McDonald's. Went back to room, got dressed, walked to front door only to realize it's raining heavily. Doesn't matter, will wait out.

11:40 AM: decided to try leaving again. Rain was heavier than before. At this point, I was hungry enough to eat grass. But in order to prevent having another dent on my pride, I ordered pizza instead.

11:45 AM: found a dollar on vending machine. Bought self a bag of chips. Submitted online order for a small Domino's. Rain immediately stopped.

12:20 PM: pizza was late. One minute late, but I'm a hungry person. Ended up sitting around awkwardly by the front desk trying to have a regular conversation with one of the dorm's managers while avoiding the words "I'm so hungry right now I could probably eat this carpet" slip through my tongue. Dorm manager then handed M&M, Snickers and Skittles just because he can. Happy holidays!

12:25 PM: pizza arrived. Gave the delivery guy a big tip because 1) I don't have any smaller money and 2) it's Christmas Eve so ho ho ho.

1:27 PM (now) :went to sixth floor's study lounge because they're one of the lucky floors with a WiFi router. On a side note, I'm no longer hungry.

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Cleaned the house a bit sitting around with the dogs waiting for the rain to stop , which it won't. That's ok tho because we were supposed to get like 7" of snow but it's not happening now. Later this evening going to friends house for some games and drinks.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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 Further news on Santas Helpers  Monty came from a family with new baby on way but family of boys. They have been told hes on standby to replace any lame reindeer.

               There all at the window gazing out trying to see him streak by pulling the sleigh.



                   Ahh the magic of Christmas Ho Ho Ho

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Hubby arrived home this morning and drove all night so has been useless :)


We went shopping for last minute bits, then came back and I cleaned the house whilst 3 teenage kids and 3 dogs got in the way :)  


Help my daughter make a curry (she said she'd cook tonight) though Mum ended up doing most of it :). Then peeled veg for tomorrow, ham is cooking as I type :)


Hubby is asleep with Maiya snuggled up with him, not sure if there's room for me :(


Oh gosh it's xmas :)  Better get some sleep :)


Merry xmas to you all :)

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Did nothing but eat pizza and watch tv last night now that it's Christmas Day we had brekky then my son opened his present, I had to build one toy that had way more pieces and screws then I thought damn toys these days lol, had lunch now waiting for son to wake up to go to Christmas dinner with the in laws oh joy!

Merry Christmas everyone

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Took a four hour journey on the train with the dog that started at 5am with a walk to the train station in Cov, ended up having time to waste in Liverpool when were were passing through so went around the shops for a bit with a very excited husky who wanted to look at everything. We eventually got the train back to my mums place. When we got there I let the dog into the kitchen and had to go around it moving stuff because mum hadn't dog proofed it at all. There was stuff everywhere. I didn't even bother doing the living room so the dog is now confined to my old bedroom with us because it's the only room in the entire house I can trust her in. She's pretty stressed out though.


Mum has so far been her typical self. She started an annoying fight with me about watching Dr Who tomorrow because she wants the TV to watch one of her shows. I checked, my show is over two hours before her's starts but she still had a huge moan about it and started bitching that this was why we had to have two TVs in the past because I never liked her shows (I never got the TV past 5:25pm as a kid which was when her shows started, Dr Who is on at 6 something. She's just throwing her weight around (I know, sounds small and petty, but she can't do much more since my boyfriend is with me, if he wasn't here she would have flipped out already over something stupid), if she won't let me watch it downstairs I'll just stream it, luckily I have that option). I'm surprised she hasn't bitched about the dog yet, I guess keeping Shadow out of her way has helped. She also mocked me about my description on our Kickstarter page, yep, it was so funny to her and didn't believe I was doing the jobs listed, artist, animator and writer. That kind of sucked, doesn't matter how the game looked or what I had done. This is why I kept what I do as my normal job away from her, she isn't interested in me anyway, my boyfriend is the only who finished a PHD so she just wants to talk to him about that. Oh well, at least she isn't hitting and screaming at me, that's a plus I guess.


We actually crashed at 8pm tonight and just woke up now, 2am. The dog was so excited to see me when I woke up that I got a full on greeting so she is not happy. I normally just get a little tail wag when I come downstairs in the night and that's it. She also didn't poop at all yesterday which is worrying, I hope she will go tomorrow now she's used to to closest park.


Other then that, nothing is going on. Although we just got the new Sim City in the Origin sale so I can't wait to play that when I get back home!


I guess right now I'll go put the presents under the tree and take the dog out back to try and get her to use the toilet since she can't sit still in here.

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