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Struggling With A Destructive Husky..


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I've been having such a hard time with Nahla lately, especially because I got a new pomeranian puppy last week.

I live here in Toronto CA and we have extremely harsh winters, Nahla hasn't been at the park in 4 days and she ate my leather couch..twice. Unfortunately, when I leave my house I lock Nahla up in her crate because I can't trust her anymore, shes been so crazy. I hired her a dog walker to come 5x a week to take her to the dog park, but it's still not enough exercise for her,

Her and the pom get along fine, they're just always playing with each other (I'm always watching them of course)

With the new puppy shes even worse, Nahlas not affectionate at all, she turned into a complete different dog..she doesn't come to me when I call her, shes slightly depressed..I actually wish I never got her sometimes because she's more then what I expected her to be, but I can never get rid of her because I love her too much and I would get sick with out her.

Did anyone go through this?

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She just turned 9 months


Welcome to teenage stage! Don't feel bad about the crating, that's the way it's supposed to go anyways. If you don't trust your dog to not touch anything when left alone, then she is to be crated for both her own and your furniture's safety. I don't think the dog park thing has anything to do with the destructiveness.... except if she hasn't been taken for walks in four days as well. Just reinforce the house rules and remind her that she will not get away with anything. You're not alone in this :) x

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At this age we had just started letting Noah and Bella into the main house unsupervised.  Noah ate 3 cushions and a few shoes but that was his total and the door handle of my wardrobe??   Bella our GSD decided it would be good fun to pull the carpet up and eat several shoes.   The main destruction was to the outside world, he ate my new apple tree. :( and dug a hole for the new one which he decided tasted just as good as the old one.  I now have 3 apple trees, with protection.  So he does not eat them any more and Bella does not flatten them.  So the rabbits eat them instead. :rolleyes:


I now have two more pups and they are Kitchen bound when not supervised as were Bella and Noah.  we will try them out in a couple of months for an 1/2 an hour and see how it goes.  Unfortunately this is just not a Husky thing its a puppy thing.  Bella our GSD has destroyed more things than Noah the Husky.  But now at 2 1\2 are our trusted older woofs have stopped this behaviour.  I advise mind games Kong's filled with treats, squeaky toys, old pillow cases, sheets, duvet covers (especially ones that have been on your bed so smell of you) as distractions from the things you rather they did not destroy.   Have you any old shoes put them in the crate and keep your good shoes out of reach. 


As for affection they love you they just do not show it sometimes.  Noah will put his paw on me sometimes and look at me in such away that it means more than being jumped on and licked to death.


Not sure if any of this helps, but just hang in there.


Exercise is important a walk round the block for a sniff, does not have to be long but making them use there brains is just a tiring.  Play hide and seek, teach them tricks. 


I wish you the best it will come right just takes a bit of time.   

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You are NOT alone!  When I got Nikko I felt the same way...he was a handful and destroyed a lot of stuff, and at one point I thought about giving him up.  He is still a handful, but has calmed down a bit at age 3 lol.  With the new pup, there may be some adjusting too, so I would not worry too much, I went through that when adding to my pack. 

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Hello :)


Snow is a GSD x husky and has been so destructive, I could have throttled him! He's now 18 months old and I 'think' finally settling down, Though this morning he stole a teabag from my daughters suitcase and chewed it all over the floor :)


Huskies seem to be a challenging breed and at times you just want to throw your hands in the air and say 'I quit'.  Trouble is they are so damn sweet and given time will grow out of these dastardly phases. Lots of attetntion, time, exercise and love will go a long way.  Good luck :)

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www.success dogs.com

I use SO many of his training tricks to keep my two amused and keen to learn more. They ASK for treats and start doing tricks on their own. Go to Chester & Eski Cottee FB page...look for video with me working on them.

Kongs are great. Chew treats kept in store for good furkids when I've been out and no damage done - obviously no treats if something's been chewed altho not much left around for them - except 14th dish brush just gone! Lol they occasionally drag the bed out from crate - usually a hint that I need to wash it but Chester also sucks this as his comfort thing....

If they're going through a bad chewing stage - I waggle the item in front of them saying ' leave alone '! And put the muzzles on for a couple of hours. They can still drink. They can't maul each other in constant play and they can't chew anything! It works..They stay off stuff for quite a while..


Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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  • 1 month later...

Mine are crated and are almost 3 and shadow is 5 this year they just can't be trusted I tried leaving them loose but it seemed to throw them off routine and they seemed to get more stressed as they kept looking for me and then got destructive acting out etc where as when they're crates they know it's their place to relax and they get filled frozen Kong's and chew treats etc they don't get out of the crate

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I agree with Storm. Mine is about 2 and a half, and is way more stressed if she is left outside of her crate for anything longer than an hour or two while I'm gone. 9 month old huskies are the devil! I think most people who have raised a husky puppy have felt what you are feeling. I would encourage you to try to get her out for walks even if it is so cold it hurts your face. Walking is not only energy burning, it is also important bonding time. Dogs, or at least mine, really thrives on routine, so if something is off she knows it and becomes stressed and destructive. I missed her walk yesterday because there was so much snow on the ground and nothing was plowed and I was afraid to slip and fall...but I got my butt out of bed this morning and walked her in the cold and snow because I know she needed it or would go bonkers!

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I worked a 9 hour shift today then walked 6 Miles its tiring but they are a Hugh energy breed that need it along with mental stimulation and play time in the home also :) I also have the added bonus of they have each other to run around with aswell although mine actually dont play together loads

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At this age we had just started letting Noah and Bella into the main house unsupervised. Noah ate 3 cushions and a few shoes but that was his total and the door handle of my wardrobe?? Bella our GSD decided it would be good fun to pull the carpet up and eat several shoes. The main destruction was to the outside world, he ate my new apple tree. :( and dug a hole for the new one which he decided tasted just as good as the old one. I now have 3 apple trees, with protection. So he does not eat them any more and Bella does not flatten them. So the rabbits eat them instead. :rolleyes:.

I now have two more pups and they are Kitchen bound when not supervised as were Bella and Noah. we will try them out in a couple of months for an 1/2 an hour and see how it goes. Unfortunately this is just not a Husky thing its a puppy thing. Bella our GSD has destroyed more things than Noah the Husky. But now at 2 1\2 are our trusted older woofs have stopped this behaviour. I advise mind games Kong's filled with treats, squeaky toys, old pillow cases, sheets, duvet covers (especially ones that have been on your bed so smell of you) as distractions from the things you rather they did not destroy. Have you any old shoes put them in the crate and keep your good shoes out of reach.

As for affection they love you they just do not show it sometimes. Noah will put his paw on me sometimes and look at me in such away that it means more than being jumped on and licked to death.

Not sure if any of this helps, but just hang in there.

Exercise is important a walk round the block for a sniff, does not have to be long but making them use there brains is just a tiring. Play hide and seek, teach them tricks.

I wish you the best it will come right just takes a bit of time.

Love the anecdotes on your planting !

This is so so true. Fortunately my two really play. A lot.

When I'm in bed in the morning (well.. I am medically retired 4.5 years earlier than expected ?) - and hubby leaves just before 08:00 hours - they play outside (hopefully not in the rain! - I'll keep them indoors otherwise.)

Eski hasn't nicked anything except tissues out of my bag if I leave it within reach or, she can get to a paper bin in either bedroom or dressing room. She's quick and sneaky.

Chester (both) has never taken shoes, altho he did have one brand new fluffy slipper of mine as a pup, for months.

He didn't really chew it.. he sucked it to death.

I kept the other one when the first had to go in the bin...looked like a shredded stringy soggy something and made visitors go 'Eeew WHAT was that?'

But, he never had quite the same thing for the second one.

Then he took to sucking an old blanket I'd had to put over the old Westie at night.

I just washed it with his bedding every week.

When Eski came last Sep, after a few weeks, the blanket was really torn and shredded. I had to throw it out.

She picks and tears in really small bites. It really had to go when it became five pieces..

Chester now sucks the tougher bed cover/s - water proof inside but like a canvas on the outside. There are two beds - one inside the crate - the other I keep on top of the crate in the day and it goes down beside the crate in a niche in front of the sitting room door and right by the airing cupboard. I've repaired both by patching from a first tough cover on my sewing machine, and this is ongoing once every few months.

No room for two crates but they have settled well in the crate for up to three hours when visitors were here and they needed to be quiet.

I give a treat through the crate to each but not toys or Kongs as Eski will try and hog Chester's; then there's a fight - not good inside!

My other option is simply to close the kitchen door - (they have access via dog flap 24/7 to the side path and v large 75' x 35' rear garden, well, more mud at the moment). Visitors are then in the sitting room.

Chester wasn't much of a digger and still isn't really, but Eski...well she has a knack to dig and throw dirt ON the path even when there's a whole three sides of garden elsewhere. And my shed door is also blocked off so it's a broom sweep first before I can get in...but the 'mound' that was put there when the base was dug for slabs to go down for the shed, well it was never really flattened out....

Then it collected cuttings, then they got chewed and dragged round the garden which I picked up so hubby could mow the grass ... when we had a lovely lawn....

Our English weather : especially when constant drizzle is ongoing, and shallow topsoil with flipping clay underneath, then the garden just doesn't drain fast enough. So mud patches.

We plan to fence off a large run with kennels the length 75' and about 14' wide on the other side of the path...with 75% gravel and 25% concrete - when money is available.

[After eight yrs in an IVA (just moved, new 4 bedroom home; realky bad broker advice. We were over stretched on mortgage having believed we'D have a nest egg - nope.

So we sold the new dream home (small garden) within two years, and moved into old MOD bungalow with huge garden, in 2003.

Then Dave had redundancy for eight months.

We married 2004. Been together then about six years.

My three were 26 (daughter-living away) boys 7 and 5.

Dave's were grownup with kids.

Rather than bankruptcy, we chose an IVA which started 2004.

With 75% cut on joint incomes and nearly seven not five years later (we had a year+ extension put on as I needed to replace my lovely old Honda car and Dave's too).

We are finished re no more payments last year but they (the fourth agents) still don't seem to have finished all the paperwork.

We really stuck to it. Living w/o perks & 'stuff' became a way of life even with my gorgeous Westies. Puppies were a bonus income but with 12-14 weeks before I even let them go it was still worth the small treat income once a year! Largest litter was four.

Charity shops were good!

Family bought us new clothes or knitted jumpers or gave useful gift vouchers.

( Our timeshare with Sunterra/ Grand Vacation/ Diamond Resorts was a £1+K drain annually and after four years of great breaks away incl two weeks in Arixona on honeymoon, we could not get the places when and where we wanted for the nest five years & getting rid was impossible and costly just trying.

Finally because of my medical retirement it was gone! )

We used the sales only for important stuff and also laminate flooring; old but still good carpet tiles replaced old carpet, and were rejuvenated with Rug Doctor cleaner, but it sure helped keep cold concrete floors warmer (crap CH and very inefficient but we just kept it serviced even though pipes were going and we had two serious leaks (the insurance sorted this and we had laminate flooring put in then (three times in kitchen due to repeated leaks).

Dave's two suits are as old, and have shrunk for some reason.

And mine but hey they're growing again!

Now we're suddenly flush again and D's payrises were held off deliberately over those years so the IVA couldnt have it! and we finally got our bedroom overhauled this year. And new furniture. Everything was literally second hand or cheap that fell apart inside of two years....

Waiting now too for PPI to come back ? as we both had this on...

Anyway I digress! Sorry...]

The furkids will be sorted, kennel & run-wise...I'd love more furkids but my LWB Pajero won't really take more and I'm not putting hounds on the back seat...my dog guard works well!

Dave's Honda tourer could take more but I have to weigh up insurance & vet plan cover and food - it's £42 (VP), +£45 (Ins) +£40 (food & treats) pcm for both incl. = £127.00 a month. And the cat...who's now nearly 14 and going strong. Sox joined us when my first Westie was two.

Our issues now are...

Dave is tired and doesn't really 'do' as much in the home or garden; we use workmen who are friends of friends or relatives. Dave as the start of arthritis in his hands. He drives round trip 100+ miles a day to work.

We both play with two brass bands so two nights a were practice snd summer weekends twice or three a month are busy sometimes Fri-Sun usually one day or afternoon. Christmas carolling and fundraising goes with it too.

I hope to bring my two when out-side playing as they really bring in the money when collecting for support dogs.

I'm not as 'able' physically now due to crumbling neck vertebrae (& 63) and hubby still working (59 end of month) till 65.

I could dig, build, fix and work long hard hours....now I can walk, not run, can handle my small 19' cruiser and tow it and launch it and restep it back onto trailer.

Furkids will learn to go boating too.

I look forward to going on dryland rig runs for fun, not racing, as this is closer to the ground - I don't feel so safe on a bike with them but, once they settle into commands and obey more constantly, I will try and bike out with them but to run beside or behind me only.

This will take some time but I hope to be able to do this in the summer on the dry ground first before doing the damper pavements in winter (our sidewalks to you USA folk lol) on long runs.

I'm digressing again!

Anyways - my two seem to exercise as they need to, right now. They sleep quite a lot indoors too when I'm doing my chores.

And always looking for a treat as they start to do tricks!

I must say they are both SO SO settled after neutering.

It's quite remarkable. And pleasing.

Keep on with your pups.

All suggestions above by HO's are extremely worthwhile.

I will always recommend personally neutering if not breeding - lessens risk of prostate cancer in males.

Do leave until at least age two to give all bone ends full growth potential. And bitches do also become settled rather than (driven by nature) to go seek a mate when in season so they will be more home-bound.

And enjoy.

I'm very lucky my two really are affectionate - they cuddle me; put a paw on me, (and oh my those eyes just melt me!) or they lick me or just keep me down on the sofa so a I can't move!

When I hug and cuddle they go mad. Good night kisses are a routine.

NOTHING like a Husky - and I've grown up with more dogs than I can count...all amazing - but...

Husky's are just..... awesome.

Even with muddy floors and splattered walls and the dreaded blowouts ! ROFL

Thank god for the Dyson dog groom tool. And mop and bucket and washing machine.

At this age we had just started letting Noah and Bella into the main house unsupervised. Noah ate 3 cushions and a few shoes but that was his total and the door handle of my wardrobe?? Bella our GSD decided it would be good fun to pull the carpet up and eat several shoes. The main destruction was to the outside world, he ate my new apple tree. :( and dug a hole for the new one which he decided tasted just as good as the old one. I now have 3 apple trees, with protection. So he does not eat them any more and Bella does not flatten them. So the rabbits eat them instead. :rolleyes:.

I now have two more pups and they are Kitchen bound when not supervised as were Bella and Noah. we will try them out in a couple of months for an 1/2 an hour and see how it goes. Unfortunately this is just not a Husky thing its a puppy thing. Bella our GSD has destroyed more things than Noah the Husky. But now at 2 1\2 are our trusted older woofs have stopped this behaviour. I advise mind games Kong's filled with treats, squeaky toys, old pillow cases, sheets, duvet covers (especially ones that have been on your bed so smell of you) as distractions from the things you rather they did not destroy. Have you any old shoes put them in the crate and keep your good shoes out of reach.

As for affection they love you they just do not show it sometimes. Noah will put his paw on me sometimes and look at me in such away that it means more than being jumped on and licked to death.

Not sure if any of this helps, but just hang in there.

Exercise is important a walk round the block for a sniff, does not have to be long but making them use there brains is just a tiring. Play hide and seek, teach them tricks.

I wish you the best it will come right just takes a bit of time.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
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