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Un-Husky Like Traits


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I thought it might be fun to discuss the atypical and typical husky traits of your own dog/s


here are mine;


Ronin's un-husky traits.

Will eat any food, not fussy at all, cast iron stomach (he is fed prey model raw now)

Completely toilet trained in two days (breeder started training as young pups and he came to me at 8 weeks)

Will loose lead walk (did lots of training though)

Doesn't try to escape - (unless door or gate is left open)

Doesn't destroy anything when left alone

Happy to sleep through day time

Plays fetch and brings back the ball

Plays with most breeds of dogs (especially greyhounds) and tolerates very small dogs.

Ronin's common Husky traits

Loves to run and swim

Full on mouthing as wee puppy, but getting much better now but still likes the occasional chomp.

Chooses times to pretend he is deaf

Will eat a bird if he can catch it (4 devoured so far)

Chooses his own time to show affection

Talks, howls and argues

Tries to get the best spot on the sofa

Questionable recall (50%)


Gets the zoomies at crazy hour

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This should be an interesting thread :)


Harrys unlike husky traits:


Can't think of any :)


Harrys typical husky traits:


Everything a husky is known for :)


zero recall

fussy eater

weak stomach

pulls like a train unless on easywalk harness

Extremely vocal and likes to argue

Doesn't like cuddles unless on his terms


Likes to mouth (though grown out of this mostly now)

Loves all people and dogs

Jumps up when greeting people

Loves travelling

Sheds hair everywhere

Doesn't smell like a dog

Has a huge prey drive (regularly catches moles, mice and birds)



Probably more but can't think of them right now :)

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Cool .. :D




Complete couch potato & prefers to sleep inside on the tiles 

Sleeps all day

Doesn't dig

Doesn't jump

Doesn't howl (unless I'm getting home from somewhere)

Doesn't destroy things

Prefers playing with smaller dogs

Loves cats

Generally doesn't get along with other huskies

Prefers human company over dogs 

Very gentle with young kids

Won't snatch my food even if left at his level (maybe eventually, but if he knows I'm eating it..)

Doesn't pull on walks (breakthrough - finally! :D)

Extremely easy to train (except above). Nailed toilet training, sit (and before crossing the road) and shake within the first week of having him @ 12 weeks :D




Tile floor may as well be carpet

Zoomies during play and at the dog park

Useless at fetch

Loves water & swimming

Hopeless recall when distracted

Sleeps upside down and in all awkward positions

Fussy eater

Any small bugs worst enemy

Takes up most of the bed and couch, and will steal my spot at any opportunity :D

Edited by Dan
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Tbh Bear being a mixed breed is not very much like a husky at all although I still treat her as one, just in case.


Ice un-husky traits:


*  Eats anything you give him

*  doesn't seem to realise he can jump high. (In the summer I had a hose pipe reel blocking the back garden door.  It was only a foot or two in height but he had no idea he could easily jump over it.  Just stood there whining and crying, trying to get around it and failing. 

*  doesn't yet show too much prey drive,  unless it's for bugs that fly, then he'll snap his mouth at them if they get too close.  How he's not been stung by a bee or wasp is a sheer miracle in itself.  And when we had a rat in the outside cupboard, he sniffed around looking for it and when he found it he just stood there looking at it whilst it ran off.

* loves to play fetch


Ice Husky traits:


* destructive

* unreliable recall

* stubborn and selective hearing

* always answering back and trying to get the upper hand.

* only desire in life is to please himself and everyone else be damned, lol.

* likes digging given the opportunity.

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Shadow(my full husky):

None husky traits:


Loves to sleep

So chilled out

Doesn't pull on lead

Not fussy

Will not jump over things

Not very destructive

Loves small dogs

LHusky traits:

Talks :)

Back chats

Prey drive if he can be bothered to get it lol

Skye (half husky half gsd)

None husky traits:

Just her gsd defensive side

Husky traits:

Everything lol

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Good one Jase!

Smokey's un-Husky traits:

Loose lead walks with collar (unless she sees something or is scared, then she escapes)

Very lazy, can't be bothered to actually exercise, prefers to sleep rather!

Plays with any size dogs.

Doesn't jump over anything, just onto the couch or bed, will whine or look at you puzzled as to how the other dogs get over something!

Easy to train, except for the fact that its still 50/50 if she wants to do it...

Not that fussy of an eater...she will go one day without food to make a point but generally eats her kibble dry.

No mouthing...she has only once bitten me and broke skin when she was in season.

Husky traits:

Zoomies (but a lot less these days...they just magically appear when you just put something breakable near her!)

Selective deafness/disobedience.

Great prey drive, especially for bugs, mosquitos and rats!

Very affectionate

Always wants the best spot to sit..will sit on top of me or the other dogs if nudging dont work.

Recalls when she wants to!

Jumps up at people

Loves car rides

Fetches the ball but then thinks its like playing tag and you need to fetch it from her mouth running around in circles!

Sleeps in weird places and positions

Will destroy most things of value left on the floor.

Opens cabinets and drawers to destroy the rest!


Likes digging, especially during zoomies

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Diamond's :)



- Walks loose-leash perfectly fine

- Barely escapes if the gate opens.

- Has a tummy made of steel

- Wary of strangers we don't invite into the house

- Super calm and tolerant

- Not vocal at all :(

- Easy to train

- Low, low, low prey drive



- Sheds. LOTS.

- Doesn't play fetch

- The zoomies. Oh goodness gosh the zoomies.

- Fussy eater

- Gives every dog we meet on walks the proper "Husky greeting"

- Has no "stranger danger" alarm when out and about

- Infinite amount of energy and wants to spend them all running full speed

- The "what's in it for me?" attitude

- Does not come whenever called ( has the ability to tell whether you really need him to come or not)

- A mind of his own (wants his opinions taken into *serious* consideration!)

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Love this! And so far I am jealous of Ronin, he seems to have the best non-Husky traits!  :D 


Meeko's Non-Husky Traits:


Good recall

Cannot/will not jump over objects likes gates or fences but has no problem jumping onto bed or couch

Listens to commands 90% of time

Will eat anything

Doesn't dig

Not really destructive when left alone


Meeko's Husky Traits:

Pulls like a freight train

Talks and woo's constantly

Thinks he's a cat on the couch

Very smart

Jumps on people for greetings

High prey drive


Cara's Non-Husky Traits:

Doesn't howl or woo

Super cuddly


Cara's Husky Traits:

Loves to dig

Gets destructive when left alone

Very high prey drive

Jumps on people for greetings

Always escaping/can jumps fences and gates and will run past you out the front door

Very smart

Selective obedience

Pulls on lead

Finicky eater


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Nikko's un-husky traits:


NONE :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Yukon's un-husky traits:

Very laid back and not hyper

Does not destroy anything

Plays fetch and brings the ball back


husky traits:

high prey drive

pulls on lead sometime


Kodiak's un-husky traits:

listens well

rarely gets zoomies

good recall


Kodiak's husky traits:

VERY high prey-drive

can be destructive

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Non-husky traits


Wants cuddles...ALWAYS!

Never tries to escape, even if the gate is left open by accident

Doesn't roll in poop, or anything for that matter


Husky Traits


Senstive stomach

Will dig...but only if Holly is

Fussy eater....unless its rubbish off the floor

Zoomies anywhere the mood takes her

Talks back

Shreds soft toys to bits and anything else she shouldn't have

Will steal food 

Questionable recall

Wants to eat cats

Selective hearing

Wants to jump at everyone

Will kiss you to death

Pulls on the lead like i'm a sled




Non-husky traits


Never tries to escape, even if the gate is left open by accident

Won't destroy anything

Won't jump at anyone


Husky traits


Sensitive stomach

Will dig her way into town if she got the chance

Fussy eater....unless its rubbish off the floor

Zoomies anywhere the mood takes her

Talks back...so so much!

Will steal food 

No recall skills

Wants to eat cats

Roll in all manner of nastiness

Only wants cuddles when she wants them

Selective hearing

Will kiss you to death is she has decided she wants cuddles

Pulls on the lead even worse than Skye

Edited by Carly
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Loving reading this thread!

Sasha Non-Husky traits:

Doesn't mind just chilling & sleeping all day when we can't get out for walks

Loves all food

Doesn't destroy anything

Toilet trained in 2 days

Listens to all commands (when treats are involved)

Steers clear of any nastiness on walks

Husky traits:

Sensitive stomach

Sheds a lot

Yells at me when I get home "where were you" (yes, it sounds just like that)

Jumps over small people, dogs, furniture, sticks, etc...lol

Loves everyone

High prey...tries to get birds out of the sky!

Zoomies... Bad!

Only allows me 1.5 minutes cuddle time per session lol

Pulls on lead

Acts as if she is deaf (when it doesn't benefit her)

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Non husky traits:

Likes to cuddle

Doesn't howl

Sleeps most of the day

Doesn't mouth

Loves small dogs

Doesn't jump over things

Plays fetch

Hates travelling

Hates water

Husky traits:

No recall


Destructive if left alone

Sheds a LOT


Chases cats and squirrels


Jumps up at people to stay hello

Thinks everyone is his friend, even dogs that are growling at him!

Sleeps upside down

Will destroy any object left in floor

Very intelligent

Pulls if on a harness

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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As a group we've:


water lovers and water haters

"I love you" talkers, woo-ing and chatterers to silent

German (GSD) through dinky Husky to solid Husky

jump downer (thinks nothing of jumping down 20 foot) to jump over (jumps 7 foot fences from a standstill and can scale 12 foot walls)

camera haters (turn away when it's pointed) to don't care (or yet to learn!)

tickle-my-tum tarts to don't really care

give-me-the-treats to ignore/spit them out

reasonable recall to no recall

shy/barking at visitors to jump into their arms (whether they like it or not  :rolleyes: )


all love the crate

all can be fed together - no food/toy guarding

all love their raw food

all pull on the lead but will consider your request not to pull....... and occasionally comply! ;)

all get on instantly with any other dog that comes into the house

all shed at different times, a couple continuously (I'm dog hair blind, so don't care)

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