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Oh wow...gorgeous. She looks comfy and I guess is still settling in...there's a wee bit of wariness I think?

Like my Eski when she came - early days and then now... last one with my boy Chester nibbling her ear! 90e5c08d594bcc5d001a1069ab185a41.jpgbd67840cce83c0f52aab84a27071aace.jpg

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If she's the only female she may become the dominant one.Eski is and I reckon because

i) she"s older by six months, and

ii) even though Chester came first as a 9 wk old, she came last Sep but used to be the biggest of three in her first home; I understand that females tend to boss the boys too...

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Brian the dominant malamute is being a bit nasty to her. I think she's scared of him :/ but Leeli the sibe is just trying to play with her all the time! Leeli did try to steal a bone off her though and there was hell to pay. I had to drag them off each other and got bit on the arm when i put my hand infront of leeli (shes as soft as a brush and doesn't even bite back in a fight)harlie felt bad about it though. But its been three days and the tensions going down so its going to be okay i think. What's everyone's thoughts on that?

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My Eski made her mark pretty fast (two weeks) to be the dominant one but only it seems when Chester becomes over-demanding for play. He'll just keep pestering. She'll take being pulled by her neck scruff, her tail (yep... across the kitchen floor) and then, when it's enough - she turns!

He's always surprised! Lol.

I'm home most of the time & I've seen her do the same to him with less retaliation but..I think she hurts more!

I reckon they're (yours) are all adjusting and Harlie is a big softie but won't be pushed too much...distraction with sit training etc WITH treats for all but say each name first before giving treat. Immediate scolding if one tries to butt in. Lots of 'GOOD DOG!' (OR name).

My two are rewarded for good behaviour.

They are either muzzled (both trained as early as poss - Eski accepted this in early days and she was 2.5 yrs old when she arrived.

Or, I say BED & whichever goes in they're 'it' and door crate shut.

The other one is told to lie down on the other bed next to crate & both told 'STAY!' I literally growl at them. They stay. I'll give them 10-15 minutes then release them. They are both fussing me as if 'ok mum we're sorry' - they also fuss each other but are focussed on me.

When they've sat..(with much howling & singing) and quietened they are rewarded with a treat.

We go through some spin turns, high fives for each with right and left paws, down stay, sit & catch treat, come to my sides, turn & sit (all positively rewarded with a small treat). I ignore wrong actions repeating my signals until right & reward.

Food rules!

Successdogs.com with Jean Cote has worked wonders (I know, (sorry!) I keep on and on about this site on www but - persistence has paid off for me) in getting them to watch me.

This principle works especially when we go out - so they're less distracted with what's going on and paying attention. The first ten are the worst...(Yay! We're out!) Then we settle into controlled walking on a double gangline lead. I also bring them back to walk beside me on both sides or two on either right or left side. I use halti head collars for better control and they don't pull much - it's manageable.

They're always quite sedate on the way home..After nearly three miles .... and it's enjoyable we're building up to five...I've been unwell on/off and now have shingles! ...?

It doesn't always work (they're still kids!) But..cut up carrot treats really help - they love them!

Also..never dive into head area in a fight...hind legs and pull away and swing..difficult with two if alone - a jug of water over noses can help separate if you don't mind a wet floor! I'm in asap with NO! repeatedly.

Eski cowers, Chester skulks. They know. They get a right telling off and it's the crate! If there's still an inexplicable reason for another scrap again then they're muzzled.

Both can still drink and go outside etc (24/7 with large dog flap). Seems to work - they're better behaved and mind their manners!

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wow thanks for the reply! yes shes been very growly with brian more than leeli. but brian is so dominant that he actually pins her when they do kick off (only happened 3 times) never do they bite eachother properly. its only leeli who got bitten (and me) when leeli went for her bone like i said. they are really good when being walked together. she might have a little snap (like a warning) to leeli if she doesnt want to play and leeli does. we found she was very crate agressive. she loves her crate and goes in it but if one of the other dogs gets close she snaps and barks and goes crazy. so we took the crate down and she can only go in to sleep at night and most of the problems dissapeared! i think she might be scared of brian? she never keeps eye contact with him and looks away when he comes near her. but she still growls? i will take a look at that website now.  shes also super food agressive but since we removed the crate she doesnt growl when shes eating in the same room as the other dogs. we have been doing the treat thing where we say each name and then give a treat and say good dog!!  its only day 3 really and they all seem more calm . as you can see from the picture she looks more calm now (bless you can see leeli's head in the background!! ) maybe she shouldnt be on the sofa though...? 


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Is she speyed? If not def think about it but only by age 2 or+.

The site does all training & tricks. He will answer questions too.

My furkids on fb page : Chester & Eski Cottee. See videos.

It IS very early days and your Brian is Alpha male. I reckon it will all settle - eventually. Eski came Sep 12 v undernourished altho loved but woman more ignorant and only took her whilst nan into hospital last June...Sadly died fm other complications.

The new owner really didn't know much. Eski has gained 29+ lbs (!) And is practically to full weight but will gain more when into rig pulling through muscle. We r going to the Huskyfest in March right near us. Her coat was pretty manky & musty with wet eczema found on head near ears day 2...all sorted. Coat all silky and really thick now.

I groom every few days with Dyson dog groom tool (£33 approx online) cuts moulting time by 2/3rds. Hardly anything now. As thrir winter coats are in...

Great if they're good with vacuum...

If not, start by hand with hoover running some distance - giving treats - and gradually over a week or so start doing it really close to...rewards very useful....... fortunately she was great first time and goes belly up ! They both enjoy however advise only for a couple of minutes then reward and break for half hour. Here if you need me...


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f6c073ed13cb31a2331ecba2ff9aa998.jpg wet eczema - feels like a tiny damp patch....have a good sniff if suspicious....can't miss it. Needs early instant attention as can spread fast. Eski's was literally a thumb print patch until shaved....

She whimpered everytime she was touched there hence my visit to vet's.

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as i am writing this a growling match is kicking off. brian isnt looking at her anymore and seems to be backing down?! which is really not like him!!!! harlie has just won the growling match it seems! yes she is not yet spayed but will be as she is 3 years old so it would be a good time to have her spayed ! our other female leeli is also spayed and shes just a big softy. they are growling over a toy btw while i still remember. theyve started growling again. i've moved away because im still a bit wary since last time but my fiance is standing by. shes growling right now and his head is turned away he's not looking at her and he seems to be trying to slowly back away. i would take a picture but my phones near the dogs. lol. aargh this is frightening! aaah but brian is growling when harlie goes too near to me or my fiance!? what is going on. i thought id figured this out but im so confused now. lol. i thought she might be more dominant? but maybe brian is? ugh. thats brilliant information thank you. were trying to show whose boss but i'm not sure if were doing that a great job if they are trying to fight :S see when we had brian and leeli together for the first time there was one scuffle and that was it really. and then they were okay except for the occasionally growl over a bone. just trying to work this behaviour out. 

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wet eczema - feels like a tiny damp patch....have a good sniff if suspicious....can't miss it. Needs early instant attention as can spread fast. Eski's was literally a thumb print patch until shaved....


ah ive looked and i washed her yesterday and didnt find anything like that thankfully. she does have what could be sore nipples though? its odd and her lady parts seem more out than leeli's but she has had puppy's before. 

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Brian may be possessive of you. Eski was told off by Chester even though she answered back when she was snuggling to me for attention even from day one..

I stood up and told both firmly to sit. They sat. I got treats out and rewarded them both with a fuss first to Chester then to Eski. Then I went and sat somewhere else.

She was only five weeks post spey...so hormones all over the place; he was still whole and 2 weeks short of two years. He was all a-go-go to mount but getting it wrong.

She was healed up but still sore and I berated him for being too fresh. She was quite slight & underweight. I did not want her hurt. He was muzzled. I didnt have one for her yet. He had to be put in the crate later as humping was the order of the day. All day. By day three I rang my vet, explained my issue and booked him in Mon 15th for castration. The weekend was swapping them in and out of crate. Eski still wore a head cowl to stop her over-licking her wound but this also meant she could not go through the dog flap so the door had to be kept open or we were on dog door watch.

With her recuperating and his op I was glad to be home for them.

He recovered well (and also wearing head cowl; three to five weeks later they were both much calmer.

They are very attached but also very different - he's very much the besotted playfull 15 yr old - she the 17-18 yr old who gets flirty then bitchy! Both very vocal, answering back.

If bones or Kongs go down he goes to the crate - she takes hers outside or stays on kitchen mat by back door. They seem to have more respect for each other's things. Though once discarded, the item becomes anyone's.

I will tell either off if they went to try and nick the others if discarded for a visit outside. They know I won't tolerate this.

Humans need to establish pack hierarchy and if Brian wants to establish his place you can assist by saying...ok Brian...be good be nice. Reassure him and then reassure Harlie that she's in the pack but is the newbie and needs to go steady. I talk a lot to mine...they listen to tone of voice and body language. In a confrontation like...you don't want them in the room or at the table...make eye to eye contact - don't blink...and stare them down. Be quiet and firm but do NOT give in and praise as soon as they comply to your wishes.

'Good dog! Lie down'. 'Good dog go to bed.' 'Good dog out.' Etc ... when they come to settle by you - ' good dog! Settle down'...

When they drop their gaze or stare - you have won your point. Maintain it.

If there's consistent growling...then you can yell out 'Oi! Pack it in! Settle down!' This also says YOU don't want hassle. Praise all when they do behave. Just like kids!

Love reassures just as setting boundaries in the home.


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I'd get her nipples checked - in fact a thorough check over now will give you a benchmark from which to work and give you an idea how she is with the vet and other folk too.

If you can make sure she has her own space to go to...they all need this.

If Leeli is being a pest she may need some 'instruction to 'leave Harlie!'

'Go away!'

The 'leave' training starts : (separately in a closed room - either of you can do this.)

Get them to sit, then lie down. Stay.

Sit yourself down on a chair.

Put a treat near your foot and about a foot away from their front paws. Say nothing.

Have more treats to hand (useful if sitting by a table to keep these handy).

If they move to the treat, immediately cover it with your foot. Say nothing.

When they back off, remove foot exposing treat again.

Repeat this UNTIL they stop looking AT the treat but look AT you. IMMEDIATELY reward with 'good dog!' and a treat from the table within 3 seconds. It MUST be immediate reward.

Continue with this...

The treat remains where it is.

They'll catch on pretty fast and eventually learn to ignore the treat completelyand FOCUS on you... and the treat. Five mins is enough.

Pick up the treat but reward with a different one.

Leave training and go back again later.

Keep this up for a few days - you'll find that they will eventually leave anything on the floor even if you drop your biscuit or sandwich OR the whole box of treats (with a 'leave!') and wait while you pick them all up, (THEN reward).

This then also helps at feeding times - later....

My two have to 'wait' at the door. (Chester is otherwise very pushy and noisy - I need space!)

They are both very noisy but I ignore them as I prepare their food (morning and night).

Their bowls are put down apart from each other. (I don't have to say 'wait' now, they know!)

Chester tries to creep in - he's dealt with by a loud 'OUT!' (Lots of woowoowoowoo from him!)

So they wait. Sometimes it's short, sometimes it's five minutes! And...only until I say 'ok' (often with my back to them), they can then go to eat.

They have also learnt to stop and leave their bowl (by name: 'leave!'), and a treat if I have to move their bowl to access a cupboard.

Eski's a bit growly but wagging tail and I make sure she does step back for me. I move the bowl with my foot gently & I always treat and praise with a big pat and 'ok' so they can return to eating. www.successdogs.com. has taught me all this...it's an incredible learning site to have well behaved obedient (if childlike naughty behaviour at times) dogs at home.

Always praise good stuff..ignore bad.

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wow thats some pretty decent advice! thank you so much. i honestly cant wait to try this all! i mean with 2 dogs it wasnt too bad but now we have three its a bit all over the place. leeli is forgetting that she needs to remain calm around the other dogs and is even getting growled at by brian. i do worry sometimes about shouting a loud 'no' or 'ay'! because i seem to notice that when i do there growling intensifies until i have to pull them away from eachother which obviously starts of a massive growling and barking fit and they try to lunge at eachother. its always infront of my face as well -,,- i think teaching leeli to leave would be a brilliant idea, not just with harlie but because shes always hoovering up anything we drop on the floor.  i have found that leeli does not try and steal any food off of brian (the first time she did he floored her :/) but if he leaves it she will steal it off him. thats the problem with harlie because leeli always runs in and licks the bowls clean when brians finished before i can even take the bowl off the floor. if she were to do this with harlie there would be hell to pay. brian is a very jealous dog even with leeli he would growl (even though he was the second dog we got) but now he just pushes her out of the way if someone is fussing her like 'dont touch her i'm here now' but he's doing this with harlie and she's reacting in a very growly way and snarling a lot. we took them for a walk and they had a mini fight where brian and harlie growled and lunged at eachother teeth flashing but no biting and then he pinned her to the floor him with his big paw pushing her down onto her belly. and that was it. obviously for this to happen in a small living room is not much fun. seriously how is the best way to immediatly stop a dog fight? without me getting my face or arm bitten? i used to be okay breaking fights up but after being bit im very wary and even a bit frightened when i notice the signs of a fight about to happen. thanks for your help your being amazing. and i've looked at that site and already downloaded the ebook! excited to start looking at it.

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wow thats some pretty decent advice! thank you so much. i honestly cant wait to try this all! i mean with 2 dogs it wasnt too bad but now we have three its a bit all over the place. leeli is forgetting that she needs to remain calm around the other dogs and is even getting growled at by brian. i do worry sometimes about shouting a loud 'no' or 'ay'! because i seem to notice that when i do there growling intensifies until i have to pull them away from eachother which obviously starts of a massive growling and barking fit and they try to lunge at eachother. its always infront of my face as well -,,- i think teaching leeli to leave would be a brilliant idea, not just with harlie but because shes always hoovering up anything we drop on the floor.  i have found that leeli does not try and steal any food off of brian (the first time she did he floored her :/) but if he leaves it she will steal it off him. thats the problem with harlie because leeli always runs in and licks the bowls clean when brians finished before i can even take the bowl off the floor. if she were to do this with harlie there would be hell to pay. brian is a very jealous dog even with leeli he would growl (even though he was the second dog we got) but now he just pushes her out of the way if someone is fussing her like 'dont touch her i'm here now' but he's doing this with harlie and she's reacting in a very growly way and snarling a lot. we took them for a walk and they had a mini fight where brian and harlie growled and lunged at eachother teeth flashing but no biting and then he pinned her to the floor him with his big paw pushing her down onto her belly. and that was it. obviously for this to happen in a small living room is not much fun. seriously how is the best way to immediatly stop a dog fight? without me getting my face or arm bitten? i used to be okay breaking fights up but after being bit im very wary and even a bit frightened when i notice the signs of a fight about to happen. thanks for your help your being amazing. and i've looked at that site and already downloaded the ebook! excited to start looking at it.


Q: What is the best way to stop a dog fight?


A: I researched this a lot few years ago as I have a dog that doesn't seem to understand what growling means. I then stumble to this blog exclusively about breaking up dog fights. The blogger works in a dog kennel, so yeah. What he wrote was that: one, water won't help you. People always say if you spray high-pressured water to the fighting dogs they'd stop. Well dogs are not cats. Two, do not even think about tasers. Lastly, have somebody else with you. Each person should grab both back legs of one of the fighting dogs and pull them up, so the dog would "stand" upside down with their head down and tail up. Spin in circles twice or thrice. Slowly. Then, lead the dog back to their kennels. Release dog, lock kennel, breathe. I also remember the blog stressing that if released too quickly, those dogs might as well turn around and bite the human so make sure you take your time. Do read up a bit more though, this information was picked out of memory instead of cold, hard, paperback source. But now at least you have a glimpse.


About Leeli stealing, you really need to figure out a way to stop her from doing that. Nobody is being mean by growling at a thief. It's sadly understandable. Can you perhaps feed her first, in a locked room separated from others? So hopefully she'd be too full to steal when the others eat?

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wow i've never heard of that before but it sounds really good! give them the shock of their life as well! when the next fight happens i will be trying this out. i'll get back to you on how it turns out. as for leeli. this little over eating scoundrel is always eating as much as possible the more the better and she has been wormed. she always seems to just want more and my god we feed her butt loads.

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