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Yeah at that point I'd probably start creating physical barriers so stealing become impossible to her. Don't take me wrong, training is indeed more beneficial in the long run than a simple baby gate or locked crate, but as people from my hometown always say: thieves steal because there's opportunity. As long as opportunity is present, she'll find it hard to stop. But if she doesn't stop, she might end up instigating a messy fight :(

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Ok. Why three dogs? I know... ..I had Westies Two. I bred for five years. Then 'took in' a third with awful eyes..thought it was conjunctivitis. She came from the holiday dog sitter. Owner didn't want to keep her; new baby on the way. Long story short Dolly eventually lost both eyes due to genetic 'dry eye' syndrome.

I couldn't even get her insured or have prev owner's transferred as she had cancelled.

I had just been medically retired from nursing for a crumbling neck. I spent nearly £3K of my pension.

Anyway with 3 Westies (breeding girl retired at age 7) and then a Husky pup that my son decided he didn't want so... took him on.

He was ok when Dolly had some sight but after her 2nd op he teased her a lot.

After 4 months the sitter said she'd take her to rehome her but then kept her. Dolly is v happy.

My two Westies went last yr - Polly was nearly 13 - liver tumour & was pts suddenly after sudden bleeding internally Feb 29th 2024.

My old boy Wesley was aged 15++ and he was falling a lot and in a lot of arthritic pain + going blind. He went in June last year. They were both in my arms with me when they went peacefully.

I loved them so much.

My Chester loved Polly and respected Wesley; he was pining after she and Wesley went.

My hubby said no puppy but I could look for a rescue - I went through 100's online looking for a bitch who liked other dogs, cats, children and people and found Eski.

Now...your two Leeli and Brian seem to be ok together. How old is Leeli?

What, if any specific training have you done with both?

Trouble is...if you show fear it will be felt by them. These dogs are big. They are strong willed but like children.

Routine and discipline must be maintained. Fairness too.

Leeli can be taught but you both need time and regular training time for all. They should have their own crates. (I don't have the room in a bungalow..- they will share however a bed is outside by crate in front of sitting room door; gets put up in the day.

Get them accustomed to wearing muzzles whilst you are training - that site shows you how to introduce these to them.

At the moment I honestly feel everyone (dogs) are feeling a bit stressed and they need time.and plenty of exercise to wear off some high stress/energy. Regularly.

Positive reward training indoors. Separate crates. If Leeli is over boisterous and disobedient remove her freedom; reward when she is good. Same for Brian. And Harlie. They need you as their pack leaders.

If Leeli jumps up at visitors, prewarn them to turn around and go back out - rejecting her but with instruction 'down' - 'no jump!'

When she doesn't jump encourage her to sit and wait. Mine have to go wait in the crate together when we come in. We wait on the other side of the child gate (a deterrent but it works) until they go in. Then we come through and unload. Then we greet.

Do it patiently...quietly and wait until they comply and praise.

Then go get treats and reward after they have all sat. Better if you have always on your person!

Keep their attention on you not each other by calling by name. Interrupt immediately by distracting and calling them to look at YOU everytime there's a threat of tension. Let them out separately but fuss the others when in their crate, with a treat through. Let them have a Kong each to themselves but only in the crate. This teaches all of them they do have their right to own space.

Good luck. It's very early days and you just need to reassure and fuss all, individually. But separately.

Gain their trust and respect and hopefully this will reduce tensions. Muzzle :- Measure from back of jawline to nose tip for right size muzzle, and circumference of neck behind ears. Ask for the plastic brown lighter ones not heavy bulky ones. Remove the inner slide section. You can feed treats carefully through the side when they are sitting. They'll learn to take them after a few goes. ?

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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Best to avoid dog fight -? ignore the dogs - your own tension will aggravate...they rarely hurt each other and the younger one will learn the hard way but they will learn.

Water spray can help - we used it in far east - they can't breath do let go. Hind leg grab yes...Def better with two people. Every situ is different.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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Give her an antigilulp bowl to slow her eating and possible bloating. Remove bowls as soon as they stop eating and walk away.

Do NOT let Leeli go to any other bowls. Use a broom to push her away if necessary and lift the bowl.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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Absolutely! Maybe she thinks she's missing out.

The gate was up for the Westies to stop them running out the door onto the road. So Chester grew up with that. He can easily clear it in one bound but he doesn't as I made him go back over it everytime. Now he stands back. Eski has never tried to jump it. It's just more simple for us esp when we come in with hands full of band instruments - we both play with two brass bands.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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Yeah at that point I'd probably start creating physical barriers so stealing become impossible to her. Don't take me wrong, training is indeed more beneficial in the long run than a simple baby gate or locked crate, but as people from my hometown always say: thieves steal because there's opportunity. As long as opportunity is present, she'll find it hard to stop. But if she doesn't stop, she might end up instigating a messy fight :(


yes she always gets involved in silly fights over things. i need to teach her that not everything is hers. i've started picking bones up when everyone is finished with them just in case. Harlie when she is playing with her ball always puts it down near leeli and when leeli goes to pick it up she growls and snaps at leeli. its a bit odd?


Ok. Why three dogs? I know... ..I had Westies Two. I bred for five years. Then 'took in' a third with awful eyes..thought it was conjunctivitis. She came from the holiday dog sitter. Owner didn't want to kerp her; new baby on the way. Long story short Dolly eventually list both eyes die to genetic dry eye syndrome. I couldn't even get her insured or have prev owners transferred as she had cancelled.

I had just been medically retired from nursing for a crumbling neck. I spent nearly £3K of my pension.

Anyway with 3Westies and then a Husky pup that my son decided he didn't want o took him on. He was ok when Dolly had some sight but after her 2nd op he teased her a lot. The sitter said she'd take her to rehome her but then kept her. Dolly was v happy. My two Westies writ last yr - Polly was nearly 13 - liver tumour & was pts suddenly after sudden bleeding internally Feb 29th 2024. . My old boy Wesley was pro aged 15++ as he was falling a lot and in a lot of arthritic pain + going blind. He went in June last year. They were both in my arms.with me when they went peacefully.

I loved them so much.

My Chester loved Polly and respected Wesley; he was pining after she and Wesley went. My hubby said no puppy but I could look for a rescue - I went through 100's online looking for a bitch who liked other dogs, cats, children and people and found Eski.

Now...your two Leeli and Brian seem to be ok together. How old is Leeli?

What, if any specific training have you done with both?

Trouble is...if you show fear it will be felt by them. These dogs are big. They are strong willed but like children.

Routine and discipline must be maintained. Fairness too.

Leeli can be taught but you both need time and regular training time for all. They should have their own crates. Get them accustomed to wearing muzzles whilst you are training - that site shows you how to introduce them to them.

At the moment I honestly feel everyone (dogs) are feeling a bit stressed and they need time.and plenty of exercise to wear off some high stress/energy. Regularly.

Positive reward training indoors. Separate crates. If Leeli is over boisterous and disobedient remove her freedom; reward when she is good. Same for Brian. And Harlie. They need you as their pack leaders.I'd Leeli jumps up at visitors, prewar them to turn around and go back out - rejecting her but with instruction 'down' - 'no jump!'. When she doesn't jump encourage her to sit and wait. Mine have to go wait in the crate together when we come in. We wait on the other side of the child gate (a deterrent but it wotks) until they go in. Then we come through and unload. Then we greet.

Do it patiently...quietly snd wait until they comply and praise. Then go get treats and reward after they have all sat. Keep their attention on you not each other by calling by name. Interrupt immediately by distracting and calling them to look at YOU everytime there's a threat of tension. Let them out separately but fuss the others when in their crate, with a treat through. Let them have a Kong each to themselves but only in the crate. This teaches all of them they do have their right to own space.

Good luck. It's very early days and you just need to reassure and fuss all, individually.

But separately. Gain their trust and respect and hopefully this will reduce tensions. Measure from back of jawline to nose tip for right size muzzle, and circumference of neck behind ears. Ask for the plastic brown lighter ones not heavy bulky ones. Remove the inner slide section. You can feed treats carefully through the side when they are sitting. They'll learn to take them after a few goes.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk


well its nice that you gave them a long happy life and i cant actually understand the pain of losing a dog, i have only ever seen my cat die which tore me apart and he wasnt even around that much. 

Leeli will be 2 in june. shes always been good with brian and if she pushes brian too much he will have a bit of a go at her (but not too much)

Leeli knows sit, paw, heel, lay down and leave. but she has selective hearing and only really listens if she knows she's going to get something out of it. :/ like if i have a treat in my hand she will wait for it but if i drop it she will dive for it. also if she does steal food and i run to get it off her all she does is chew it as fast as possible and i can have a finger chopped off if i tried to take it out of her mouth with how quick she's trying to eat it.

when we have visitors leeli goes crackers. she jumps up at people and barks and goes crazy. everyone who visits always pets her though and encourages her.

Brian is a bit happy when he sees people but barely jumps up, he just howls as loud as possible.

yes i know that being fearful means they can sense it and in all honesty i've woken up today and i've gotten over being bitten and i'm ready to get back in there and sort it out.

we have a crate for leeli and harlie. harlie is very protective of her crate but leeli isnt too bothered. brian does not have a crate as he goes crazy if we put him in one. we never leave them. we are both unemployed and we cant go out as brian goes crazy and pees everywhere/chews doors/ poos. he also gets very stressed and can make himself ill with the fear that we have left. (i'm going to try and sort that out.)

we have tow muzzles that fit leeli and brian and they are the baskerville ones (brown plastic) 


Best to avoid dog fight -? ignore the dogs - your own tension will aggravate...they rarely hurt each other and the younger one will learn the hard way but they will learn.

Water spray can help - we used it in far east - they can't breath do let go. Hind leg grab yes...Def better with two people. Every situ is different.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk


The thing is I would leave brian and harlie and only interupt if it went too far BUT with Leeli she never fights back. she does not have a clue whats going on. all she does is growl and trying and run away. so i would not allow for her to be involved in a fight. she already has scars on her face from harlie and brian and i'm not letting it go any further. she's as soft as a brush and i'm not cool with letting anything happen to her. I was wondering about water spray but i think i will give the hind legs a go and see what happens.


Give her an antigilulp bowl to slow her eating and possible bloating. Remove bowls as soon as they stop eating and walk away.

Do NOT let Leeli go to any other bowls. Use a broom to push her away if necessary and lift the bowl.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk


We have one of these for Leeli and she actually has figured out how to still eat quickly with it :/ I have started removing bowls from her as i know that she could get into a fight with Harlie. She's good and never bites so with Leeli i just would be able to pick the bowl up and she wouldnt bite me :]


Absolutely! Maybe she thinks she's missing out.

The gate was up for the Westies to stop them running out the door onto the road. So Chester grew up with that. He can easily clear it in one bound but he doesn't as I made him go back over it everytime. Now he stands back. Eski has never tried to jump it. It's just more simple for us esp when we come in with hands full of band instruments - we both play with two brass bands.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk


we used to have a babygate at the top of the stairs (live in a flat with private stair.) brian jumped over it and almost injured himself. but like I said we never leave them. i may put the babygate as a block to the kitchen so they have to stay in the living room with us. thank you very much for your help, you are helping a lot :]!! x

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Whoops. No toys or treats laying around on the floor please! :( Harlie can have her toys when the rest of the pack is not around or crated. I only have one dog, but this is the one advice people never forget to give to those with multiple dogs. This isn't permanent, just during the first few weeks.

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Whoops. No toys or treats laying around on the floor please! :( Harlie can have her toys when the rest of the pack is not around or crated. I only have one dog, but this is the one advice people never forget to give to those with multiple dogs. This isn't permanent, just during the first few weeks.


okay!! thats a good idea actually. I am honestly looking for anything and everything that could set them off. when we are out and about we are playing with a ball and saying the dogs name and then giving it to them, trying to teach harlie to share. she doesnt like sharing lol. 

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When they get to be a friendly know-their-own-place IN the pack, then you can start with 'down, stay!' Turn round, one step and back. Do not look at them. Reward & praise.

Repeat with an extra step every third time.

Also..'down, wait!' This time you walk away two steps. Stop with back - keep saying 'wait!' Turn - do NOT look at them. Then call. '[Name] - come!' They come and must 'sit' - reward immediately & make a fuss. Repeat as often for two min sessions with 10 min breaks, gradually increasing distances and sessions up to 5 mins.

Eventually go out of sight (2 secs!) but come back into sight stop and call. This starts ridding separation anxiety.

There is crate training too - on the site I gave you but ask if you can't find it.

Can do this (wait, stay) indoors too - say wait, stay...go out front door - three seconds then back.

More fuss - lots - this time - can reward only if no howling.

Keep increasing time - very slowly.

Chester frets if radio is not on - BBC 2 - so it's on all day in the background.


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When they get to be a friendly know-their-own-place IN the pack, then you can start with 'down, stay!' Turn round, one step and back. Do not look at them. Reward & praise.

Repeat with an extra step every third time.

Also..'down, wait!' This time you walk away two steps. Stop with back - keep saying 'wait!' Turn - do NOT look at them. Then call. '[Name] - come!' They come and must 'sit' - reward immediately & make a fuss. Repeat as often for two min sessions with 10 min breaks, gradually increasing distances and sessions up to 5 mins.

Eventually go out of sight (2 secs!) but come back into sight stop and call. This starts ridding separation anxiety.

There is crate training too - on the site I gave you but ask if you can't find it.

Can do this (wait, stay) indoors too - say wait, stay...go out front door - three seconds then back.

More fuss - lots - this time - can reward only if no howling.

Keep increasing time - very slowly.

Chester frets if radio is not on - BBC 2 - so it's on all day in the background.


Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk


that is really brilliant thank you! like ive said its hard for him even being in a different room to us.

its hard to be patient but thnakfully we dont work (well not really thankfully lol) so we are always with the dogs so we have a brillaint chance to try this out and keep at it! thank you. will try this and come back to you with the results :D

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SibeHush does this but avoids 'come' which, think IS better and I'm doing 'Eski! Here!'

This morning it was getting both to down/wait in kitchen.Then I'd walk into inner hall. Still saying 'name/name' wait!

Then Eski..here.

Both got up. Back again.

Three goes..they got it. He stayed she came. I reversed it. Chester caught on fast but he's done this before.

Finally I got her to wait with him come to me. Only twice. We did some other stuff with rewards for right stuff. Ignore wrong. ?

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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