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Odin Sad/not Eating


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And I am baaaaaaaaaack. Unfortunately not for good reasons...


About 3 weeks ago (could be longer) Odin (4 years old) stopped eating his kibble. I started boiling chicken strips and mixing them into his kibble with a little bit of water (or broth) and then microwaving it. That was working up until Monday of this week where he started picking the chicken out of the kibble. During these 3 weeks my 11 month old puppy Ahri was also being very picky...I don't know if it was because he was or if there was something wrong with the kibble. Anyhow at this point the bag was almost empty so I tossed it and got a new brand.


Yesterday I came home with a small bag of Merrick Lamb, a competely new brand of food. In the past I have tried various flavors of Blue Buffalo, Blue Wilderness, and Taste of The Wild. He was picky on ALL of these brands which is why I tried something compeltely new. So I bring home Merrick Lamb flavor and Ahri devoured her bowl but Odin kind of looked at it, put some kibble in his mouth and then spit it back out. I mixed some chicken into it again and he ate around the kibble...


Feel free to check my post history to see I have had a lot of issues with this big guy - either that or I just don't know how a husky is supposed to act. He just seems sad...a lot. When I get home from work he is always ecstatic to see me but after that he just looks off.


I have a new girlfriend who I have been dating for almost 4 months now. Prior to us dating we would walk our dogs together (she has a pit mix) and she too thinks he just looks severely depressed and sad lately...so I know it is not in my head.


He burps often so I don't know if he is just extremely gassy? Last spring he was sprayed directly into the face (open mouth) by a skunk and that is when I noticed a change in his demeanor. After this he started licking his lips/having trouble staying comfortable while sleeping. I cannot say if the two are linked or not, this is just when I noticed a big change in how he acts.


He walks around and opens his mouth/licks the way he does in this video...often. He is 4 and never had a teeth cleaning in his life and that is not due to lack of bad ownership but more that my vet bills for him alone are upwards of $20,000 (no I am not kidding). I have him scheduled for a checkup this Saturday because he is due and I am going to request a full blood panel and also schedule a teeth cleaning to see if there is a bad tooth somewhere in his mouth - it's literally the last thing I can think of doing.


Foods I have tried:

Taste of the Wild

Blue Buffalo

Blue Wilderness



Procedures done:

Endoscopy (showed mild irregularities to the duodenum but otherwise looked unremarkable)

Ultrasound (GI tract looked flawless)


Full blood panels

Adisons Disease test

Parasites (not tested lately)


Medications tried:


Omeprazol (Prilosec)



Others I cannot think of because I am at work...


I think I am just here to vent. You guys have always been amazing at listening and suggesting things. People just don't get it and I know I over exaggerate it but my girlfriend noticed a difference as well. This is crippling to me to see my dude uncomfortable and having absolutely no way to help him. Maybe this is just how huskies act...I don't know. I remember Odin from puppy to about 3 1/2 years old and we would fight play and have so much fun together. He is still extremely affectionate towards me but the play fights have stopped.


I have read everything there is to read, spoken to multiple different vets, specialists, and techs with no leads, advice or suggestions on what could be going on. Maybe someone can at the very least tell me if this is normal behaviour. Odin does this licking/yawning thing almost regularly....


Sorry for the long post...it's mostly venting as I have a vet appointment this Saturday to see what they tell me next. I haven't been back to them since the beginning/middle of summer.

Edited by jonnyc4t
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Sending hugs Johnny. Ice does that lip licking thing from time to time too, usually when he's nervous or anxious about something. Tbh Ice doesn't really play with me too often, he will occasionally but normally he prefers to keep himself to himself and goes off upstairs to sleep the day away. He's not the most affectionate of dogs.

Good luck with the vets, hope everything's ok. :huskyhugs:

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Sending hugs Johnny. Ice does that lip licking thing from time to time too, usually when he's nervous or anxious about something. Tbh Ice doesn't really play with me too often, he will occasionally but normally he prefers to keep himself to himself and goes off upstairs to sleep the day away. He's not the most affectionate of dogs.

Good luck with the vets, hope everything's ok. :huskyhugs:


Hey Emma,


Thanks for the response. If you had to guess...how often would you say your husky does this lip licking thing? Its that mixed with a weird yawn but it's not a real yawn. Maybe I am just losing my mind because this is my first dog and it's a husky? Perhaps he is permanently anxious/nervous and I need to treat him for that, I don't know yet.

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aww poor thing, he does look  little glum...but having said that my OH says that he thinks Holly (the newest member of the pack) is the saddest looking dog he has ever seen....sometimes she's smiley, but not always and she does look miserable. she plays, rarely with us or toys, but always with Skye, and sometimes she will give us a full on grin, usually when she's got up on my lap before Skye and its kind of a haha in her face!


regarding the lip licking, well both of mine have little quirks as i call them...Holly with stick out her tongue right out like she's got a hair in her mouth from time to time and Skye will open and close her mouth repeatedly a couple of times in a row...i don't know whether this is a nervous thing, a stress thing or just a habit.


both of them have miserable moments, Skye is a nightmare for missing meals and sulking in her crate for no reason at all (other than she's a girl and she's a husky!) and even though sometimes to look at them you wouldn't know it, they are happy dogs and they do have a great life, i think they have both benefited from having eachother (although they do take playtime to a whole new level from time to time)

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Hey Emma,

Thanks for the response. If you had to guess...how often would you say your husky does this lip licking thing? Its that mixed with a weird yawn but it's not a real yawn. Maybe I am just losing my mind because this is my first dog and it's a husky? Perhaps he is permanently anxious/nervous and I need to treat him for that, I don't know yet.

. I would say ice does it a few times per week. It's usually triggered by something, like if I sit near him and he thinks I'm going to pester him. He also does it when he wakes up from a nap.

Lip licking and yawning can be signs of anxiousness or stress. However if there was something up with his mouth/throat then it figures he'd be uncomfortable and lip licking. Hard to know if the cause is physical or psychological. Getting the vets to check for any dental problems is a good idea. It will at least rule it out as an option. [emoji2]

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aww poor thing, he does look  little glum...but having said that my OH says that he thinks Holly (the newest member of the pack) is the saddest looking dog he has ever seen....sometimes she's smiley, but not always and she does look miserable. she plays, rarely with us or toys, but always with Skye, and sometimes she will give us a full on grin, usually when she's got up on my lap before Skye and its kind of a haha in her face!


regarding the lip licking, well both of mine have little quirks as i call them...Holly with stick out her tongue right out like she's got a hair in her mouth from time to time and Skye will open and close her mouth repeatedly a couple of times in a row...i don't know whether this is a nervous thing, a stress thing or just a habit.


both of them have miserable moments, Skye is a nightmare for missing meals and sulking in her crate for no reason at all (other than she's a girl and she's a husky!) and even though sometimes to look at them you wouldn't know it, they are happy dogs and they do have a great life, i think they have both benefited from having eachother (although they do take playtime to a whole new level from time to time)


Hi Carly,


You put me a bit at ease with your post so I sincerely thank you for that. You have no idea how much time and energy I've devoted to my two babies so to see one act out of the ordinary and seem sad it really really gets to me and...well I panic. I have been trying to get better about it but let's be serious I don't have kids - these are my kids. I walk them 5-6 miles (~2hrs) a night with rarely ever missing a walk with them. Like everyone else on this forum they are my everything! Fingers are crossed that it's just a weird quirk he picked up along the way...all the vets that I have seen look at me like I make this stuff up.




. I would say ice does it a few times per week. It's usually triggered by something, like if I sit near him and he thinks I'm going to pester him. He also does it when he wakes up from a nap.

Lip licking and yawning can be signs of anxiousness or stress. However if there was something up with his mouth/throat then it figures he'd be uncomfortable and lip licking. Hard to know if the cause is physical or psychological. Getting the vets to check for any dental problems is a good idea. It will at least rule it out as an option. [emoji2]


Hey Emma,


Yeah Odin does it way more than that and for reasons I don't know. I'm talking like...20 times a day, everyday. :(

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I know close to nothing about the effects of skunk sprays, but I'd say the lip licking is stress-related. I have to say in the video he does look a little tense. Something must be up? Did you recently had a change in daily schedule or some sort? The thing is I don't want to tell you he's alright when I know you know him best. My boy is also very laid-back and aloof, but that's not depression. That's just who he is, and it shows. Could it be that you're stressed or nervous about something and he picked it up?

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The lip licking can be signs of stress.  It is possible he might have a tooth hurting him, and that would explain the eating issues.  When Nikko stopped eating, I tried adding stuff to his food -- big mistake!  He then expected the treat every time!  So, I would find a good food and stick with it, he will eat eventually, but if he doesn't eat in a couple days then I would think something else is up, not just him being picky.    Also, you mentioned that you began dating someone 4 months ago...was this about the same time where his demeanor changed significantly?  It might be a change in routine that he is getting used to.  Dogs, especially huskies can be OCD about routines.  Nikko is extremely OCD about things...he will even go an bury poop in the snow if I don't pick it up immediately. 


Also,  it could just be his age.  Nikko is almost the same age (3 1/2), and I have noticed he has calmed down alot. He also does that same licking thing as well, but I don't think it is 20+ times a day. 


It's understandable to be concerned about every change in their behavior.  It's better to be safe than sorry!

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I know close to nothing about the effects of skunk sprays, but I'd say the lip licking is stress-related. I have to say in the video he does look a little tense. Something must be up? Did you recently had a change in daily schedule or some sort? The thing is I don't want to tell you he's alright when I know you know him best. My boy is also very laid-back and aloof, but that's not depression. That's just who he is, and it shows. Could it be that you're stressed or nervous about something and he picked it up?


If Odin would snap out of whatever he has going on I would literally be the happiest I have been in years. Nothing really stressing me out or making me nervous. Work is always stressful but that's life! Believe me I am an expert in skunk spray after that occured last year - as far as everything I have read and have been told it's nothing to really be concerned about. Schedule has been the same. I got the puppy 9 months ago but this started about a month and a half before she arrived so I cannot blame it on her...plus he loves her.



The lip licking can be signs of stress.  It is possible he might have a tooth hurting him, and that would explain the eating issues.  When Nikko stopped eating, I tried adding stuff to his food -- big mistake!  He then expected the treat every time!  So, I would find a good food and stick with it, he will eat eventually, but if he doesn't eat in a couple days then I would think something else is up, not just him being picky.    Also, you mentioned that you began dating someone 4 months ago...was this about the same time where his demeanor changed significantly?  It might be a change in routine that he is getting used to.  Dogs, especially huskies can be OCD about routines.  Nikko is extremely OCD about things...he will even go an bury poop in the snow if I don't pick it up immediately. 


Also,  it could just be his age.  Nikko is almost the same age (3 1/2), and I have noticed he has calmed down alot. He also does that same licking thing as well, but I don't think it is 20+ times a day. 


It's understandable to be concerned about every change in their behavior.  It's better to be safe than sorry!


This has been going on since the spring time of last year so the new relationship shouldn't be it. He lets me finger around in his mouth and doesn't really pull away or show any signs of discomfort but I can clearly see there is plaque build up in there. I am seriously hoping it's just a tooth or his teeth need to be cleaned.


I hear you on adding stuff to the food...my 11 month old puppy could care less but he now looks at me like "UHHHHHHHH you forgot something..."

Edited by jonnyc4t
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Now I don't know how this would make me sound, but could it be that he's stressed because you're stressing over his stress? I mean... you get what I mean? Odin doesn't have the capability to know what you're worrying over. All he knows is that you're feeling uneasy, and that aura makes *him* feel uneasy. Running in circles, I know, but what about a cup of green tea to take your mind off things and see what happens next?

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Now I don't know how this would make me sound, but could it be that he's stressed because you're stressing over his stress? I mean... you get what I mean? Odin doesn't have the capability to know what you're worrying over. All he knows is that you're feeling uneasy, and that aura makes *him* feel uneasy. Running in circles, I know, but what about a cup of green tea to take your mind off things and see what happens next?


Funny you just said that Olivia, I just told my girlfriend "let's try ignoring it for a little bit and see what happens. Not even text about it". It's so super hard to ignore but I will certainly do my best and also have my vet check his mouth this Saturday.


Will continue to respond here to anyone else who may have suggestions, otherwise I will update once I see my vet and show him the video I posted here.

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My Harry gets so depressed and unresponsive time and again. Sometimes I think he'd be happier living with someone else :(  We have 2 other dogs, a husky x shepherd and a Malamute both are so much affectionate and happy compared to Harry, I don't know why this would be the case as they are all treated the same.  The only thing I can think of is that we had Harry first then the other two.  Maybe he resents having to share with them, maybe he'd rather be an only dog, I have no idea.  He's fed well, exercised regularly, he has two others to play with, he goes out in the car which he loves, just sometimes you'd think he's so depressed.


I personally think he's just so complex and I don't think it matters what I do, he will always have a moody side, but that's why I love him, because he's different to any other dog :)

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  • 3 months later...

Don't know if I finally pin pointed it to kibble or if it was just seasonal but Odin is happier than ever. After trying so many different things and a few vet trips later I went to a lesser known dog food store called "The Healthy Animal". It's not a mainstream/big corporation so they carry a lot of crazy dog foods and treats. They were very, very knowledgeable and when I explained what was going on with Odin they didn't seem too surprised like most people.


They suggested I try a dog food called sojos (https://www.sojos.com/). It's a very weird texture that you scoop from the bag and let sit in warm/hot water for about 15 minutes. You add in some protein and serve your pup. I have been using this for ~2 weeks and Odin's burping/licking/lethargic demeanor has reduced immensely. He is active and playing with Ahri on our walks again. Hopefully I have figured it out...


Now if I could just stop him from eating a lb of grass and making himself vomit every other walk. :rolleyes:

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the grass eating I have at the moment as well feels like I am walking 2 cows LOLOL...but I know it does not do any harm so I let them... :P


Good to know Rob, Odin sometimes frightens me with the amount he eats. But if he has food in his stomach it's like a snack, if he doesn't then he just vomits it up. I too walk two cows. Haha.

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That's great news :)


TBH I feel you are over anxious with Odin. It seems to be a husky thing for them to vomit every now and again. We forget that in the wild they'd only eat every 3 or 4 days yet in our homes they are having mostly 2 meals served up per day.  My boy will eat grass and throw up about every ten or so days, it used to worry the hell out of me but now I've just come to accept it. I think its his way of regulating his weight.

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That's great news :)


TBH I feel you are over anxious with Odin. It seems to be a husky thing for them to vomit every now and again. We forget that in the wild they'd only eat every 3 or 4 days yet in our homes they are having mostly 2 meals served up per day.  My boy will eat grass and throw up about every ten or so days, it used to worry the hell out of me but now I've just come to accept it. I think its his way of regulating his weight.


Clare, you're spot on. My girlfriend just said that to me literally 2 days ago. "Ahri could be limping and you'll tell her to walk it off but if Odin looks at you wrong you're calling the vet". :P

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