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Behavioral Issues


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I hope to god somebody here can help me because im at my wits end, so far 3 crates destroyed beyond repair or use my huskie is destroying the house on daily basis pulling food out of cabinets knocking over and breaking lamps pulling down curtains going up on the counters and pulling stuff down and no matter how much I discipline him he just doesn't seem to learn. he has got to be the most stubborn spiteful and thick headed dog I have ever owned please some one help befor I wind up selling him, I love him to death but I cant deal with this anymore

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Hello.  So sorry you are having a rough time :(


It would be a good idea if you can give a bit more background info on your dog.  How old is he, how long have you had him, what exercise is he getting, is he at home alone for long periods?


It maybe something really simple you can change however huskies can be destructive, one of mine is if he's left to his own devices.

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Oh dear... 


As Clare suggested, more info will help us to better understand what is going on or why.


My first thoughts would be that hiring a good trainer or behaviourist will be far cheaper than the cost of replacing the items being destroyed. It is an investment that will pay you back tenfold over the years  :)

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agree with the above but also wanted to mention that mine were great at busting apart their crates.  Something that can help make them a bit more stronger are reinforcing them all over with cable ties......think you call them zip ties in the states?  Ice used to demolish everything going at one point, crate training was a bit of a lifesaver.  He did become less destructive as he got older though.  Thank heavens for small mercies, lol.

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I'm assuming this happens when you go out.

Stairgates help keep them out of places they shouldn't be.

Cable tie (zip tie) the sides and corners of the crate stops them escaping the crate so easily.

physically and mentally tire them out before you go out.

Leave them puzzle balls / kongs etc, with treats in keeps them busy.

or even an empty fizzy drinks bottle with treats in.

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zip ties are great, although we have to use padlocks with Holly cos the little moo chews them off lol


if you can give us more info, like the others have said then between we are probably able to suggest some help.....first things first though, patience, even when you feel like there isn't anymore left in the world...take a deep breath and remove yourself from the situation. As angry as you might be, shouting at the dog won't help because he doesn't really understand why you are shouting and will just be frightened of you and that in itself is a whole different situation that equally won't help your current situation.


Lets see what you can tell us and we can go from there.... :)

Edited by Carly
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Jack is a little older then 3 yrs Ive owned him since he was about 10 weeks old. I did cable tie/ zip tie the cage for reinforcement but he literally broke the welds on the caging itself, all his destructiveness usually happens when I go to work hes home alone for about 9 hours a day hes not altered at all and I was looking into that as well to maybe calm him down Ive been looking for a trainer/behaviorist and I think I may have found a good one they base their prices on a case by case scenario after evaluating your dog and they never charge by the hour its a flat fee. As much as he drives me insane I love this little prick (lol) with all my heart and would hate to have to get rid of him. Since Im a very handy type person and since store bought cages don't seem to be durable enough I will be building him a cage this weekend and between my skills and frustration Houdini himself wont be able to get out of this damn thing let alone destroy it

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Is there a reason why he is breaking out? Does he have separation anxiety? If he does, making the crate indestructible may not be the best way to go...it will only reinforce it in his mind that the crate is a bad place to be - even more so that he can't escape from it! 

I think hiring a behaviourist is a good idea, it is hard to give advice about stuff like this over the internet...you really have to see it in person. Good luck, and let us know how it goes! 

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Is the pup truly home by himself does have another dog companion? Is there possibility of leaving them in the yard for small while? How's the crates been torn apart as a been chewed through the wire crates of just been broken you can support them better hardware. They also make industrial create T-5 if you can find them.

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How much exercise does he get? Can you send someone around midday to let him out and have a run around the garden or a quick walk? Mine is terribly destructive if she is not properly exercised. She doesn't chew out of her crate, thank goodness. 

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Like was said before, sounds like boredom.  Huskies can be extremely destructive if they are bored, so I would suggest more exercise to tire him out before leaving him home.  And if he is home alone for 9 hours in a row, that might be the problem too.  Mine get a break at lunch to be let out, and I make sure to walk them before leaving them.


I also had to train them to like their crates. When I got Kodiak he used to break out, so I had to use the zip ties, but that only did not work, I had to train him not to WANT to break out. 

Hopefully things calm down soon for you, I can imagine how frustrating it is.  Neutering might help, but it does not always calm them down.

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