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Not Loyal?


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I did months of research before I bought Meka. Every website, book, magazine I read said that Huskies are not loyal to their owners and when approached by a stranger would easily go with the stranger and leave you. I have found this to be totally untrue with not only Meka but the other huskies that we see on a regular basis at the dog park.


When someone approaches me Meka stands in front of me with her ears up almost as if shes ready to pounce if need be. Now she hasn't and I don't expect her to bite anyone unprovoked. She protects my 3 children like they are her own and doesn't let anyone come near them unless accompanied by me or my childrens mother. At the dog park she stays by me and doesn't take well to other dogs or strangers approaching me unless she knows them.


I guess my question is why does everyone say huskies are not loyal/protective of their "packs"? From everything I have seen not only is she protective but she knows that she is a member of this family and not seen as just a dog!!

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I think in general terms huskies are friendly to all and sundry, so are quite unlikely to protect you.  However you do get the odd one that's different.  I'd say my boy is loyal to himself and no one else, thankfully we've never been in a situation where he'd need to protect me but his 'wolfy' eyes are probably enough to make someone think twice before approaching me.


My Mal on the other hand is quite protective and very loyal, she follows me everywhere around the house and only settles when Im settled, then she will only be a few feet away from me. When we are out walking, if we pass someone and they stop to say hello, she will give them a very deep bark, like a warning that she is there (as if you'd miss her the great big lump) :)


My GSD x husky doesn't like or gets excited if any of my family embrace me, he will jump up at them, not sure if its a protective thing or just a 'can I be included too'.  Think it's probably the latter.


Like people all dogs are different :)

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Huskies are generally naturally friendly to everyone and everything.  Someone shows them a bit of affection and they're all over it, lol.  

However young pups are much more emotionally dependant upon their immediate family members so tend to follow you around much more than an adult will and also they can be quite nervous or wary of strangers until they get older and become desensitized to new things and people.  

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If she perceives you as being under threat then she may be well do, I have heard of other members who's dog can be protective under certain situations.  Not something i've experienced myself though.  Bear doesn't protect anyone or anything and Ice looks after number one, he'll protect himself but not anyone else. 


edit:  Yeah, sorry what I meant was when they're little they stick to you like glue and can be pretty wary of other things so will stick even closer by your side.  ice certainly did.  As he got older he found his own confidence and was much less inclined to be around me, other people are way more interesting then me, lol.

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As a general rule adult huskies love Humans.

Any Human.

My boy Darwin is sooooooo happy to meet new people.

a complete stranger could clip a lead on him and walk away from me and he wouldn't look back.

Not that he isn't really happy to see me when I get home, he is.

but they Love to be with people, they're just not too fussy which people.


People have asked do huskies make good guard dogs ??

NO!!! they will welcome a burglar into your home, show them where the good stuff is.

Make them coffee, Help load the van and jump in the back with a happy grin on their face.


Echo My White GSD she follows me everywhere, seriously I can't even take a dump without Echo :P

She is very loyal, and protective. it's a breed difference.

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Any dog can be protective of their pack. BUT at the same time, there are dogs with guarding instinct and there are dogs with zero sense of "stranger danger". Huskies fall to the latter group. Mine is wary of strangers when he's inside the house, but out on walks he couldn't care less. That being said, if said stranger walks in ignoring him, I know for sure he wouldn't try to defend his grounds. All bark and no bite. This doesn't mean they are not clingy to their humans though. The "not loyal" you read is probably focusing on the cat-like behavior found on some Huskies. Diamond is not cuddly at all. He tolerates being cuddled but will never ask for it. Each dog is different though.

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Skye can be a bit more protective as she is half GSD however she still LOVES people but i reckon someone threatening she would be protective.


Shadow is anyones he would go to anyone he is full husky and LOVES everyone. They are loyal but not in the same way a GSD would be for example they are extremely independent dogs!

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I will say this of my dogs, I don't think they are loyal but they play favorites? They love to meet new people but I can see the excitement is higher when they see someone they recognize. Which basically means most of the people that come to my house because they are repeat visitors. They actually don't care as much for strangers on the street. My newest girl, Leloo, who is also a puppy, DOES tend to linger near me or Cody when strangers are around. My sister (whom people tend to say looks like me) and her boyfriend were over the other night and he kept trying to reach out for her or get her to come to him and she would run away or hide behind me or my sister. I'm sure once she gets older she will be clear the gate just to greet anyone that comes through the door...Just some perspective from my end.  :) 

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My 3 are definitely not "loyal", and would happily go with anyone that gives them attention and/or treats, but they are happy to see me.  Everyone's dog is different though, I think it is that huskies are generally not loyal, there are always exceptions to the rule ;)

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I've owned several Siberian Huskies over a 21 year time span. They have all been loving, care free, escape artists, and . . They love every one. But are they loyal to me? Not in the slightest. Would they protect me? I honestly don't know, so I can't count on them doing so.

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I never thought mine would be protective, but since my ex moved out, Chula has become very protective of the house. She barks at noises, barks when the mailman comes to the door, and barked when I had a male visitor (she seems ok with women visitors). When my male friend gave me a hug, she got very nervous and barked and tried to come between us. I have never seen her show protective tendencies outside of the house, however.

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I've noticed Shadow once or twice has become protective with me. It's happened a few times when she sees random people. She won't greet them like she normally does and will just stand by my side, watching them carefully. Even if she spots someone in the park at night, most of the time she doesn't care, but this one guy the other night wandered in, Shadow ran straight to my side and was pretty much walking on my feet until we left and he was out of view. Shadow loves other people a lot, but she's my dog. She won't listen to other people if they give her commands unless it's my boyfriend or if they have a really tasty treat.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I guess my question is why does everyone say huskies are not loyal/protective of their "packs"? From everything I have seen not only is she protective but she knows that she is a member of this family and not seen as just a dog!!


Most people say Husky aren't protective dogs because they are too friendly. Mine gets his tail waving every time someone approach him.


The only time when I really saw him protective was when some teenagers were making noise in the street around 2am, Hachi was walking around the house growling then he laid down in front the door for the rest of the night.

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